Ibaraki Prefectural Children's Hospital - Mito

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ibaraki Prefectural Children's Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-3-3番地1 Futabadai, Mito, Ibaraki 311-4145, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 311-4145
Webサイト : http://www.ibaraki-kodomo.com/

3 Chome-3-3番地1 Futabadai, Mito, Ibaraki 311-4145, Japan
りるる on Google

定期的に受診しています。ちょっと時間にルーズな先生だけどよく診てくれるし分からないことを聞いてもちゃんと教えてくれます。 受付が本当に最悪。受付という仕事は向いてないから早くやめた方がいいと思う人が数名います。ニコニコしててすごく感じがいい方ももちろんいます。でも電話で話しても自分達の意見とか考えはぶわーーって言ってきてそうじゃなくてこっちがそうじゃないって訂正してるのに人の話も聞かないでこっちがまだ話してるのに、ちょっと待ってくださいっていきなり保留に入れてスケジュール確認しだしたり受付の上司?に代わったり。その人も話聞けない人でしたけど。 子供も1ヶ月以上辛そうだし、最近は違う症状も出てるし、私も仕事今日休みだったから、いきなりだったけど予約を早められるか聞いたのに看護師は症状的に今日じゃなくていいって言ってましたとか。最短だといつに予約早められますか?って聞いても先生の予定次第だから今その聞き方されても答えられない、お母さんが逆に指定してくれないととか。 私からしたら、基本は仕事が休みの日に行けたらいいなと思うし、それでなくても普段あまり外来にいない先生だからいつも先生と予約決めるときは先生からここかここがいいなって言ってくれるのに受付は本当に最悪。 先生は好きなので星2つです。本当なら1つでいいくらい。
I have regular medical examinations. He is a loose teacher in a little time, but he often sees me and even if I hear something I don't understand, he will tell me properly. The reception is really the worst. There are some people who think that it is better to quit early because the job of reception is not suitable. Of course, there are people who are smiling and feel very good. But even if I talk on the phone, they say that their opinions and thoughts are awesome, and I'm correcting that this isn't the case, but I'm still talking without listening to people. Please wait a moment and put it on hold and check the schedule or the receptionist's boss? Instead of. That person was also a person who couldn't talk. My child seems to be having a hard time for more than a month, I've had different symptoms lately, and I was off work today, so suddenly I asked if I could make an appointment earlier, but the nurse was symptomatically not today. Did you say that? When can I make a reservation earlier if it is the shortest? Even if I ask, it depends on the teacher's schedule, so I can't answer even if I hear it now, and my mother has to specify it on the contrary. From my point of view, I think it would be nice if I could go to work on a day off, and even if it's not that, I'm a teacher who isn't usually outpatient, so when I make a reservation with a teacher, the teacher always tells me that this is a good place. But the reception is really the worst. I like the teacher, so I have two stars. If it is true, one is enough.
ちゃんくろ on Google

子供が新生児の頃からお世話になっています。何度も入院しました。 受付、看護師、医師間での連絡連携不足でストレスが溜まることが多いです。 病棟の情報を全く知らない外来看護師、医師の通達処置を無視する病棟看護師。入院で接する機会が多かった分、2Bの印象はよくありません。 全員がダメなわけではなく、当たり外れの差が大きいのでハズレ看護師が担当になったときはこちらから作業の指示を出すくらいじゃないとストレス溜まるし子供がかわいそうになります。 これは外来病棟共にです。 初めて病棟にお世話になる方がクチコミをみて、ストレス緩和出来ることを祈ります
I have been indebted to my child since he was a newborn baby. I was hospitalized many times. Insufficient communication between receptionists, nurses, and doctors often causes stress. Outpatient nurses who do not know the information of the ward at all, ward nurses who ignore the doctor's notification procedure. The impression of 2B is not good because I had many opportunities to interact with him when I was hospitalized. Not everyone is bad, and there is a big difference between hits and misses, so when a lost nurse is in charge, stress builds up and the child feels sorry if it is not enough to give work instructions from here. This is for both outpatient wards. I pray that those who take care of the ward for the first time can relieve stress by looking at the reviews.
Mama on Google

I have a premature birth and have regular medical examinations, but my child has a cold and cancels. I called to make a reservation for that amount, but the response was too bad. It should be good manners to wait for the other party to hang up after saying "Excuse me" or "Please take care of me" before hanging up the phone, but it was suddenly cut off when the reservation date and time could be changed. I may be busy, but I don't feel like this.
後藤摩美 on Google

受付から先生方まで本当に心温かく、寄り添ってくださる。 子どもだけでなく、保護者も本当に救われます。
From the receptionist to the teachers, they are really warm and close to me. Not only children but also parents are really saved.
nao sa on Google

