Katsuragi Shrine - Nakatado District

4.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Katsuragi Shrine

住所 :

181 Kaita, Manno, Nakatado District, Kagawa 769-0311, Japan

Postal code : 769-0311
Webサイト : https://kagawakenjinjacho.or.jp/shrine/%25E8%2591%259B%25E5%259F%258E%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE/

181 Kaita, Manno, Nakatado District, Kagawa 769-0311, Japan
宮本康弘 on Google

御祭神 一言主神 合祀祭神 久久能智神、大山祗神、天御中主命、厳島姫神、鵜茅葺不合命、八衢比古命、八衢比売命、久那斗神、少彦名命、上筒男命、中筒男命、底筒男命、菅原道真公、誉田別命、保食神、神櫛王命、各小地名に祀られていた社十四社を合祀。 創建の年月日は不詳です。 「矢原記」には、葛城大明神、買田高彦、嘉祥ニ年に鎮座すとあって延喜以前の鎮座と云う。 一説に依ると往古より、この地の開拓者である買田高彦の霊を祀って産土神として崇敬していたが、嘉祥ニ年(849年)葛城神を相殿に祭ってから年月を経るにしたがい正座の神明すたれて葛城神と称えるようになります。 久安四年(1149年)西尾治郎ら七人は氏子と相談し再興する。 天正ニ年(1574年)社殿を再建したとあります。 西讃府志には葛城大明神、祭神一言主命、神像七体、神鏡四面が祭られている。 天正の末に元祖飯尾太六兵衛国盛云云、那珂郡買田村丸山を居城とし六か村(買田、宮田、追上、大口、後山、生間)を領す。葛城大明神、右六カ村の氏神となり太六兵衛神主となり。鏡、兜を奉納する。 慶長年間、岸の上朝倉権之守が神職であったが寛文六年以後は、その三男治部が神職となる。買田朝倉家は大阪に移住したので明治三十一年からは岸之上朝倉神官に依って祭典が行われ今日に至る。 国道から見ると小さな社と思いましたが境内に入ると立派な構えですし綺麗に履き清められており歴史ある社で気持ち良くお詣り出来ました。
Saijin, Hitokotonushi Kukunochi god, Oyamatsumi god, Tengochu god, Sugawara no Michizane, Ukemochi god, Hachijo himegami, Hachijo himegami, Kunato god, Oohiko mei, Kamitsutsuo god, It enshrines the 14 shrines enshrined in each small place name, such as Nakatsutsuo Oyamatsumi, Sukuna Tsutsumi, Sugawara no Michizane, Houda Betsumei, Ukemochi God, and Kamikushi Oyamatsumi. The date of construction is unknown. In "Yaharaki", it is said that it was enshrined in Katsuragi Daimeijin, Kaita Takahiko, and Kashō 2 years, and it is said to be the enshrined place before Engi. According to one theory, since ancient times, the spirit of Takahiko Kaita, a pioneer of this area, has been worshiped as a god of origin, but it has been many years since the god Katsuragi was enshrined in the Aiden in 849. According to this, the god of the Seiza is struck down and it comes to be called the Katsuragi god. In the 4th year of Kuyasu (1149), Jiro Nishio and seven others consulted with their sons and revived. It is said that the shrine was rebuilt in 1574. Katsuragi Daimyojin, Hitokotonushi, seven god statues, and four sides of the Shinto mirror are enshrined in Saisanfushi. At the end of the Tensho era, the original Takuro Iio Rokubei Kunimori Yun, and Maruyama, Kaita-mura, Naka-gun, are the residences of Rokuka-mura (Kaita, Miyata, Oiage, Oguchi, Goyama, Ikenma). Katsuragi Daimyojin became the priest of the right six villages and became the priest of Tarokubei. Dedicate a mirror and a helmet. During the Keicho era, Kishigami Asakura Gonnomori was a priest, but after the 6th year of Kanbun, his third son, Jibu, became a priest. Since the Kaita Asakura family moved to Osaka, the festival was held by the Kishinoue Asakura priest from 1891 and continues to this day. I thought it was a small company from the national highway, but when I entered the precincts, it was a good stance and it was clean and clean, and I was able to comfortably pray at a historic company.
安部清成 on Google

This Katsuragi Shrine is located in Kaita, Manno-cho, Nakatado-gun, Kagawa Prefecture. This is on the right side of the mountain, about 700m south of Route 32 from the Kaita East intersection where Route 32 and Route 377 intersect. The surrounding area is a countryside, but this shrine is a local shrine around here. It is a shrine where Chiyosa also appears at the autumn festival. This shrine is old, and it is said that Mr. Iio, who immigrated from Awa, was a shrine at the end of the Warring States period. Mr. Iio is the owner of Maruyama Castle, a historic site near here. After that, Mr. Iio changed his sex to Nagahara. Mr. Iio is said to have arrived here after being defeated by Chosokabe Motochika in the Battle of Nakatomigawa in Awa in 1582!

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