Kannonyama Fudo Waterfall - Agatsuma District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kannonyama Fudo Waterfall

住所 :

Haramachi, Higashiagatsuma, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-0801, Japan

Postal code : 377-0801

Haramachi, Higashiagatsuma, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-0801, Japan
recoba regoran on Google

It is a waterfall that can be reached by car. It is also very nice to be able to go to the immediate vicinity of the waterfall. I recommend it.
K Jon on Google

近くまでは車で行ける 見応えがある滝ではない 道中にいつくか古びた建物がある 橋が壊れていたりする
You can drive to nearby Not a spectacular waterfall There are some old buildings along the way The bridge is broken
tmvbb on Google

It is behind Iwasaki Castle. It seems that you can climb from here to Yanagisawa Castle. In addition, there are holes in the mountains called "stone gates" and "wells". I went only to the third stone gate, but the road is narrow and steep. You need good shoes and equipment. I would like to go to Yanagisawa Jyoen (Kannonyama summit) someday.
kirtin on Google

滝壺に降りる階段や橋が整備されていましたが 壊れて使えませんでした。 本来の道ではないところから川に降りてみたところ、誰かが木を渡してくれたので橋代わりに使わせて貰いました。 滝壺まで行くとミスト状の水が観音山で汗をかいた体を冷やしてくれました。
There were stairs and bridges down to the waterhole It was broken and could not be used. When I went down the river from a place that was not the original road, someone handed me a tree and I asked him to use it as a bridge. When I reached the waterfall, mist-like water cooled my sweaty body at Mt. Kannon.
K. Aki on Google

駐車場は車3台分位の広さですが、ほとんど訪れる人がいないため、ほぼ確実に停められます。 お不動さまの横には石仏があります。彫りが深く、劣化が少ないように思います。 滝もお不動さまの先を降りていくと、滝壷の辺りまで行けます。 また、お不動さまの手前、右手に行くと登山口があります。 険しいので足元を整え、自信のある人でないと、無理だと思いますが、とても素晴らしい世界があります。
The parking lot is about the size of 3 cars, but it is almost certainly stopped because there are few visitors. There is a stone Buddha next to you. I think that it is deeply carved and there is little deterioration. If you go down the tip of the waterfall, you can go to the vicinity of the waterfall. In addition, in front of your immobility, if you go to the right there is a mountaineering exit. I think it's impossible if you are not confident, because you are in a tight position and you have a very nice world.
こぴ on Google

なんだかよく分かりませんが、30人程の滝行の人達で、駐車場が一杯。 端の方に何とか車を停めて、さあ見てみようと思ったら、「滝ですか?今日は写真だめです。」と駐車場わきで着替えていた誰だか分からない人に言われました。 「そうなんですか、分かりました。」と進もうとすると今度は「あ、あの今日は入れません。」と。 あなたはどこの誰で、今なにをしてて、なぜ入れないのか。何の行事なのか。写真がだめじゃなかったのか?立ち入りもダメなのか?初めにいっぺんに言え?‥‥といういろいろなことが頭の中を一瞬で回り あっという間にテンションも下がり、興味も無くし、「あ、そうですか、分かりました。興味なくなりましたので帰ります~。」と、帰りました。 滝に向かう分岐の道に、「行事により本日立ち入り禁止」とでも看板でも立てておけば良いと思いますよ。ちゃんと観音堂としての宗教行事と等の正当な理由(これなら看板立ってれば素直に諦めます。)や、市やツアーのイベント等として許可を得ているのならば。
I don't know what it is, but the parking lot is full with about 30 people going to the waterfall. When I managed to park my car near the edge and take a look, I was told by someone who was changing clothes by the parking lot, "Is it a waterfall? No photo today." "I see, I understand." When I tried to proceed, I said, "Oh, I can't enter today." Who are you, what are you doing now, and why can't you enter? What kind of event is it? Wasn't the photo bad? Is it no good to enter? Can you say it all at once at the beginning? Various things such as ‥‥ go around in my head in an instant In a blink of an eye, my tension dropped and I lost interest, and said, "Oh, that's right. I understand. I'm no longer interested, so I'm going home." I think it's a good idea to put up a sign saying "No entry today due to an event" on the branch road to the waterfall. If you have a valid reason such as a religious event as Kannon-do (in this case, if you stand on the signboard, you will give up obediently), or if you have permission as a city or tour event.
藤井礼子 on Google

There were some things that looked like cold cherry blossoms. It may be good to go at a good time. I also want to see Fudo Waterfall freeze in winter. I also climbed a mountain. Although it is a low mountain, it is a rock-climbing mountain. I climbed carefully. It is slippery because there are fallen leaves ? this time. You should be careful.
ラッキーレイ on Google

It is a powerful waterfall with a head. You can get off to the waterfall basin immediately from the parking lot. There is also a cave nearby. Children can also enjoy it. Stay at Conifer Iwabitsu and enjoy the surrounding area. You can also climb Mt. Kannon.

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