海岸通り前食堂 きん魚

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 海岸通り前食堂 きん魚

住所 :

Kasumiku Kasumi, Kami, Mikata District, 〒669-6544 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.kingyo-kasumi.com/
街 : Hyogo

Kasumiku Kasumi, Kami, Mikata District, 〒669-6544 Hyogo,Japan
nog on Google

There is a rich menu of udon, seafood bowls, and other bowls. Please note that some items may not be on the menu table! I ordered without noticing the menu on the wall, but I was also interested in the wall menu that I noticed later.
ブラックバス on Google

The seafood bowl I ate was really delicious with the fresh fish landed that day. However, if you are a man, the amount may be a little small! Many people wanted to wait and eat at a fairly popular restaurant, and some were waiting. If you give the phone number to the shop staff, they will contact you when a seat becomes available. When the weather is nice, you can take a walk in the fishing port in front of you.
jun ko on Google

城崎温泉からの寄り道で香住鶴の酒蔵に行ったのですが、近くで美味しいものを食べて帰りたく、検索。 また海の方のほうに戻ることになりましたが、結果当たりのお店だったので、良かったです。 お店に入ると満席で、電話番号を知らせると、お呼びしますというスタイルでした。 駐車場は近くの漁港?に停めて、暫し散策。 10種類ものお魚が乗った海鮮丼にしましたが、コスパ良すぎです!たぶんこんなにお値段、内容に満足したのは初めて。 喫茶店風のお店でしたが、家族経営のようでほのぼのした雰囲気でした。 香美町もノスタルジックな感じでいい街ですね。
I went to Kasumi Tsuru's sake brewery on a detour from Kinosaki Onsen, but I wanted to eat delicious food nearby and searched. I decided to go back to the sea again, but it was good because it was a shop per result. The style was that when you entered the store, it was full, and when you gave us your phone number, we would call you. Is the parking lot a nearby fishing port? Stop at and take a walk for a while. I made a seafood bowl with 10 kinds of fish on it, but the cost performance is too good! Probably the first time I was satisfied with the price and contents. It was a coffee shop style shop, but it was like a family business and had a warm atmosphere. Kami is also a nice city with a nostalgic feel.
月夜うさぎ月夜うさぎ on Google

googleでクチコミが良かったので来訪。雨と風が強かったため、香住駅からタクシーで行きました。ちなみに歩いても行ける距離です。タクシーの運転手さんから、『さっきの男性のお連れさん?』と聞かれました。。?? どうやら、少し前にも『金魚さんと言う店に連れて行ってくれ』と言う男性がいたそうです。 時間は13時少し前でしたが、女性のグループに男性グループ、男女ペアが1組と、外は人っ子一人いないのに割とお客さんがいました。 席は空いていたのですぐに案内されました。 注文したのは海鮮丼。 お値段の割にとても豪華で、たくさんの種類の海鮮、そしてどれも新鮮で美味しい! 私の後には誰もお客さんは来ず、多分そのままお昼の営業は終わりになったと思われます。 こんな時に申し訳ないなと思いましたが、一人で黙々と食べましたので…。 今度は良いお天気の時にまた食べに行きたいと思います。
I visited because the word of mouth was good on google. It was raining and windy, so I took a taxi from Kasumi station. By the way, it is a walking distance. The taxi driver said, "Are you the man's companion? I was asked. .. ?? ?? Apparently, a while ago there was a man who said, "Take me to a store called Goldfish." The time was a little before 13:00, but there were a male group and a male and female pair in the female group, and there were quite a few customers even though there was no one outside. The seats were vacant, so I was immediately informed. I ordered a seafood bowl. Very luxurious for the price, many kinds of seafood, and all are fresh and delicious! No one came after me, and it seems that the lunch business was over. I'm sorry at this time, but I ate silently by myself ... I would like to go to eat again when the weather is nice this time.
Tube Tango on Google

コロナ禍対策もバッチリです。 評価につられて訪問しましたが、評判通りで美味しい。 豪華なランチを頂きました。お腹も満腹!
Corona damage countermeasures are also perfect. I visited because of the evaluation, but it is delicious according to the reputation. I had a gorgeous lunch. I'm full!
t k on Google

びっくりするくらい残念… 香住港前で期待していた分、食べてがっかり 鯛もカンパチも食感なく… ノドグロも生臭 プロが食べたらすぐ分かるよ!
I'm surprised ... I was disappointed to eat as much as I expected in front of Kasumi Port No texture of sea bream or amberjack ... Blackthroat seaperch also has a fishy smell You'll know as soon as a professional eats it!
雲ちゃん on Google

階段を上がった2階にあります。 喫茶店みたいなお店ですが居酒屋メニューも沢山ありました。 ミックスフライ定食と牛すじ丼を頂きました。 牛すじ丼は、親子丼のように卵でとじてありました。 美味しかったです。 海鮮も美味しそうです。
It is on the second floor up the stairs. It's like a coffee shop, but there are many izakaya menus. I had a mixed fried set meal and a beef tendon bowl. The beef tendon bowl was bound with eggs like a parent and child bowl. It was delicious. The seafood looks delicious too.
A Kazu on Google

Second visit. Seafood bowl 1450 yen. I am full of satisfaction with the material of the time. The miso soup with garnish is also delicious. The tuna bowl when I visited the store last time is also the best. It may not be in stock depending on the market conditions.

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