Keiai Family Clinic - Saitama

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Keiai Family Clinic

住所 :

422-1 Minaminakano, Minuma Ward, Saitama, 337-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 337-0042
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

422-1 Minaminakano, Minuma Ward, Saitama, 337-0042, Japan
けんりほこ on Google

Unfortunately, the receptionists. Even though it was within the reception hours, I was able to go home because there were a lot of people scheduled to see the doctor in the morning, but when I said that I would wait, I was very disgusted, and the receptionists shouted, "I'm waiting for 30 more people, but it's impossible." I was so disgusted when I was told by the patient that I could hear it. It's been crowded recently, so it's a half-hearted response every time. The rest is just talking as others have said. Teachers and nurses are very polite and smile.
r n on Google

When I moved and thought I wouldn't look for a new clinic, I asked an acquaintance to tell me about this. The director was kind, polite, and reassuring. Thank you for your continued support!
K Jasmine on Google

The person who answers the phone has a very cold and high-pressure impression. The teachers and nurses are polite and kind, so I trust them, but I don't want to just call. When I make a vaccination appointment or have something to ask, I get a call, but I get thrown away. "Please say it again" or "What? "Isn't there any other way to say it? I'm really sorry.
Hitomi on Google

近隣の薬局の薬剤師さんがおすすめしてくれた病院なので、電話で健診の予約をしてみましたが本当に電話対応が冷たく高圧的。他の皆さんの口コミに書いてある通りでびっくりしました。 予約日の変更をお願いしたくて再度電話をしたら、年内も来年も予約いっぱいですと冷たく言われ、予約がいっぱいなのはしょうがないですが上から目線な態度が電話からも伝わってきて嫌な対応でした。これだけ受付の方のひどい電話対応が口コミに書かれているのに改善はしないのでしょうか。
The hospital was recommended by a pharmacist at a nearby pharmacy, so I made an appointment for a medical examination over the phone, but the telephone response was really cold and high-pressure. I was surprised as it was written in the reviews of other people. When I called again to ask for a change in the reservation date, I was coldly told that the reservations were full this year and next year, and it is unavoidable that the reservations are full, but the attitude from the top is transmitted from the phone and it is an unpleasant response. did. Isn't there any improvement even though the word-of-mouth communication says that the receptionist has such a terrible telephone response?
Cano Three on Google

院長先生ではなかったときのこと。 発熱で診てもらったら、 検査しますか? 何のお薬いりますか?と聞かれ 全てこちらの判断でした。 あの方は医師ではなかったのでしょうか? 処方箋は隣の調剤薬局に送っておくので車で待機との事。 処方箋送り忘れで2時間待ちました。 病院からの謝罪なし。 人としてどうかと思います。 【【【患者に寄り添えない病院です。】】】 病気の時に行くところではありません。 更に気分が悪くなります。
It was when I wasn't the director. If you have a fever, Do you want to inspect? What kind of medicine do you need? Asked It was all this decision. Wasn't he a doctor? The prescription will be sent to the next dispensing pharmacy, so I will wait by car. I forgot to send my prescription and waited for 2 hours. No apology from the hospital. I think as a person. [[[It is a hospital that does not get close to patients. ]]] It's not the place to go when you're sick. I feel even worse.
つばさ on Google

この病院は患者を雑に扱いすぎる 受付の女性の態度あれはないです。 どのぐらいかかるか聞いたら番号です番号番号見て待ってくださいとのこと。あり得ません。 子連れで体調が悪い子をつれて来ているのだからそれなりの対応してください。 自宅から近いから通っているようなものです。
This hospital treats patients too poorly The attitude of the female at the reception is not that. If you ask how long it will take, it's a number. Please wait for the number. No way. I am bringing a child who is not feeling well with my child, so please take appropriate measures. It's like going there because it's close to home.
a m.a on Google

The teachers who see you are all very kind and wonderful hospitals. I want to recommend it. However, as in other reviews, I was surprised at the terrible telephone response the other day. Is it the same person? Are you angry from the moment you leave? High pressure as I think. It's a pity that the direct receptionist responds comfortably. If you are the same person when you call again, I would love to hear your name.
あたおか on Google

先生や看護師さんの対応は☆5どころか☆100もあげたいぐらい、とてもいい方々です!ですが、他の方々も言っているように電話対応もですが、受付がほんとに悪すぎる。。1.2年前はとても受付も電話対応も、とても良かったのにほんとに残念です。 電話対応が「うん。」みたいな心地よい返事では無いので受付を変えていただきたいぐらいです。これからも来院しますが先生の対応がとてもいいので受付もそこまで対応を良くしろとは言いませんが、残念でした。 先生や看護師さんのためにも☆3とさせていただきます。
The correspondence of teachers and nurses is so good that I want to give 100 instead of 5! However, as other people have said, telephone support is also available, but the reception is really too bad. .. 1.2 years ago, the reception and telephone support were very good, but I'm really disappointed. The telephone response is not a pleasant reply like "Yeah." So I would like you to change the reception. I will continue to visit the hospital, but the teacher's response is very good, so the receptionist does not say that I should respond so well, but I was disappointed. It will be ☆ 3 for teachers and nurses.

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