
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ナチュラルスポーツクラブ

住所 :

Kawayanagicho, Koshigaya, 〒343-0827 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.nsctop.net/
街 : Saitama

Kawayanagicho, Koshigaya, 〒343-0827 Saitama,Japan
Toshiyuki HORI on Google

Super Good!
tatsuya sugawara on Google

I have children. It ’s tough, but I think it ’s a very good teacher.
51 Judy on Google

It is a gymnastics club where children who are not good at physical education can enjoy practicing gymnastics, because they will give guidance on gymnastics according to the children's athletic ability.
くぅ10kumi on Google

年中からお世話になり、子どもが小学生コースに通っています。けじめある厳しさもあり、無理せず一人ひとりの子どもの力を伸ばしてくださるコーチです。 運動は苦手な我が子も、ここにお世話になり基礎的な体の動かし方から教えてもらい、ずいぶんできることが増えました!
I am taken care of from the middle of the year and my child is attending an elementary school course. He is a coach who has the rigor and rigor to grow the power of each and every child. My child, who is not good at exercising, was taken care of here, and I was taught a basic way to move my body.
キャサリン33 on Google

凄くオススメの体操教室です! 定員制なので ちゃんと出来るまで、何度も教えてくれます! 早めに入会しないと、すぐキャンセル待ちになってしまう程。 先生も、メリハリがありきちんと指導してくれます!優しくて親しみやすいです
This is a highly recommended gymnastics class! Since it is a capacity system, it will teach you many times until you can do it properly! If you don't join early, you'll be waiting for cancellation right away. The teacher is also sharp and will teach you properly! Gentle and friendly
田中悦子 on Google

My grandchildren are attending. It's been 3 years since I went there. How ❗ There are gymnastics men's Olympic athletes from this sports club. It seems that there are so many students now that they can't join the club. Great for active kids. I come from various schools, but I also make friends at the club. I am moving around happily every time.
塩原史絵 on Google

The manners of the guardian of the user are bad. Stopping the car to pick you up in a messy place, the manners are too bad. Anyway, the pick-up car is in the way. If you come by car, please do it only in front of the facility.
あかつき on Google

息子が3年通っています。熟練の先生が元気に楽しく指導してくれている様で毎週楽しく通っています。 ただとても人気があるので入会待ちがたくさんいるみたいです。いつでも好きな曜日に入会するというのは難しいですね。幼児クラスは多少の空きがあるので早目に入会すれば小学生クラスにすんなり入れますよー。
My son has been attending for 3 years. It seems that a skilled teacher is cheerfully and happily teaching me, and I enjoy going there every week. However, it seems that there are many waiting for membership because it is so popular. It's difficult to join anytime on your favorite day of the week. There is some space in the infant class, so if you join early, you can easily enter the elementary school class.

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