Eda Memorial Hospital - Yokohama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Eda Memorial Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-1 Azaminominami, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 225-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 225-0012
Webサイト : http://www.ims.gr.jp/edakinen/

1 Chome-1 Azaminominami, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 225-0012, Japan
hiromi hayashi on Google

とんでもない病院です。 数年前にいた3人の先生方は人として接してくれ患者の言葉も聞いてくれていましたが、今の◯長は精神患者のことを人としてみていない、患者に寄り添う気持ちもない。ただの金儲け。ホームページに載っている言葉は大ウソ。おすすめできません。星一つもつけたくないくらいです。
A ridiculous hospital. The three teachers who were a few years ago treated me as a person and listened to the patient's words, but now ◯cho doesn't look at a psychiatric patient as a person and doesn't feel close to him. Just make money. The words on the homepage are great lies. Not recommended. I don't want to even get a star.
秀一松岡 on Google

It is a 4-5 minute walk from Eda Station. There is a parking lot at the hospital (the number is small), but there is also a general parking lot ?️? right next to it. The reception is on the 2nd floor up the escalator. It feels like I'm always sick, but ❗ While the corona is popular, there is no temperature measurement at the entrance, and the thermometer is handed over at the reception desk and handed over to the reception desk? Different from other hospitals (I think it's okay ❗
on Google

I was hospitalized for several months, but the nurses were kind except for a few and the hospital was clean. The problem was that when I was suspected of having a certain disease name and took the medicine, I got sick due to side effects and repeated adjustments to the medicine. It was a misdiagnosis. Was it due to the doctor's stiff thinking and beliefs? If you fail to choose a doctor, you will get stuck.
Yu Kabumoto on Google

酷い病院でした。初回だったのですがまず電子カルテを使っておらず、あとで記載するのか診察中はメモ書き程度。処方箋も当然手書き。 挙句処方を間違えたのですが、薬剤師が直そうと電話したところ、まず医師に直通の電話がなく、直接言いに行かないといけないとかで時間がかかる。おまけに担当医がいないし、カルテに書いていない(それさえも書いていないのかもともと大したことを書いていないのか)から変えられないの一点張り、挙句薬が欲しいなら病院へ来いみたいなことを言われました。信じられないほど悪質です。 一回行っただけですがもう二度と行きたくないです。誠意のかけらもない病院でした。 ちなみに駐車場代もとります。
It was a terrible hospital. It was the first time, but I didn't use the electronic medical record first, so I wrote a memo during the examination to see if I would write it later. Of course, the prescription is also handwritten. After all, I made a mistake in the prescription, but when the pharmacist called to fix it, it took time because the doctor didn't have a direct phone call and I had to go directly to say it. In addition, there is no doctor in charge, and I can't change it because I didn't write it in the medical record (maybe I didn't even write it or I didn't write a big deal). I was told. Incredibly malicious. I only went there once, but I don't want to go there again. It was a hospital with no fragments of sincerity. By the way, we also charge a parking fee.
杉田t on Google

火曜日に心療内科を受けました。 対応は威圧的でイライラしているように対応してきます。実家に戻る為、次の診察で状態を見て紹介状を書きます。と言われて行けば、いきなり地元で掛かる心療内科の病院名を言え。でないと書けない。とかいきなり言ってくるような所です。 事前に言ってくれれば決めてきたのに…と思いつつ、決めていないです。と言うと更に苛立つような態度に…テキトーに早く決めればいいんですよ。とか対応は酷いモノでした。そのやり取りが330点、完全に実費だったら3300円の価値がある"精神科専門療法"らしいです。 私は産休で、今月いっぱいだから来月になったら紹介状は書けません。といわれ、仕方なく待合室でスマホ使って近場の病院名を伝えました。 個人の感想として、最悪の病院でした。産休で休んだら、そのまま2度と医療の現場に帰ってきてほしくないと感じました。 いや、ここ、実質的に病院じゃないよ…ただの金稼ぎ場になってる…
I had a psychosomatic medicine on Tuesday. The response will be intimidating and frustrating. In order to return to my parents' house, I will write a letter of introduction after seeing the condition at the next examination. If you say that, suddenly say the name of the hospital for psychosomatic medicine that you will be calling locally. You can't write without it. It's a place that suddenly says something like that. I had decided if I told you in advance, but I haven't decided. That makes me even more frustrated ... I should decide on Tekito early. The correspondence was terrible. It seems that the exchange is 330 points, and if it is completely actual cost, it is worth 3300 yen as a "psychiatric specialty therapy". I'm on maternity leave and I can't write a letter of introduction next month because it's the end of this month. It was said that I had no choice but to use my smartphone in the waiting room to tell the name of the nearby hospital. As an individual impression, it was the worst hospital. When I took a rest on maternity leave, I felt that I didn't want him to come back to the medical field again. No, it's not really a hospital here ... it's just a place to make money ...
koji on Google

