Kawagoe TA Clinic - Kawagoe

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawagoe TA Clinic

住所 :

U_PLACE MEDICITY 6階 8-1 Wakitahoncho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 350-1123
Webサイト : https://kawagoe.taclinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

U_PLACE MEDICITY 6階 8-1 Wakitahoncho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1123, Japan
小林恵子 on Google

以前から気になってたエラを 自分にクリスマスプレゼントと思いボトックスをしてみようと川越TAクリニックさんにきました 受付の方はじめ 説明してくれた方も 志村院長も優しく説明していただいて 安心して受けれました やってよかったと思いました
Kawagoe TA Clinic came to Kawagoe TA Clinic to think that Ella, who had been anxious for a long time, was a Christmas present for herself. I was glad I did it
きょんぽちゃ on Google

クリニックもとても清潔感があり、スタッフの方も優しく対応して頂きました。また施術中もナースの方が優しくぽんぽんして傍にいてくださり、安心して施術を受けることができました♪♪ そしてなんと言っても施術前と後では顔が全然違います!!顔周りがとってもスッキリとしていて、周りの友達からも目に見えてわかるほど効果があり本当にやって良かったと思いました。ありがとうございました!
The clinic was also very clean and the staff were kind to me. Also, during the treatment, the nurse was kinder and pomponed by me, so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind ♪♪ And after all, the face is completely different before and after the treatment !! The area around the face is very refreshing, and it is so effective that it can be seen by friends around me, so I was really glad I did it. thank you very much!
m y on Google

店舗が綺麗でスタッフの方たちはとても丁寧で感じが良い方たちばかりです。 今回ヒアルロン酸を注入しましたが、先生は何度も確認してくださり、希望通りのフェイスラインになりました。 ありがとうございました。
The store is beautiful and the staff are all very polite and pleasant. I injected hyaluronic acid this time, but the teacher checked it many times and the face line was as desired. Thank you very much.
戸田桜 on Google

頬のたるみが気になりだし、美容クリニックを検索していたところ川越TAクリニックを見つけ伺ってみることにしました。 カウンセラーの方が親身に相談にのってくれ、先生も穏やかな方で安心してお任せすることができました。 痛みもなくそれほどなく、輪郭がシュッとなってとても嬉しいです。 糸井先生にお願いしてよかったです! 周りにも勧めようと思います。 この度はありがとうございました!
I was worried about the sagging cheeks, so when I was searching for a beauty clinic, I decided to find the Kawagoe TA clinic. The counselor was kind enough to give me a consultation, and the teacher was a calm person, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence. It's not so painful and I'm very happy that the contours are smooth. I'm glad I asked Professor Itoi! I will recommend it to those around me. Thank you for this time!
ワタヒラ on Google

I had them correct the double burial that I received at another hospital. Since there was a double left-right difference between the right and left, I stopped the left eye at 3 points, but when I was buried at another hospital last time, the downtime was quite long and the swelling was still noticeable even after 1 month. However, I had Dr. Shimura do it in a way that had as little swelling as possible, and the swelling had almost disappeared around the 4th to 5th days, so I didn't get to know him. The finish is also very satisfying with the double widths on the left and right!
脇田かすみ on Google

マスクを外した時に法令線が気になり、糸リフトをお願いしました。初めてだった為ものすごく緊張してしまいましたが、痛みもほとんどなく、腫れも少なく、本当にやって良かったと思いました。1ヶ月経っていませんが、肌に艶が出たのも実感しております。 院内がとても綺麗で、スタッフの方皆さん優しくて、特に施術中に看護師の方が体をトントンしてリラックスさせて下さり、安心して受ける事ができました。 次も何か相談したい時は、こちらにお世話になりたいと思っています。本当にありがとうございました!
When I removed the mask, I was worried about the law line, so I asked for a thread lift. It was my first time, so I was very nervous, but there was almost no pain and there was little swelling, so I was really glad I did it. It's been less than a month, but I've also noticed that my skin has become glossy. The inside of the hospital was very beautiful, and all the staff were kind. Especially during the treatment, the nurses relaxed my body and I was able to receive it with peace of mind. If you would like to discuss something next time, I would like to take care of you. I'm really thankful to you!
越川美容子 on Google

糸リフトで検索していたらTAクリニックがヒットし、自宅から比較的近い川越にもクリニックがあっので、受診してみました。カウンセリングもゴリ押しされること無く自分の希望をよく聞いて頂けて安心して受けることが出来ました。 実際に受けた施術は【TAC式ツヤ肌コラーゲンリフト極】です。手術中はほとんど痛みを感じること無く、術後も1週間後には腫れ、痛みとも落ち着いて、今2週間経ちましたがどんどん輪郭が引き上がっていく感じがします。コラーゲンの糸という事で、お肌の調子もとてもいいです。
When I searched with the thread lift, the TA clinic was a hit, and there was a clinic in Kawagoe, which is relatively close to my home, so I went to see it. I was able to receive counseling with peace of mind because I was able to listen to my wishes without being overwhelmed. The treatment I actually received was [TAC type glossy skin collagen lift pole]. I felt almost no pain during the operation, and one week after the operation, the swelling and pain subsided, and now two weeks have passed, I feel that the contours are gradually rising. As it is a collagen thread, the condition of the skin is also very good.
i m on Google

志村先生 二重埋没 最初のカウンセリングでは埋没の方法や自分の目に合うデザインまで1時間程度しっかり説明してくれました。スタッフの対応も丁寧で優しかったです。 理想の幅でとてもよかったです。
Shimura sensei Double burial In the first counseling, he explained the method of burial and the design that suits his eyes for about an hour. The correspondence of the staff was also polite and kind. It was very good with the ideal width.

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