Katagiri - Ota City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Katagiri

住所 :

4 Chome-27-3 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 144-0052

4 Chome-27-3 Kamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0052, Japan
吳禹葳 on Google

很好吃的烤肉(豬肉) 很可惜沒吃到咖哩飯 咖哩可樂餅很好吃 烤雞肉串也很好吃(鹽味)
Very good barbecue (pork) It’s a pity that I didn’t eat curry rice. Curry cola cake is delicious Grilled chicken skewers are also delicious (salted)
ぼのぼの on Google

生姜焼かカレーを食べたいときはココ。 味噌汁に生姜が入り過ぎなので星1つマイナスだけど。
If you want to eat ginger or curry, click here. There is too much ginger in the miso soup, so it's a minus one star.
Ishikawa Yasushi on Google

お昼はカレー600円、生姜焼きとハンバーグは700円、大盛りは800円。カレー&ハンバーグ1100円を頂きました。他のメニュー安いのに、ちょっと高めの設定。 それにしてもすごいボリュームだ…。カレーの中に拳並みのハンバーグが鎮座。キャベツもマヨネーズたっぷり。カレー美味しいけど、ハンバーグがコンビーフみたいな変わった味がして、好きじゃ無い。 横の人が注文していた生姜焼き、かなりマヨネーズかかってるなぁ。空腹&マヨラーな人にはおすすめの一店。 後日、生姜焼き定食も頂きました。浸透圧?化学の実験なのか、キャベツから水分が出て、ビタビタに…。安くお腹を満たすためのお店なんだなぁ。味は除いて
Curry is 600 yen for lunch, 700 yen for ginger and hamburger steak, and 800 yen for a large serving. I received curry and hamburger steak for 1100 yen. Other menus are cheap, but a little higher setting. Even so, it's a great volume ... A fist-sized hamburger steak sits in the curry. The cabbage is also full of mayonnaise. The curry is delicious, but I don't like the hamburger steak because it tastes strange like corned beef. The ginger-grilled ginger that the person next to me ordered has a lot of mayonnaise on it. Recommended for hungry and majorers. Later, I also had a ginger-grilled set meal. Osmotic pressure? Perhaps it's a chemistry experiment, water comes out of the cabbage, and it becomes bitter. It's a cheap shop to fill your stomach. Except for the taste
0 k on Google

お腹いっぱい美味しいものを 食べさせようという女将さんの 気持ちが伝わってくるお店。 会社のそばにあったら 通ってしまうお店。
I'm full and delicious The landlady who wants to eat A shop that conveys your feelings. If you are near the company A shop that you go to.
ryo “暢夫” on Google

お肉屋さんがやってるお店。 味、ボリュームみな絶品。 ランチではほとんどのお客さんが豚の生姜焼を頼む。メチャクチャうまい。 けど、煮込みハンバーグも絶品である。
A shop run by a butcher. The taste and volume are all excellent. At lunch, most customers order pork ginger. It's really good. However, the stewed hamburger is also excellent.
M Johnny on Google

こちらは、隣の精肉店が経営する居酒屋さんが提供するランチ、特に「生姜焼き定食」が人気の『片桐』さん。 京急蒲田駅から徒歩5分ほど、周囲はマンション、アパートといった立地にあるお店。こちらを案内してくれた知人に連れられて初訪問。 平日13時過ぎに到着、のれんはかかっており、外にランチのメニューも出ている。ガラリと引戸を開けると、客なし。 「まだやってますか」と女将さんに聞くと、「どうぞ」と言われ、カウンターに着席。店内はカウンターのみ12席。 目当ての ○ 生姜焼き定食 大盛り ¥800 をオーダーして、待つこと10分弱。 まず、大きめのご飯茶碗に日本昔ばなし盛り。次に、なみなみ注がれたお味噌汁。 最後に、山盛り千切りキャベツの上に乗った、3枚のジャンボ生姜焼き。 豚の生姜焼きは、皿一面に敷かれた山盛りの千切りキャベツの上に、大きい豚肉が3枚ドカッと乗っている。特製の生姜が効いたタレで味付けされた豚肉の上から、マヨネーズが綺麗にビッシリかかっていて、これが絶品。豚肉は分厚いのに柔らかく、食べ応えも充分、とても美味しい豚肉! これは、ご飯がすすむわー、箸が止まらない? 漬物も美味い。 豆腐と長ネギの味噌汁は、珍しく生姜が大量に入っていて、初めての味わい。 すっきりしてとても美味い。 噂どおり、こちらのランチはボリューム満点でお腹いっぱい! あっという間に完食。 次は、カレーを食べてみたい! 女将さん、ご馳走様でした?‍♂️
This is Mr. Katagiri, who is popular for lunch offered by a izakaya run by a butcher shop next door, especially the "ginger-grilled set meal". About a 5-minute walk from Keikyu Kamata Station, the shop is located in condominiums and apartments. First visit with an acquaintance who guided me here. Arrived after 13:00 on weekdays, goodwill is on, and there is a lunch menu outside. When I opened the sliding door, there were no customers. When I asked the proprietress, "Are you still doing it?", She said "Please," and sat down at the counter. Only the counter has 12 seats in the store. I'm looking for ○ Large serving of ginger-grilled set meal ¥ 800 Order and wait for less than 10 minutes. First of all, a large rice bowl with Japanese old-fashioned banashi. Next, miso soup poured with Namami. Finally, three jumbo ginger grilled on a heap of shredded cabbage. For ginger-grilled pork, three large pieces of pork are on top of a heap of shredded cabbage spread all over the plate. Mayonnaise is beautifully sprinkled on top of the pork seasoned with a special ginger sauce, which is exquisite. The pork is thick but tender, and it's very delicious! This is because the rice goes well, the chopsticks don't stop ? The pickles are also delicious. Miso soup of tofu and green onion is rare and contains a large amount of ginger, which is the first taste. It's clean and very delicious. As rumored, this lunch is full of volume and full! Completed in no time. Next time, I want to eat curry! The landlady was a treat ?‍♂️
まこのふ on Google

初めて来ました❗ そして、いつもの感じで焼鳥三本づつ注文したら「大丈夫?」ってなったので^_^; 二本にしました? ネタがデカいですね?六本で腹膨れました?その後、牛モツ煮込みも食べましたが。すこぶる満足でした❗
I came for the first time ❗ And when I ordered three yakitori each as usual, I was asked "Is it okay?" ^ _ ^; I made two ? The material is big ? I got bloated with six ? After that, I ate stewed beef offal. I was very satisfied ❗
ぼたこ on Google

生姜焼き タレは甘くなく、厚く大きめの豚肉、千切りキャベツも多めで700円 個人的にはもう少し甘めが好き… でも食べ応えありで美味しくいただきました。 2022.3 煮込ハンバーグ700円 2022.3.15
Grilled ginger The sauce is not sweet, and the thick and large pork and shredded cabbage are also abundant for 700 yen. Personally, I like a little more sweetness ... But it was delicious and delicious. 2022.3 Steak hamburger 700 yen 2022.3.15

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