入院した方が回復が早いと期待していましたが 実際に入院してみると 医師の診察は週二回だけ数分簡単。 病院側に対し 根本的なメンタル面を回復してもらえると思ったのですが、薬で落ち着いているだけです。 医者は当たり前のていの良い言葉を並べるだけ… 長い時間のカウンセリングの傾聴、心の在り方や考え方の啓蒙、病気との付き合い方の心理指導などはありません。                  退院の話をされないので、その事を聞くと、しれっと、入院延長を勧められましたが、一般庶民の私は、治癒の効果を感じられないことに浪費できないので断りました。 患者側のコスト意識皆無 事務的で、形骸的に仕事してます感が満載 治療を受けている実感はありませんでした。 一見は良い病院、頼りになりそうな女性医師と期待できましたが、この杜撰な仕事内容で、高い収入を得ていると思うとゾッとしますね。どれだけ忙しいのか知りませんが…結果云々以前に、やる気も本気で患者を理解しようとする気概も感じませんでした。所詮は、精神科医の達成感とモチベーションも、患者の治癒よりもお金に立脚しているのでしょうか。 精神科=心の専門家という盲信は捨てました。 はっきり言って、薬の処方箋を書くばかりで病名のレッテル貼りだけでは素人と大差なく、最後は外部機関に託される落ちならば、端から受け入れている意味もわかりません。 退院間際に自らの病状を聞くと、「入院生活だけでは、なかなか症状を判断するのはね~」と、他人事の信じられない返答。 患者を理解しようとする熱心な診察すらしていないのに、驚愕です。これで適切な診断をできるのですか? 口コミどおりでこれでは、医は算術と言われますよね。 国会でも精神医療が結果を伴わないのに、莫大な医療費用の負担になっていることが問題定義されましたが、頷けます。 藁にも縋る思いでしたが、家族の支えと自助で頑張ります。
I expected that the person who was hospitalized would recover faster. When I actually get hospitalized Seeing a doctor is easy, only twice a week for a few minutes. To the hospital side I thought it would restore my fundamental mental health, but I'm just calming down with the medicine. Doctors just line up the good words that are commonplace ... There is no long-term counseling listening, enlightenment of the state of mind and way of thinking, and psychological guidance on how to deal with illness. I wasn't told about discharge from the hospital, so when I heard about it, I was advised to extend the hospitalization, but as a general public, I refused because I couldn't waste it because I couldn't feel the healing effect. No cost awareness on the patient side It's clerical and full of feelings of working like a skeleton I didn't feel like I was being treated. At first glance, I could expect a good hospital and a female doctor who could be relied on, but I'm horrified to think that I'm earning a high income from this poor work content. I don't know how busy I am ... but before the results, I didn't feel motivated or seriously trying to understand the patient. After all, is the psychiatrist's sense of accomplishment and motivation based on money rather than patient healing? I abandoned the blind belief that psychiatry = a mental expert. To be clear, just writing a prescription for a drug and labeling it with the name of the disease is not much different from an amateur, and if it is a failure entrusted to an external institution at the end, I do not know the meaning of accepting it from the end. When I heard about my medical condition just before I was discharged, I couldn't believe the other person's affairs, saying, "It's hard to judge the symptoms just by staying in the hospital." I'm surprised that I haven't even had an enthusiastic examination to understand the patient. Can this make a proper diagnosis? According to the word of mouth, doctors are said to be arithmetic. Even in the Diet, it was defined as a problem that psychiatric care is a huge burden of medical expenses even though it has no consequences, but I can nod. I thought I would swear with straw, but I will do my best with the support and self-help of my family.
nagi takahashi on Google

