Kikuchi Ophthalmology Clinic - Koriyama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kikuchi Ophthalmology Clinic

住所 :

2-chome-180 Asakamachi Arai, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 963-0111
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:15PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:15PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:15PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:15PM
Thursday 9AM–12:15PM
Friday 9AM–12:15PM

2-chome-180 Asakamachi Arai, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0111, Japan
木村龍星 on Google

人気の眼科です。とても混んでいるので待ち時間が心配でしたが、想定していたよりも待たずに診察してもらえました。 医師の説明も分かりやすかったです。 全体的に無駄がなく、医師、スタッフ、一生懸命にお仕事されている感じで好感が持てました。
It is a popular ophthalmology. I was worried about waiting time because it was so crowded, but I was able to see him without waiting longer than I had expected. The doctor's explanation was also easy to understand. Overall, there was no waste, and I was impressed by the feeling that the doctors, staff, and working hard were working hard.
MTLM on Google

医師や看護士さん、受付の方の対応は良いと思います。詳しい検査をして頂けると言う事でしたが予約がいっぱいで、4ヶ月待ちですが・・ただ、検査の予約を担当していた若い看護士さんの愛想があまり良くなかったように思います。評判が良い病院でも、たった一人の何気ない対応で、残念に感じました。 それと、コンタクトレンズを希望の方ですが隣の、病院指定のコンタクトレンズ店でのみしか処方せんを出して頂けません!こちらの病院と連携しているらしいですが・・他のお店で作れないようにでしょうか、処方せんは病院からそちらのお店に直接送るらしいです。医師からは、そんな説明もなく受付の方に聞きました。今回はメガネの処方せんを出して頂きましたが、いはずは、コンタクトレンズにしたい!と診察の時に言ったのに、その時に説明しろよ!と思いました。ちょっと、不愉快な気持ちになりました。 手術を必要とする患者には親切なのかも知れませんが、視力が悪くなったから眼鏡と言う患者にはあまり親切心を感じませんでした。
I think the correspondence of doctors, nurses, and receptionists is good. I was told that you could do a detailed examination, but the reservations are full and I have been waiting for 4 months ... However, I think the young nurse who was in charge of the examination reservation was not very friendly. Even at a well-reputed hospital, I was disappointed with the casual response of only one person. Also, if you want contact lenses, you can only prescribe them at the next hospital-designated contact lens store! It seems that it is linked with this hospital, but I wonder if it can be made at another store, it seems that the prescription will be sent directly from the hospital to that store. I asked the receptionist without such an explanation from the doctor. I had you give me a prescription for glasses this time, but I want to use contact lenses! I said at the time of the examination, but explain at that time! I thought. It made me feel a little uncomfortable. It may be kind to patients who need surgery, but I didn't feel very kind to patients with glasses because of their poor eyesight.
にょろーり3 on Google

いつも駐車場が満車のようですが、スタッフが多く 回転が早いのでそれほど待たされません。 (2018/12/11追記) 白内障の手術を受けましたが、準備から施術までの流れがスムーズで 最新の機材を使用していることもあり ほとんど体の負担なく終わることができました。 午後だけで先生1人で手術18件こなすというのは 腕が良いということなのでしょうね。
It seems that the parking lot is always full, but there are many staff The rotation is fast so you don't have to wait too long. (Added on 2018/12/11) I had cataract surgery, but the flow from preparation to treatment is smooth. Sometimes we are using the latest equipment I was able to finish with almost no physical burden. It ’s just in the afternoon that one teacher can do 18 surgeries. I think it means that you are good at it.
Take Sato on Google

スタイリッシュな眼科です。 先生の診断&治療、スタッフの対応が素晴らしいのはもちろんの事、建物のデザインや使い勝手、設備が凄いです。スタッフのユニフォームもカッコいい。置いてある本や小物まで洗練されてて驚きました。 待っている時、スタッフの方からお茶を頂きました。
It is a stylish ophthalmology. Not only the teacher's diagnosis & treatment and the staff's response are wonderful, but also the building design, usability, and facilities are amazing. The uniforms of the staff are also cool. I was surprised that the books and accessories that were placed were refined. When I was waiting, I got tea from the staff.
M m on Google

