Mikanodai Station - Kawachinagano

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mikanodai Station

住所 :

Ishibotoke, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0069, Japan

Postal code : 586-0069

Ishibotoke, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0069, Japan
アントノフ on Google

Unmanned station
大東蒼空 on Google

ももけけ on Google

A station where you can enjoy the four seasons
山西潤弥 on Google

I thought that such a good station was different from some stations for the first time
taro mame on Google

A station that opened along the development along the railway. Just above the station is the bus, taxi, and bus stop. It is not very popular because there is no convenience store.
城崎晋三 on Google

鉄道写真は非常に撮りやすい駅 黄色い線守って愉しみましょう
A train station is very easy to take Let's enjoy by protecting the yellow line
One Nankadai on Google

三日市町と美加の台の間の踏切は、サンニッパ~ロクヨン等幻のレンズに会える率が高い 流石にエビフライは出ないが突然お目にかかってもおかしくない場所だ 車でその踏切を通ることは自粛せざる得ない、彼らのレンズは10年経って、中古売却しても80万近くで取引されるので車以上に価値のある道具である。 しかしながら個人的に踏切撮影のマナーがこの頃悪いと思う。 いいレンズを使うならそれなりの振る舞いは当たり前だ。 踏切よじ登ったりするのは法的にもアウト、別の撮影地を探し歩くのがこのレンズのオーナーの義務だと思うが。 その幻のレンズ達が狙ってるのは特に南海6000系という高精度な車両が多い 撮り鉄でも急行難波行きの為にレンズ沼に溺れる人が多すぎる難解な現象だ 確かにカメラに金をつぎ込めば新しい何かが見える恐ろしい電車だ。 撮りだしたらレンズ沼行きの難壊電車に吸い込まれないように気を付けよう まあInst○gramで6000系の写真2投稿だけでいいね約1500を稼いでる人間が言うとアレだが私もレンズ沼行きの難解電車に乗ってしまい 20代で既に純正大三元コンプしてしまってた...
At the railroad crossing between Mikkaichi and Mika no Dai, there is a high chance that you can see phantom lenses such as Sannippa-Rokuyon. It's a place where you can't find shrimp flies, but it's safe to see you You have to refrain from passing the railroad crossing by car, and their lens is a valuable tool more than a car because it trades for nearly 800,000 after 10 years and sells a second hand. However, I personally think that the manners of taking a railroad crossing are bad at this time. If you use a good lens, the proper behavior is normal. It is legally out to climb a railroad crossing, and I think it is the responsibility of the lens owner to search for another shooting location. The phantom lenses are particularly aimed at high-precision Nankai 6000 series vehicles. Even with shooting iron, there are too many people who drown in the lens swamp because of the express train going to Namba It is a difficult phenomenon It's a terrifying train that you can see something new if you put money in the camera. If you start shooting, be careful not to be sucked into the wrecked train bound for Lens Swamp Well, it's okay to just post 2 photos of 6000 series on Inst○gram. It is said by a person who earns about 1500, but I also got on an esoteric train to Lens Swamp and already in my twenties I had a genuine Dai Sangen Comp I was...
どらごん on Google

This station has a slope in the direction of Namba and you can take very good pictures. Also, if you look in the direction of Hashimoto and Gokurakubashi, there is a tunnel and you can take good pictures again.

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