星一つも付けたくないのですが、通いたて数年はお世話になったので。 女医の対応があまりに酷いため二度目の産休を言い出された際に転院を希望。一度目の時に早く言えば良かったです。向こうもこちらを診る気はないようでしたし、時間の無駄だったのが悔しい。 土曜日でも予約できるメリットで10年以上通っていたのに、火曜担当の医師が頑なに予約をさせてくれませんでした。理由は症状が軽いから。(何を根拠に?) クチコミでもこの女医への不信感を同じように感じている方がいて安心しました。 予約制なのに待合室で30分以上待たされた挙句に診察室に呼ばれて入れば「調子はどうですか〜?」だけで症状や生活環境の話を親身に聞くでもなく、適当に惰性で薬を出しているだけ。診察時間3分もないですね。 血の通ってない人形みたいな医師でした、まだAIの方が身体にあった薬を処方をしてくれそうです。 内科でも胃の痛みがあって受診したら、そんな説明じゃわからない、今すぐレントゲン撮る?胃カメラ飲む?などと高圧的に言われて驚きました。 痛みの様子って普通はオノマトペを混じえて説明するものだと思うのですが、意図が通じなくてイラつかれました。理不尽です…。 昔はそれなりに名医もいらっしゃって立地も良くて便利な病院でしたが、本当に医師の質が落ちました。親身で対応の良かった先生は尽く半年で居なくなります、つまりはそういう病院なんでしょう。
I don't want to add a single star, but I've been indebted for a few years. The female doctor's response was so terrible that she hoped to be transferred to another hospital when she was offered a second maternity leave. I should have said it early at the first time. I didn't seem to want to see him over there, and I regret that it was a waste of time. The doctor in charge of Tuesday did not let me make a reservation stubbornly even though I had been attending for more than 10 years because of the merit of being able to make a reservation even on Saturday. The reason is that the symptoms are mild. (What is the basis?) I was relieved that there was a person who felt the same distrust of this female doctor in the word of mouth. Even though it is a reservation system, if you are called to the doctor's office after waiting for 30 minutes or more in the waiting room, you do not just ask "How are you?" I'm just doing it. The consultation time is less than 3 minutes. He was a doctor like a doll without blood, and it seems that AI will prescribe a medicine that suits his body. Even in internal medicine, if I have a stomach ache and have a medical examination, I don't understand that explanation, do you want to take an X-ray now? Do you drink a gastrocamera? I was surprised to hear that it was overwhelming. I think that the state of pain is usually explained with onomatopoeia, but I was frustrated because I couldn't understand the intention. It's unreasonable ... In the old days, it was a convenient hospital with some good doctors and a good location, but the quality of doctors has really deteriorated. The teachers who were kind and responsive will disappear in half a year, that is, such a hospital.
K Appa on Google

他院で健康診断したところ再検査した方が良いと言われ、こちらの病院が家から近くすぐ行かれるのでお電話しました。 事務の方が快くいらしてくださいと言って下り、さらに内科の女医先生は大変お優しく的確にCT.レントゲン、血液検査をして下さり、大学病院にすぐに紹介状を作成してくれました お陰様でスムーズな受診が出来、病気もものすごく悪いものではなく診断してもらえて感謝しかありません。 この場をお借りしてお礼申し上げます。 こういう病院が近くにあって本当に良かったと思います。 来年の健康診断はこちらでお願いしようと思います
When I had a medical examination at another hospital, I was told that it would be better to have a re-examination, and I called because this hospital is near my house. The clerical staff asked me to come, and the female doctor in internal medicine gave me a CT. X-ray and a blood test very kindly and accurately, and immediately created a letter of introduction to the university hospital. rice field Thanks to you, I was able to receive a smooth medical examination, and I am grateful that my illness was not extremely bad and I was diagnosed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you. I'm really glad that such a hospital is nearby. I'd like to ask for a health checkup next year.

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