Kawachi-Nagano Station - Kawachinagano

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawachi-Nagano Station

住所 :

29 Honmachi, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0015, Japan

Postal code : 586-0015

29 Honmachi, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0015, Japan
南形浩 on Google

It is very convenient because it is directly connected to the Nankai train and Kintetsu train. It is the starting point for Kanshinji, Kongo-ji, and Enmei-ji, which are registered as Japanese heritage sites.
みりももた on Google

There is a bus to go to Mt. Kongo. When I come back from the mountain, I take a rest at Mister Donut or buy Japanese sweets at Tanbaya.
南田悟 on Google

割と大きな駅です。駅舎内には100円ショップや駄菓子屋があり、商業施設「ノバティながの」と連絡しております。 近鉄線と南海線の改札があり、乗り換え駅として使用可能です。互いに隣接しているのでわかりやすいかと思いますが、間違えないように。
It's a relatively large station. There is a 100-yen shop and a candy store in the station building, and we are in contact with the commercial facility "Novati Nagano". There are ticket gates for the Kintetsu Line and Nankai Line, and it can be used as a transfer station. It's easy to understand because they are adjacent to each other, but don't make a mistake.
どこかで生まれた男か女か on Google

南海は各停から特急まで全列車とまる、やや大きめの駅です。 駅中もいろんなテナントが入り、駅前は結構開けてて生活に困るようなことはなさそうですね。 難波からの各駅停車はこの駅まで、急行はこの駅以降は各駅にとまります。難波までのアクセスも悪くないいい所に立地している駅と思います。近鉄とも接続してるので利用者は多いはずですがその割には券売機の数が寂しい気がしました。
Nankai is a rather large station where all trains from local trains to limited express trains stop. There are various tenants in the station, and it seems that the front of the station is quite open and there is no problem in life. Local trains from Namba stop at this station, and express trains stop at each station after this station. I think the station is located in a good location with good access to Namba. Since it is also connected to Kintetsu, there should be many users, but I felt that the number of ticket vending machines was lonely for that.
猪野修康 on Google

久しぶりに行きましたが 、幼少のころからなじみがあり、山登りの訓練でこちらにはよく行きますので なじみ深いところです。 周辺に商店街とかショッピングモールもありますが 、やはり 少し人が少ないです。 学校とか 学習塾とかがたくさんあり勉強には適した場所かなと思います。 また少し歩くと自然が非常に多いので 、やはり気持ちが少しほっとするところもあります。 高野街道があるのでやはり高野山に向かう人々の中継地点でもあり、寺社仏閣も たくさんあり 信仰深いところではあるかなと思います。こういう場所は自分自身心が洗われます。
I've been there for the first time in a while, but I've been familiar with it since I was a child, and I often go there for mountain climbing training, so I'm familiar with it. There are shopping streets and shopping malls in the area, but there are still a few people. There are many schools and cram schools, so I think it's a good place to study. Also, if you walk a little, there is a lot of nature, so there are places where you can feel a little relieved. Since there is Koya Kaido, it is also a relay point for people heading to Mt. Koya, and there are many temples and shrines, so I think it is a religious place. These places will wash your heart.
市村寿男 on Google

以前、金剛山へは富田林から金剛山へ入ることが多かったが、自宅からの乗り換え回数が少ない河内長野から30年ぶりで金剛山に登った。 きれいな駅で30年前の面影もなく、久しぶりという感じではなかった。 現南海高野線となる高野鉄道が1898年に狭山から延伸、当時の終着駅として開設した河内長野駅へ、1902年に現近鉄長野線となる河南鉄道が滝谷不動駅から乗り入れてきたもので、1922年には南海鉄道と大阪鉄道の駅となり、1944年には戦時政策で近畿日本鉄道に合併し、線路もつながっていた。1947年に現在の体制、すなわち南海と近鉄の駅となった。南海では難波から高野山を結ぶ途中駅。近鉄は観心寺を経て千早へ向かう計画を持っていたが、工事を行うことなく、計画は破棄され、阿部野橋から吉野を結ぶ南大阪線の古市で分岐する長野線の終点駅となっている。
In the past, I used to go to Mt. Kongo from Tondabayashi, but I climbed Mt. Kongo for the first time in 30 years from Kawachinagano, where there are few transfers from my home. It wasn't a long time since it was a beautiful station and it didn't look like 30 years ago. The Takano Railway, which is the current Nankai-Koya Line, extended from Sayama in 1898 and entered Kawachi-Nagano Station, which was the terminal station at that time. In 1922, it became a station for Nankai Railway and Osaka Railway, and in 1944, it merged with Kinki Nippon Railway under wartime policy, and the railway was also connected. In 1947 it became the current system, namely Nankai and Kintetsu stations. A station on the way from Namba to Koyasan in the Nankai. Kintetsu had a plan to go to Chihaya via Kanshinji Temple, but the plan was abandoned without any construction work, and it became the terminal station of the Nagano Line, which branches off at Furuichi on the Minami-Osaka Line connecting Abenobashi and Yoshino. ing.
主に近鉄鉄道 on Google

何度か来たことがあります。 近鉄、南海電車が乗り入れています。 この駅の南海は特急停車駅です。 近くにバス乗り場やスーパーがありとても充実している感じですね。賑やかな感じですね。 近鉄はこの駅で終着駅です。 もしかして橋本や高野山の所まで近鉄が乗り入れるとか有り得ますかね? いつの間にか発車標が変わっていました驚 近鉄側の改札出て階段を降りようとしたら… 焦りました。僕以外にも焦ったことあるのでしょうか??2021年8月14日(土曜日)
I've been there several times. Kintetsu and Nankai trains are on board. The Nankai of this station is a limited express stop. There is a bus stop and a supermarket nearby, so it feels very fulfilling. It feels lively. Kintetsu is the last station at this station. Is it possible that Kintetsu will get to Hashimoto and Mt. Koya? I was surprised that the platform display had changed before I knew it. If you go out the ticket gate on the Kintetsu side and try to go down the stairs ... I was impatient. Have you ever been impatient other than me? ? Saturday, August 14, 2021
無粋人 on Google

It is operated by Kintetsu and Nankai. Normally, the Nankai is easy to use, but if you dare to choose Kashiwara-Domyoji-Kawachinagano, a river will flow under Izumiya and many people will enjoy it. It's a city with lots of greenery and easy to live in.

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