Kasai Pediatrician Clinic - Koto City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasai Pediatrician Clinic

住所 :

9 Chome-5-1 Ojima, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 136-0072
Webサイト : https://cotoapli.net/kasai/s/index.html

9 Chome-5-1 Ojima, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0072, Japan
PopoJ on Google

基本的なコミュニケーションの仕方が一方的で、こちらの説明は聞いてくれません。 向こうの質問に答えるだけ。 タメ口とか気にしないでそんなもんだと思えば 普通のクリニックかも。
The basic way of communication is one-sided, and I do not listen to this explanation. Just answer the question over there. Don't worry about the mouth Or maybe a normal clinic.
k morikawa on Google

診断は的確だし。余計な薬は出されません。また、柔軟に対応してくださいます。 いくつかの小児科を利用してきましたが、笠井先生には絶大な信頼をおいています。
The diagnosis is accurate. No extra medicine will be given. Also, please respond flexibly. I have used several pediatrics, but I have great trust in Professor Kasai.
えむあい on Google

It is a certain arm. Parents are sometimes scolded, but because they are always thinking of their children first, I think they are doctors who cannot easily meet in this age. I want to take care of you as it is.
ko furu on Google

無愛想に思われがちですが、子供に語りかける口調には、子供好きなのが滲み出てます。 詳しく説明してくれるし、次の予防接種はいつ頃にこれですよと受付でも教えてもらえ、母子手帳に書いてくれるので助かります。
It seems to be unfriendly, but the tone that talks to the children is exuding that they like children. He / she will explain in detail, and when will the next vaccination be this, we will tell you at the reception and write it in the maternal and child handbook.
A Y on Google

Thank you very much for your help when I was young. I think this is a trustworthy clinic that is kind to the teacher and explains in a way that parents can understand. There were reviews that children were violent, but I have never felt that way. There is also an internal department, so parents can also see it. I thought it was a popular local clinic.
テストユーザ on Google

この界隈で一番信頼できる小児科。診察が迅速で診断も的確。会計もとても早く、あまり待たないのも良い。 乳児の体重増加不良などの育児相談にも応じてくれる。 子どもの体重を即答できなかったり、母乳育児にこだわりすぎていたりするとお叱りを受けることもある。その時はムッとするが、後々になって先生の仰っていたことは正しいと納得できる。
The most reliable pediatric department in this area. Medical examination is quick and diagnosis is accurate. Accounting is also very fast, and it is good not to wait too much. It also responds to childcare consultations such as poor weight gain for infants. If you can not answer your child's weight immediately, or if you are overly obsessed with breastfeeding, you may be scolded. At that time, I was stunned, but I can be convinced that what the teacher was saying later was correct.
MEG on Google

You may feel unfriendly at first, but the eyes of the children are gentle and the teachers are reliable and reliable. The first has been there since I was a baby, but I have moved to a slightly distant area and have been here since the second was born. The receptionists also felt good and had never felt uncomfortable. I will take care of you in the future.
ka sa on Google

発熱相談センターからの指示で発熱外来の予約をしようとしたら、濃厚接触者でもなく現在発熱して無いなら症状があっても診ないと言われました。忙しいんだなとは思いつつもなんとも。疑わしいくらいじゃみないよと念押しのように言われました。 そう言うものなんですかね。 医療従事者の方は大変なんだなとは思うのですがほんの少しだけ傷つきました。 熱があるうちに電話するべきでしたか?そんな余力はなかったんです。苦しかったので。
When I tried to make an appointment for a fever outpatient by the instruction from the fever consultation center, I was told that if I was not a close contact and I do not have fever now, I would not be diagnosed even if I had symptoms. Though I think I'm busy, I don't know. I was reminded that I shouldn't be suspicious. Is that what you say? I think the medical staff is having a hard time, but it hurt a little. Should I call while I had a fever? I didn't have that kind of spare capacity. Because it was painful.

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