Katoriya - Kawasaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Katoriya

住所 :

2 Chome-7-13 Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 213-0001

2 Chome-7-13 Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0001, Japan
まいまい on Google

テレビ番組おんな酒場放浪記で1番気になってた居酒屋。女同士で入るのは勇気がいったけど、 ご常連さんも大将も親切な方で色々教えて頂いた。美味しいのは勿論だけど、とにかく凄く安い!昭和で時が止まったままの様な商店街の雰囲気がまたいい味を出している。
Izakaya that got the most attention by TV program Onna Sakaba Noriyuki. It was courage to enter with women but Both regulars and generals were kind and taught me a lot. Of course it's delicious but it's really cheap! The atmosphere of the shopping street like time stopped in Showa also brings out a good taste.
K A on Google

金曜日22時ころ伺ったのですが串はほぼ売り切れで有るものからればとこぶくろを2本づつとねぎま、飲み物はハイッピーレモンを注文しました。 ありがちな言い方ですが店内は昭和を感させる年季の入った雰囲気です。 串は結構おおぶりな感じで味も美味しく感じました。 追加で焼酎中身とかとりや漬けを注文。 かとりや漬けもいい感じです。 約40分の滞在でお会計は1610円。 結構満足で次回はもう少し早めの時間で他のメニューも食べてみたいと思いました。
I flew around at 22:00 on Friday, but if the chopsticks were almost sold out, I ordered two puffs and two high berry lemon drinks as drinks. It is an expression that tends to exist, but the inside of the store is an atmosphere with the seasons that make you feel Showa. I felt that the salmon was quite large and the taste was delicious. I order extra shochu contents and pickles. Katori and pickles are also good. The account is 1610 yen for about 40 minutes stay. It was quite satisfactory and I thought that I would like to eat other menus at a little earlier time next time.
ハナカワ on Google

仕事帰りに立ち寄りました。21時頃でしたが、大半の串は売り切れてるのであまり選べないよ…との事。軽く飲むだけだったので了承の上でお邪魔しました。店内は煙とタバコで少し煙たい感じ。入り口付近に座ったのでそれほど苦しくはなりませんでした。とにかく店内は大声がこだましていて二人での会話でも聞こえないので大声になってしまいます。客層は若かったからかマナーはあまり良くなかったですね。たまたまかな? 個人的には再訪は無さそうです。串の味も普通でした。
I stopped by on my way home from work. It was around 21:00, but I can not choose too much because most chopsticks are sold out ... As it was only a light drink, I disturbed you on your consent. The store feels a little like smoking with smoke and cigarettes. It was not so painful because I sat near the entrance. Anyway, the restaurant is loud because it speaks loudly and can not be heard in the conversation between two people, so it becomes loud. The audience was young, so the manners were not so good. What happens to you? Personally, there seems to be no revisit. The taste of salmon was also normal.

いつも頼りにしているお店です。 早く営業が再開してくれればうれしいです?
It's a shop I always rely on. I hope the business will resume soon ?
アクセル全開 on Google

東急田園都市線 溝の口駅徒歩1分の西口商店街にある焼き鳥屋さんですが、ヤキトンが美味しいお店です。 お店は昭和レトロな佇まいで、もう他では見れないようなバラック作りで、お兄さん2人で切り盛りしています。 お勧めは 厚揚げ シロネギ つくね 牛串と焼き鳥、ヤキトン意外にも美味しいメニューがあります。 常連の方はレバーの炙り、シロネギ、つくねのオーダーが多いかな? 仕事帰りにちょっと呑むのに最適なお店なので、長居をせず飲んだらさっさと席を立つ方ばかりです。 #田園都市線 #溝の口駅 #西口商店街 #焼き鳥屋
Yakitori restaurant is located in the west exit shopping street just a 1-minute walk from Mizonokuchi Station on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line. Yakiton is a delicious shop. The shop has a retro-style appearance in the Showa era, and is made with two older brothers, making a barracks that can not be seen anywhere else. We recommend atsu fried white onion tsukune beef skewers, yakitori, and yakiton surprisingly delicious menu. Do regular customers have many orders for grilled liver, white onion, and tsukune? It's a great place to have a drink on the way home from work. #Denentoshi line #Mizonokuchi Station #West exit shopping street #Yakitori
いのぽん on Google

ここのタレは旨い、焼鳥は5本で注文します 店内は狭めで、トイレは古くて狭い テイクアウト商品の梱包は 老舗和菓子店の梱包のような 丁寧な梱包でした
The sauce here is delicious, and I will order 5 yakitori. The inside of the store is narrow, and the toilet is old and narrow. Packing of take-out products Like the packaging of a long-established Japanese sweets shop It was a polite packing
くどうひろき on Google

I love the white onions here ❗ It's refreshing and delicious ❗
鈴木啓文 on Google

溝の口 かとりや。かとりやって自由が丘や他の所にもにもあるけど、元々は何処が発祥なのか不明。溝の口の線路脇にちょっとだけ昭和にタイムスリップした1角があり、呑兵衛達のオアシスが広がっています。数件の飲み屋が建ち並ぶ中にこのかとりやさんがあります。狭い店内ですが、活気に溢れ良い色艶の顔した、野郎達がカウンターを囲んでいて、席はL字のカウンターと出窓の様な外向けのカウンター席のみの15、6席。後は外飲み、、、。テレビが2台ステレオの様に音が流れています。ビールは確りと赤星★大瓶あり!ホッピーは無いけどハイッピーあります!お薦めは勿論串焼き、1本120円だけど、5本セットは500円とかなりのお得。なお且つ、好きな串が選べるってのが嬉しいところ!タレはドロッとした粘度ありで良く肉に絡まり旨い!辛味噌とからしが付いて来て、これも旨さを助長します。黒板メニューも中々の旨さ。煮込みが売り切れだったのが残念なところ、、、。厚揚げも丸ごとか半分も出来てありがたい。とても満足な宴を堪能できました。
Mizonokuchi Katoriya. It's also in Jiyugaoka and other places, but it's unclear where it originally originated. There is a corner on the side of the Mizonokuchi railroad track that has slipped back in time to the Showa era, and the oasis of the drinkers is spreading. This Katoriya-san is among the several bars lined up. Although it is a small shop, there are 15 or 6 seats with only L-shaped counters and outward counter seats such as bay windows, with lively and brightly colored faces surrounding the counter. After that, drink outside ... Sound is flowing like two TVs in stereo. Beer is definitely Akaboshi ★ There is a large bottle! There is no hoppy, but there is hoppy! Of course, we recommend skewers for 120 yen each, but a set of 5 is a great deal of 500 yen. Moreover, it's nice to be able to choose your favorite skewers! The sauce has a thick viscosity and is well entwined with the meat! It comes with spicy miso and mustard, which also promotes deliciousness. The blackboard menu is also delicious. It's a pity that the stew was sold out ... I am grateful that the fried tofu can be made whole or half. I was able to enjoy a very satisfying party.

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