Keihin General Hospital - Kawasaki

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Keihin General Hospital

住所 :

京浜総合病院(愛成会) 1 Chome-2-5 Shinjo, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 211-0044
Webサイト :

京浜総合病院(愛成会) 1 Chome-2-5 Shinjo, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0044, Japan
yuk ta on Google

受付の対応が良くない。 予約の電話は繋がってもそもそも出ない。 施設自体がとても古い。 設備も古い。 診察室の声が丸聞こえ。 長時間待たされる。 悪いところは色々あるように思われましたがそれは、個々人というよりこの病院自体の体制に問題があるように感じました。 総合病院なので色々な診療を受けられる点で見ればいい所だと思います。
The reception is not good. Even if the reservation phone is connected, it doesn't answer in the first place. The facility itself is very old. The equipment is also old. I can hear the voice of the examination room. I have to wait for a long time. There seemed to be many bad things, but I felt that there was a problem with the system of the hospital itself rather than with individuals. It's a general hospital, so I think it's a good place to see it because you can receive various medical treatments.
茶八(茶八) on Google

インフルエンザの予防接種で行きました。 コロナのクラスターも何度も出てるし、院内に入れば納得しますよ。これなら出るわって。 会社の繋がりが無ければ一生罹りたく無い病院です。
I went for a flu shot. Corona clusters have appeared many times, and I'm convinced if I enter the hospital. If this is the case, it will come out. It's a hospital that you don't want to get sick for the rest of your life without a company connection.
名探偵コナン on Google

子供が小学生の頃、膝を縫う怪我をして一週間消毒をしないといけなくてたまたまその日に雨が降ってたから、濡れたら膝が痛いと思い包帯の上からタオルを巻いて病院に行ったら、「何でこんなのやってるの?!」って言われた!! 産婦人科の医師も最悪ですね。 足を組んで貧乏ゆすりして話し方も上からでムカついたので本当にもう行きたくない。 本当、家から近いけど二度と行きたくない!! 医者が上からで偉そうな人ばかり。 ☆1つもあげたくないくならいです。
When my child was in elementary school, I had to sew my knees and disinfect them for a week. It happened to rain that day, so I thought my knees would hurt if I got wet, so I wrapped a towel over my bandage and went to the hospital. , "Why are you doing this ?!" !! Obstetricians and gynecologists are also the worst. I really don't want to go anymore because I crossed my legs and shook my poverty and talked from above. It's close to my house, but I don't want to go there again! !! All the doctors are from above and look great. ☆ I don't want to give one.
T K on Google

生理不順でかかりましたが、お前の生理は鼻血と一緒だ、と言われました 土曜日は10分の検診や薬を処方していただくのに3-4時間待ちますので、途中で行かなくなりました
I had irregular menstruation, but I was told that your period is the same as nosebleeds. On Saturdays, I have to wait 3-4 hours for a 10-minute checkup and prescription, so I stopped going halfway.
y o on Google

レントゲン撮るとき、名前聞かれません。 父を連れて行ったときは、レントゲン待ちしていたら、一時間も経過したので聞きに行ったら、会計あがってますよと言われました レントゲンは誰かが撮ったらしくちゃんと終わっていました 結局入院するときと退院するとき、病名が変わっていました レントゲンのことは病院側にもいいましたが、謝るのみ 改めて取り直しになりましたが、やはり名前は聞かれませんでした
When I take an X-ray, my name is not asked. When I took my dad, I was waiting for an X-ray, and an hour had passed, so when I went to hear it, I was told that the accounting was up. The X-ray was finished properly as if someone had taken it After all, the name of the disease changed when I was hospitalized and when I was discharged. I told the hospital about the X-ray, but I just apologized and tried again, but I wasn't asked for the name.
真実 on Google

My mother was hospitalized for 3 weeks. Amenity varies depending on what you use, but MAX is 1650 yen a day. I only cleaned it for 3 weeks, and I was put in a room for 3000 yen a day for a week without contacting my family. I don't want to be hospitalized anymore.
チャヌコニギ on Google

I heard that it will be a new hospital. I can't wait for the hospital to be clean. I think it's a very good hospital because all the nurses are kind and have a lot of humor.
Yohei on Google

夫婦ともに体調崩し、妻がすぐに診てもらえるか電話。受付の女性の態度がひどかったみたいです。症状など聞かれ、最終生理はいつかも聞かれたようで、回答したらなぜか笑われたそうです。 ワクチン打ったかも聞かれ、妻は打っていて私は打っていないのですが、打っていない旦那さんは他のところあたってくださいとのこと。 ワクチン打っていないがゆえに診療拒否って… まずその受付の女性の態度がやばすぎます。
Break physical condition to the husband and wife both, phone or wife get to examination immediately. It seems acceptance of women's attitude was terrible. Asked such symptoms, the final physiological sometime seems also was asked, it seems to have been laughed at for some reason When you have the answer. Asked be struck vaccine, the wife is not hit me, but I do not hit, Mr. husband not hit it with Please consult other place. Do not hit the vaccine, but therefore I practice denial ... First woman of attitude of the receptionist is too Yaba.

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