Kaneko Clinics - Mito

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaneko Clinics

住所 :

兼子内科クリニック 1 Chome-7-25 Kamimito, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 310-0041
Webサイト : http://mito-kaneko.byoinnavi.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–12:30PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

兼子内科クリニック 1 Chome-7-25 Kamimito, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0041, Japan
ゴトー。 on Google

I asked for corona vaccination. The teachers and nurses are all kind and I would like to come again if I have the opportunity to use the hospital.
runa ha on Google

It is unusual for me to have a medical examination on Sundays around here. Saturday is also one day so it's easy to go. The building is not very new, but the teacher feels at home and easy to talk to.
あき。 on Google

検査をすると言った日に来院したら他の患者とブッキングしていて挙げ句の果てに今日検査するとは言ってない来週しましょうと言い出すような病院です。 星一つもつけたくないほど信用できない病院でした
It's a hospital where if you come to the hospital on the day you say you're going to have a test, you're booking with other patients and you're not saying that you're going to have a test today. It was a hospital that I couldn't trust so much that I didn't want to get a single star
shinzz 01 on Google

I asked him to give me medical treatment because he had a fever, but the teacher didn't meet me. I couldn't tell if I had a cold or corona, but I was told, "There is no cure for corona even if I see it. I don't do a PCR test." However, the medical examination fee was taken firmly.
H.H H.H on Google

厳しい意見もあるようですが、私の咳喘息とアトピー咳嗽を特定して診断してくださった初めての先生です。 かれこれ約7〜8年間通院しています。 どこの病院でもアレルギーが関係していると診察されず、数ヶ月にわたって激しい咳に悩まされ‥終いには肋骨にヒビが入るほどでした。 そんな中で先生には命を救われた思いです。 ただ、多少思い込みが激しい傾向にある為、一度いつもの薬が効かなった際にすぐにCOPDでは?と誤診がありましたので‥‥(COPDだと最悪のケースであり、薬代もやばい金額でした。結局その時は別のアレルギーが原因だったのですが) そういった思い込みに突っ走らなければ非常に良い先生だと思います。
There seems to be a harsh opinion, but this is the first teacher to identify and diagnose my cough asthma and atopic cough. I have been going to the hospital for about 7 to 8 years. I wasn't diagnosed with allergies at any hospital and suffered from a severe cough for several months ... at the end I had cracks in my ribs. Under such circumstances, I think the teacher saved my life. However, I tend to be a little more confident, so once the usual medicine works, what about COPD? (COPD was the worst case, and the cost of medicine was a terrible amount. After all, another allergy was the cause at that time.) I think that he is a very good teacher if he doesn't run into such assumptions.
アダチメイ on Google

先生はパタパタと急いでしゃべる人なので、あまり言いたいことを伝えられない感じはありますが良い雰囲気の方です。他の看護師の方も優しいです。 ただ、受付の人が忙しいのか、入ってきた人もシカトしてる感じ(お前が話しかけてこいなのか…それにしても話しかけるなオーラがすごい…)でとてもイヤ〜な感じです。受付の対応を我慢できれば他はとても良いです。
The teacher is a person who talks in a hurry, so I feel like I can't convey what I want to say, but he has a good atmosphere. Other nurses are also kind. However, I don't like the fact that the receptionist is busy, or the people who come in are sick (Isn't you talking to me ... but the aura is amazing ...). Others are very good if you can put up with the reception.
きりか on Google

電話で問い合わせたのですが、 受付の高齢と思われる声の女性の対応が悪過ぎてびっくりしました。 まず普通は病院名を名乗るのが電話のマナーだと思うのですが、 「はい」 と言って出るので、一般家庭にかけてしまったかと焦りました。 その後も淡々と抑揚も無い声で冷たく喋り、 症状を聞かれたので答えたら、 「うちは専門じゃないから他所へ行ってください」 と、ピシャリ。 私も仕事で電話応対もしますが、 今時こんなレベル低い人がいるんですね。 驚きです。 一般企業じゃ通用しませんよ。 ものすごく気分悪くなりました。
I made an inquiry by phone, I was surprised that the receptionist's response to a woman with a voice that seems to be elderly was too bad. First of all, I think that it is usually the manners of telephone to give the name of the hospital. "Yes" I was impatient that I had gone to a general household. After that, he talked coldly with a voice without intonation, I was asked about my symptoms, so if I answered, "We are not a specialist, so please go elsewhere." And, it's a snap. I also answer the phone at work, There are people with such a low level now. I'm surprised. It doesn't work for general companies. I felt terribly sick.
E on Google

ワクチン接種で初めて行きました。 接種はスムーズで看護師さんも優しい方でした。 しかし、受付の人がいなくて初めはどこに接種券を出せばいいか分かりませんでした。 呼べば出てきました。 わたしの後から来た人も同じ感じ。 とにかく忙しそうでした。 最後にワクチン接種証を受け取るときも名前を間違えられたので、医療機関で本人確認は確実に行うべきだと思います。 よく読み方を間違えられますが、病院で間違われることはありませんでした。 いろんな診療をされてるので受付の方も大変かと思いますが、そうならワクチン接種はやらない方がいいんじゃないでしょうか。 完全にキャパオーバーに見えました。 通い慣れてる方はいいと思いますが、これから初めて行く人は注意した方がいいと思います。 私はおすすめしません。
I went there for the first time with vaccination. The inoculation was smooth and the nurse was kind. However, at first I didn't know where to put the vaccination ticket because there was no receptionist. It came out when I called it. The same is true for people who came after me. It seemed to be busy anyway. The last time I received my vaccination certificate, I made a mistake in my name, so I think that you should definitely verify your identity at a medical institution. I often misread it, but I didn't make a mistake at the hospital. I think it will be difficult for the receptionist to receive various medical treatments, but if so, I think it would be better not to get vaccinated. It looked completely capacity over. I think it's better if you're used to it, but if you're new to it, you should be careful. I don't recommend it.

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