Kasamorikumano Shrine - Chōsei District

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasamorikumano Shrine

住所 :

208 Kasamori, Chonan, Chōsei District, Chiba 297-0125, Japan

Postal code : 297-0125
Webサイト : http://www.jinja.ne.jp/ycDB/Board.cgi/001/db/ycDB-pc-jinja_detail.html%3Fmode:search%3D1%26search:method%3D1%26search:field%3Djinja_id%26search:expr%3D%5E%24%26search:word%3D5244

208 Kasamori, Chonan, Chōsei District, Chiba 297-0125, Japan
ka mim on Google

It is located in the same remnants of the Buddhist Buddhist customs that are common in the region or in the same mountains. Impression that there is too much impact of Kasamori-ji and this place is almost passed and is not looked at. There were few worshipers.
tannkyu neko on Google

笠森観音の参道脇にある神社。お寺が管理してるのかは不明。 自分としては、大きめの木に目がいきましたが。
A shrine on the side of the approach to Kasamori Kannon. It is unknown whether the temple manages it. For me, I noticed a large tree.
Feng Liao on Google

緑に囲まれた場所にあり、笠森寺の参拝途中に伺いました。 真夏に行くと独特の静けさや涼しさが特徴的です。
It is located in a place surrounded by greenery and I visited during the visit to Kasamori Temple. The unique tranquility and coolness are characteristic when going to midsummer.
尾崎幸春 on Google

ひっそりしています。 私も何回か笠森観音さんにはお参りしていましたが、熊野神社さんをお参りしたのは、今回が初めてでした。
I'm quietly I visited Kasamori Kannon several times, but this was my first visit to Kumano Shrine.
u4 tank on Google

If you turn the torii gate that appears on the way to Kasamori Temple, you can also see the approach to this shrine that appears in the divine natural forest. A quiet atmosphere for Kasamori Shrine.
ichiro on Google

It is a shrine on the way to Kasamori-ji Temple.
齋藤健一 on Google

笠森観音への女人坂をのぼる途中に鳥居があり、その先を進むと現れます。 静かな森に囲まれています。
There is a torii gate on the way up the women's slope to Kasamori Kannon, and it will appear when you go beyond it. Surrounded by a quiet forest.
kozu on Google

2021/9 笠森熊野神社 参道を進んでいると、深緑の中に赤い鳥居が佇んでいるので分かり易い。 神社としての規模はこじんまりとした印象。
2021/9 Kasamori Kumano Shrine As you go along the approach, you will find a red torii gate in the dark green, which is easy to understand. The scale of the shrine is small.

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