
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 遊魚館

住所 :

Kasumiku Wakamatsu, Kami, Mikata District, 〒669-6543 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.jftajima.com/store/
街 : Hyogo

Kasumiku Wakamatsu, Kami, Mikata District, 〒669-6543 Hyogo,Japan
ゆうゆう on Google

店員さんが優しくて、愛想良かった?✨ カニも美味しかったです???!!
The clerk was kind and friendly ?✨ The crab was also delicious ??? !!
浅井啓司 on Google

漁協の店です。以前はロシア産冷凍カニが多かったのですが、2018年11月に寄った時は、地物のカニや鮮魚類も増えていて良くなっていました。 ここのオリジナルのご当地ソフトクリーム「かに しょうゆとクリーム」は、本醸造カニお醤油使用でカニの風味と醤油の塩気でソフトクリームの甘さを引き立っています。1ケ380円はそれなりです。 店員さんの対応は、悪いわけではありませんが、普段の業務ではないのか、あまりテキパキとはしてもらえませんし、愛想が良いとも言えません。
It is a fishery cooperative shop. There used to be a lot of frozen crabs from Russia, but when I stopped by in November 2018, the number of local crabs and fresh fish was increasing and it was getting better. The original local soft serve ice cream "Crab soy sauce and cream" uses this brewed crab soy sauce to enhance the sweetness of the soft serve ice cream with the flavor of the crab and the saltiness of the soy sauce. One piece of 380 yen is reasonable. The clerk's response is not bad, but I don't think it's a normal business, and I don't think it's very responsive, and I can't say that it's amiable.
明美青木 on Google

You can buy fresh seafood and crab at a low price.
ータグ on Google

自分の好きな海産物(貝類&甲殻類)が多く置いてありました。もちろん青物の刺し身やサクもありました。 活かしの魚は種類がやや少なめでした。時期によると思います。 今日はキジハタ系、アイナメ、イシダイぐらい。 あとスルメイカが鮮度抜群で安く10杯も買いました。
There were a lot of my favorite seafood (shellfish & crustaceans). Of course, there were sashimi and sashimi. The kind of fish that I made good use of was rather small. I think it depends on the time. Today, it's about Pheasant grouper, Ainame, Ishidai. I also bought 10 cups of squid with excellent freshness at a low price.
寝子和玉 on Google

かに醤油ソフトとかにジェラート、どちらも頂きましたが、断然ソフトが勝ちました。お土産も海苔など購入。 紅ズワイが3枚3500円くらいで売っていて、一枚3000位サイズなのに、安すぎるのは疑問でした。もう少し先にある朝市センターに行くと、水産会社が直営で売っていて、そちらの蟹と比べると、安すぎる。 結局、こちらでは買いませんでした。
I received both crab soy sauce soft and gelato, but the soft won by far. I also bought souvenirs such as seaweed. It was doubtful that the red snow crab was sold for about 3,500 yen, and although it was about 3000 in size, it was too cheap. If you go to the morning market center a little further away, the fishery company sells it directly, which is too cheap compared to that crab. After all, I didn't buy it here.
mayumi suehiro on Google

香住港近くに有る土産物店です。 入り組んでいて少し分かりにくいですが、各所建物に有る広告看板頼りに行き着きました! 割と小さい魚屋+お土産屋という感じで、海鮮は安い!と思いました。 スタッフさんもナイスな方達ですよ〜 おすすめ店?
It is a souvenir shop near Kasumi Port. It's complicated and a little difficult to understand, but I ended up relying on the advertising signs in various buildings! It's a relatively small fish store + souvenir shop, and seafood is cheap! I thought. The staff are also nice people ~ Recommended store ?
Vivian Li on Google

Small place
Trans-word plus TGM on Google

This area around Kasumi Station of JR Sanin Coastal Line has many Inns serving seafood meals mainly crabs and fish markets. Very good place to stop by for some food items that you can eat on your way as well as booking your stay overnight. The area would be very convenient with many restaurants. There is a street marked as Sangyo ( Industrial ) Road filled with local fish markets and shops operated by fish industry. This one next to a fishery port is called Yugyokan 遊魚館. This place has a sitting place inside the shop where you can eat their packaged meals on a table. It would be interesting to see what they make out of seafood freshly caught in this area. Trans-word+ : TGM Japan Guide

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