今回メガネの処方箋をもらいに初めてきました。 午前は12時まで診療時間だったので11時少し過ぎに行ったところ処方箋のみは11時で受付終了していて断られました。とんぼ返りも嫌だったので午後の診療を受けることに。 よくみたらHPの「診療を受けられる方へ」というところにちょこっと処方箋受付は診療終了時間の1時間前と…。見逃した私も悪いですがもっと分かるように書いてほしいなと思いました。 診療は待ち時間含めて1時間程度で終わりました。 そんなにじっくり検査することは無く、先生も診察初めの一言が「これで処方箋出しちゃっていいですか?」でした。より適切な検査をしてもらうため、現在の目の状況を聞くため、にきたのにこんなにあっさりと。他の眼科ではそのような対応をされた事がなかったのですごい不信感でした。はやく診察終わらせたい感がすごかったです。 メガネ屋さんに処方箋を渡したときも、処方箋に記入不備があり電話で聞くことに。。。 電話も繋がらず10分ぐらいかけてようやく出ました。本当になんなんだろうと思いました。(スタッフも多くいるなかで2回線しかないみたいです。何故?) 処方箋ですら記入不備があったことにもとても不安になりました。外観も室内も清潔感があってとてもいい施設だとは思いますが、もう一生行きません。
This is my first time to get a prescription for glasses. It was a consultation time until 12:00 in the morning, so when I went a little after 11:00, only the prescription was closed at 11:00 and was refused. I didn't like dragonflies, so I decided to go to the clinic in the afternoon. If you look closely, you can see that the prescription reception is one hour before the end of medical treatment at the place called "For those who can receive medical treatment" on the HP. I missed it, but I'm sorry, but I wanted you to write it so that you can understand it more. The medical examination was completed in about 1 hour including the waiting time. I didn't do the examination so carefully, and the teacher said at the beginning of the examination, "Can I get a prescription with this?" I came here to hear the current condition of my eyes so that I could have a more appropriate examination. I was very distrustful because I had never had such a response in other ophthalmologists. The feeling of wanting to finish the examination quickly was amazing. Even when I handed the prescription to the spectacles shop, I found that the prescription was incomplete and I decided to ask by phone. .. .. I couldn't connect to the phone and it took about 10 minutes to finally answer. I wondered what it really was. (It seems that there are only two lines among many staff. Why?) I was also very worried that even the prescription was incomplete. I think it's a very nice facility with a clean exterior and interior, but I won't go there for the rest of my life.
ぶーとん親方 on Google

When I arrived a little before 8 o'clock, about 15 people were lined up at the entrance. When the entrance opens at 8 o'clock, you will be given a reception slip in exchange for a medical examination ticket. I went there for the first time, but after writing the questionnaire, I was given the reception slip. At that time, it was already number 29. I was called about 15 minutes and did various eye examinations, but there are many young staff members and I will do the examinations one after another. I'm not sure about the examination, but since there are 4 examination rooms, it seems that there are 4 teachers. Therefore, the examination will be completed without waiting so much. The accounting was completed smoothly and I was able to return at around 9:30. The inside of the hospital is very clean and the flow is smooth, so the examination was completed without any frustration. I'd like to go there, but since there was nothing wrong with this time, it's done once (laughs).
くも on Google

I used to go there several times because it was dry eye. From the beginning, I felt a sense of incongruity, such as the fact that there was a tendency to shake hands with the teacher at the end, and the uniforms, exterior and interior of the staff were gorgeous. One day, I was told that I had no cataracts, but I was suddenly advised to have cataract surgery because of my age. The teacher's face and tone were different from before, and I was scared to be told in a strong atmosphere, and I was distrustful of recommending surgery like the palm of my hand, so I stopped going. rice field. I had the impression that cataract surgery was on sale, but in the end, did you take advantage of the elderly? I don't want to think about that, but I was very disappointed with that impression.
youhei on Google

ここ、おすすめできません。 視力検査はスタッフによって違う。 見えませんって言ってるのに、感じたほうでいいですよって。 でも、検査結果は同じ、どうして? 院長の診察は速いのなんの、患者無視、診察室二部屋かけもちだから。 混んでるから数こなすの大変なんでしょうかね?
I can't recommend it here. Vision tests vary by staff. You say you can't see it, but you should feel it. But the test results are the same, why? The doctor's examination is quick, because he ignores the patient and has two examination rooms. Isn't it difficult to do a few things because it's crowded?

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