上の子が3ヶ月に1回お世話になってます。 主治医の先生はすごく良い先生です。助かってます。 が、下の子が地元の小児外科でこども病院に紹介状を書いてくださり電話して今から行ってもいいかと確認。電話の相手は男の人。 "紹介状は手元にあります?" "こちらにかかったことはあります?"等 そこまでは良かったけど "一応、上の子が3ヶ月に1回かかってます"と 伝えた所 "いや、今病気の子です" は?病気の子?名前聞いといて、病気の子って名前じゃないんですけど(笑) 確かに、下の子の事で電話してるけどこちらの病院にかかったことあるかって、下のお子さんはかかったことありますか?ってそういう聞き方すればよかったんじゃないのって感じだし、そもそもまじでこの男の人の口調、態度、舐めくさってますよ(笑) 怒り通り越して電話越しで笑ってしまいました(笑) 地元の小児外科の看護師さんと大先生が電話してくれたのですが、口を揃えてあの電話口の男の人は感じが悪いと言ってました。誰でもそう思うんですね(笑) そのくらいで電話してくんなとそう聞こえましたね。 ただただ、男の人はその仕事向いてないから辞めてしまえば?と思いました。 教育し直してください。病院自体は看護師さんも先生も良い方ばっかなので、その電話の男の人のせいで気分は最悪です。 次何かあった時に電話してその男の人の対応が直ってること、もしくはいないことを願いますね。心から
My older child is indebted once every three months. The doctor in charge is a very good teacher. I am saved. However, my younger child wrote a letter of introduction to the children's hospital at the local pediatric surgery and called to confirm that it was okay to go now. The other party on the phone is a man. "Do you have a letter of introduction?" "Have you ever been here?" Etc. It was good up to that point "For the time being, my older child takes it once every three months." Where I told you "No, I'm a sick child now." teeth? Sick child? When I hear the name, the sick child is not the name (laughs) Sure, I'm calling about my younger child, but have you ever been to this hospital? I feel like I shouldn't have listened to that, and in the first place, this guy's tone, attitude, and licking are licking (laughs). I passed through my anger and laughed over the phone (laughs) A local pediatric surgery nurse and a professor called me, but they all said that the man with that phone was uncomfortable. Everyone thinks so (laughs) That's how much I called and heard that. However, the man is not suitable for the job, so why not quit? I thought. Please re-educate. The hospital itself is good for both nurses and teachers, so I feel terrible because of the man on the phone. I hope that the man's response will be corrected or not by calling the next time something happens. From the bottom of my heart
おとかじ on Google

こちらの渡航ワクチン外来に伺いました。 渡航までの日数がなかったので、焦りながらメールで問い合わせると、休診日に接種を受けさせていただけることになりました。とても臨機応変に対応してくださり助かりました。 受付に行くも情報共有ができてなかったみたいで少し待たされましたが(元々ワクチン外来が休診日だったということもあり)、15分前に到着した甲斐があり、時間通りに問診票を書き終え、待合室に向かうことができました。 先生も看護師さんもとても良い方で、ワクチンを打ってもらいながらワクチンのこと、感染症についてお話ししていただきました。 星4個の理由は、問い合わせがメールのみだったためです。電話もできたらとても便利かなと思いました。
I visited this travel vaccine outpatient department. I didn't have enough days to travel, so if I hurriedly contacted me by e-mail, I would be able to receive the vaccination on a holiday. It was very helpful to respond flexibly. I went to the reception desk, but it seemed that I couldn't share the information, so I had to wait for a while (because the vaccine outpatient department was originally closed), but it was worth arriving 15 minutes ago, so I took the questionnaire on time. After writing, I was able to head to the waiting room. Both the teacher and the nurse were very good people, and they talked about vaccines and infectious diseases while getting vaccinated. The reason for the 4 stars is that the inquiry was only by email. I thought it would be very convenient if I could make a phone call.
S F on Google

とある名誉医師さんが とてつもなくいい人です。 骨髄移植に関わる案件で お世話になりましたが、 フロアを移動する、 たった10分もかからない道中、 通りすがりの患者様がみんな ○○先生!! この前はありがとうございました! ○○先生!! おかげですごく良くなりました! などと、 3組の保護者から、 別々にお声掛けを されていました。 その後の打ち合わせで 会話をいたしましたが、 そのやり取りの中で その理由が納得できました。 みなさんも 良い先生に巡り会えますように。
A certain honorary doctor He is a very nice person. In a case related to bone marrow transplantation Thank you for your help, Move the floor, On the way, which takes less than 10 minutes All the passing patients ○○ teacher! !! Thank you for the last time! ○○ teacher! !! Thanks to you, it has improved a lot! etc, From 3 pairs of parents Call out separately It was done. At a subsequent meeting I had a conversation, In that exchange I understand the reason. Everyone too I hope you can meet a good teacher.
Akasha新井 on Google

child hospital

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