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Contact 大和リビング(株)船橋営業所

住所 :

Katsushikacho, Funabashi, 〒273-0032 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.daiwaliving.co.jp/shop/chiba/funabashi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

M S on Google

don. gyu on Google

建物設備に不具合があっても応急処置のみで放置。再三こちらから連絡もしてるがもうすぐ2ヶ月になる。担当者は解決する気があるのか… ここの管理物件への入居は強くオススメしない。
Even if there is a problem with the building equipment, it is left as a temporary measure only. I've been in touch with you again and again, but it's almost two months away. Does the person in charge have a solution... We do not strongly recommend moving into managed properties here.
A A on Google

The third time I was told to return to my inquiry and left for 10 days. I vowed that I would never buy a house in the Yamato series. Since it is a rental, I have no choice but to relate to it, but I do not want to be involved again.
Taku Ito on Google

問い合わせ、苦情もろもろへの対応が受動的なので、こちらからリマインドを入れあげる必要があります。 言えばアクションを起こしてくれているだけまだマシなのでしょうが。。。忙しくて手が回っていないのかなーという印象です。 【2020.12.22 追記】 こちらの管理物件を退去しましたが、手続きが先方の不備により行えておらず、翌月の家賃請求が発生してしまいました。 不審に思い連絡したところ、システム上の都合で解約できていなかったとの回答。もし翌月分の家賃が引き落とされてしまった場合は、退去精算の上返金するとの連絡が。 システムの都合で請求されないはずの家賃請求が立ったり(理由が本当だったら、即システム改修事案だと思います)、事前合意無しで請求された家賃を退去費用と相殺すると連絡してくるなど、ツッコミどころはたくさんありますが、オサラバするので黙ってやり過ごすことにします。 【2021.01.08 追記】 と思ったら、翌々月の家賃請求までシステム上発生してしまったようです (まさかねーと思って my D-room で確認したら 2月分の請求書が出ていて思わず笑ってしまった)。 目下やり取り中ですが、ちょっと杜撰すぎます。怒りよりも呆れの気持ちが強いです。 粛々と問題解決に向かって動くことと都度報告を入れてもらうようにお願いしましたが、正直サッと終わらせてこれ以上関わり合いになりたくない気持ちでいっぱいです。
Since the response to inquiries and complaints is passive, we need to remind you from here. Speaking of which, it's still better just to take action. .. .. I have the impression that I'm too busy to get around. [Added on 2020.12.22] I moved out of this managed property, but I couldn't complete the procedure due to a defect in the other party, and I was billed for rent the following month. When I contacted him suspiciously, he answered that he could not cancel due to system reasons. If the rent for the next month is withdrawn, we will contact you to refund after moving out. Rent charges that should not be charged due to system reasons (if the reason is true, I think it is a system repair case immediately), or I will contact you to offset the rent charged without prior agreement with the move-out cost, etc. There are a lot of things to do, but I'm going to get rid of it, so I'll just go through it silently. [2021.01.08 postscript] When I thought about it, it seemed that the rent billing for the month after next had occurred on the system (I thought it wasn't true, and when I checked it in my D-room, the bill for February came out and I laughed unintentionally). I'm currently exchanging, but it's a little too sloppy. I feel more amazed than angry. I asked him to work quietly to solve the problem and to get a report each time, but honestly, I'm full of feelings that I don't want to get involved anymore.
山田花子 on Google

色々な不動産会社と手続きをしていますがこちらは丁寧で分かりやすくさすが多くの物件を扱う大手さんだなと感心しました。 退去手続きはこれからですが、散々な目にあっている方がいらっしゃるようですのでこちらも注意をしたいと思います。 ※追記 退去連絡を月初2日に連絡をしたところ、解約通知書は半月以上経過した19日に届き、25日に返送しろとのこと。 15日付の送り状でしたがこちらへ届くのに3日ですので、投函したのは17日でしょう。返送期限までに祝日と日曜日が入っているのでこちらで確認する時間が殆どありません。 wさんという担当名で届きましたが、筆跡は女性のものでしたので事務の方が処理をしているようです。 書類の到着が遅れると家賃の請求が止まらずご迷惑を~…と脅しともとれる文言を入れるなら書類の送付くらい早急にして頂きたいですね。
I am working with various real estate companies, but I was impressed that this is a major company that handles many properties, although it is polite and easy to understand. The procedure for moving out is yet to come, but it seems that some people are having a hard time, so I would like to be careful here as well. * Addition When I contacted the move-out notice on the first two days of the month, the cancellation notice arrived on the 19th, more than half a month later, and should be returned on the 25th. It was an invoice on the 15th, but it took 3 days to arrive here, so I think it was posted on the 17th. There are holidays and Sundays before the return deadline, so there is almost no time to check here. It arrived under the name of Mr. w, but the handwriting was for a woman, so it seems that the clerical staff is handling it. If the arrival of the documents is delayed, the rent billing will not stop and you will be inconvenienced.
inukuboooh! on Google

引落口座を変更した際、手続きが更新されておらず旧口座から引落としが掛けられました。 その際の対応で担当がリモート業務ですぐに返答できない、3営業日を過ぎた辺りにようやく連絡があったがこちらも仕事中。後でかけ直しを依頼したら定時外だからと対応を結局うやむやにされました。
When I changed the withdrawal account, the procedure was not updated and the withdrawal was made from the old account. In response to that, the person in charge could not respond immediately due to remote work, and I was finally contacted after 3 business days, but this is also at work. When I asked for a call back later, I was reluctant to respond because it was out of time.

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