世界の珈琲・日本のやきもの 大和屋 郡山安積店

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Contact 世界の珈琲・日本のやきもの 大和屋 郡山安積店

住所 :

Asakamachi Arai, Koriyama, 〒963-0111 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Fukushima

Asakamachi Arai, Koriyama, 〒963-0111 Fukushima,Japan
大雅(一陽来復) on Google

▼2015年12月に開店したばかりの、とてもきれいで素敵なお店です。こだわりのコーヒー豆と焼き物やグッズがたくさんあります。 「喫茶スぺ―ス」もあって、試飲しつつ、カステラとか珈琲ゼリーとか食べることができます。 ▼これからの暑い季節のために「水出し珈琲」が飲みたくて、専用の機材と珈琲豆を買いに参りました。とても丁寧な親切な対応で、とても勉強になりました( ..)φメモメモ ▼大和屋さんは全国40か所以上にお店があるそうです。オーナーさんは、ここと那須塩原店を経営してるそうです。大谷石の石蔵がある高崎本店で、定期的に修行されてくるとか。頭が下がります(*^^*) ▼郡山市安積町には、人口のわりに(約3万人が住む)、喫茶店が極めて少ないと嘆いていました。ところが、珈琲豆を扱う良店が多いことを再発見しました。 ▼わたしは珈琲を飲まないと、読書や原稿が進まない体質なので、こようなお店があって、幸せです。東京から引っ越してきて、良かったです(#^.^#)
▼ It is a very beautiful and nice shop that just opened in December 2015. There are a lot of discerning coffee beans and pottery and goods. There is also a “coffee space” where you can eat castella or strawberry jelly while tasting. ▼ I wanted to drink “watered rice cake” for the hot season, so I went to buy special equipment and coffee beans. Very kind and friendly, I learned a lot (..) φ Memo Memo ▼ Yamatoya has more than 40 stores nationwide. The owner seems to run here and the Nasushiobara store. They are regularly trained at the Takasaki headquarters where the Otani stone storehouse is located. Head down (* ^^ *) ▼ In Azumi-cho, Koriyama City, we lamented that there were very few coffee shops instead of the population (about 30,000 people lived). However, I rediscovered that there are many good stores that handle coffee beans. ▼ I am happy that there is a shop like this because I can't read and write unless I drink coffee. It was nice to move from Tokyo (# ^. ^ #)
toru on Google

雰囲気、サービス共にGOOD! コーヒー道の第1歩を踏み出しました?
Both atmosphere and service are GOOD! I took the first step on the coffee path.
葉山のyoko on Google

コーヒーが無くなりそうなので、買いにいきました。殻付きのアーモンドが美味しくて、それとカフェオレベースの瓶と大和ブレンドのコーヒーを200gです。試飲でコーヒーをおしゃれな器でカワイイチョコとカワイイカステラ付きで出してくれます ブルー?だったのですがコーヒーの名前忘れました!次回は、これを買おうとおもいました!お姉さんも感じ良く、又行きたくなるお店だと思います。
Since coffee is almost gone, I went shopping. The shelled almonds are delicious, and the café au lait based bottle and the Yamato blend coffee are 200g. The tasting will serve coffee in a stylish bowl with cute chocolate and cute squid stella It was blue, but I forgot the coffee name! Next time, I decided to buy this! I think it's a store where my sister feels good and wants to go again.
近内正昭 on Google

店の前は何度も通りますが、入りづらいので、入ったことはありまてん。 今度チャレンジしてみるかー? なかなか、はいりづらいー
I pass in front of the store many times, but it's difficult to enter, so I've never been there. Would you like to try it next time? ? It's hard to get in
kazunori hashimoto on Google

The cost is high. Beans don't come out in a special bag, but there are many types of coffee utensils.
佐藤里奈 on Google

I heard that there was Gakuto-kun's drip coffee and went to buy it. There were a lot of things that looked good as gifts, so I moved on. There are many types of coffee.
taka kazu on Google

見てるだけでも楽しいお菓子、駄菓子 コーヒー関連の食品が所狭しですが整然と並び お洒落な店内で作家物の陶器等も買う事が出来ます 珈琲豆を買うと試飲ですが本格的なサービス珈琲を ドリップして頂けます。 ゆったりなカウンター席があるのでオーダーでコーヒーを 出して貰いたくなる様な雰囲気の店です。
Sweets and candy that are fun just to look at Coffee-related foods are small but orderly You can also buy porcelain of the artist in a stylish shop When you buy coffee beans, it is a tasting, but a full-fledged service coffee You can drip. There is a spacious counter seat so you can order coffee It is a store with an atmosphere that you will want to get out.
Kazu Hashi on Google

The unit price is relatively high. There are many coffee utensils and cups. I want a more friendly reception.

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