
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 秋葉原ガーデンクリニック

住所 :

Kanda Matsunagacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898787
Webサイト : http://www.akiba-garden.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Matsunagacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0023 Tokyo,Japan
Machico Machico on Google

先生はいいけど、受付がにがてです。 受付の態度がよくないなと思います。 電話でも対面でも、冷たいです。受付では私語が多かったり、アルバイトのようで大丈夫かな〜と心配になりました。 会計だけなら我慢出来ますが、電話とかすることもあるので、その度に気分が悪いのが残念。 遅くまでやっているので、時間的にここしかないと諦めていますが、他の病院も探しているところです。 先生は優しいし、他の先生も良さそうですよ。 気分が優れない時は出来るだけシンプルに受付を済ませたいところです。
The teacher is nice, but the reception is long. I think the receptionist's attitude is not good. It's cold on the phone and in person. At the reception, I was worried that I had a lot of private language and was like a part-time job. I can put up with just the accounting, but I sometimes feel uncomfortable because I sometimes make phone calls. I'm doing it until late, so I'm giving up when it's only here in time, but I'm looking for another hospital. The teachers are kind and other teachers look good. If you are not feeling good, I would like to complete the reception as simply as possible.
ぽぴぽぴ on Google

もしかしたら、嫌な態度の先生も、いるかもしれませんが、私が知ってる限りは、掛かり付けの先生は、いい先生だと思います。長く同じ先生で、8年くらい通院しています。症状が悪化したとき、ちゃんと対応してくださり、感謝しています。 コメントは、変えさせていただきました。 すみませんでした。
Maybe some teachers have a bad attitude, but as far as I know, my teacher is a good teacher. I have been the same teacher for a long time and have been going to the hospital for about 8 years. I am grateful for the proper response when my symptoms worsen. I changed the comment. I'm sorry.
kyoyu photo on Google

私がこの病院を絶対お勧めしない理由は以下です ①院長診察は待ち時間が長く、診察は一瞬 …何を相談しても「現実維持で」の一言で終わります。平均診察時間1分 二年通ってより具合が悪くなりました ②転院したいと伝えると途端に態度が変わる ③診断書を次回までに用意する約束を破られ、受付の人に書かせる …明らかに不慣れな手つきでカルテをめくりながら受付嬢が書かれてました。 ④受付の人も書くのに45分待たせ、お詫びの一言もなし。 ⑤自立支援医療制度の紹介がなく、院長も説明する気なし …存在自体を知らないまま過ごし、偶然別の場所で耳にしたのをきっかけに聞いてみることに。回答は「僕に聞かないで役所で聞いてきて」 ⑥院長以外の先生もだいぶ駄目 …院長が処方した某薬を「あれ殆ど効き目ないでしょ?プラセボみたいなもんだから」と一蹴 プラセボと暴露されその薬が効かなくなってしまいました ⑦受付の態度が悪い …皆さんレビューに書かれているように、態度があまり良いとはいえません。よくいる女性二人のうち一人はいつも余裕無さそうにしており、もう一人は電話対応が側から見ていてとてもハラハラします 別の病院に転院してすぐ、二年も悩んでた症状がかなり改善されました。 すぐにでもほかの病院をお勧めします
Here are some reasons why I would never recommend this hospital ① The doctor's examination has a long waiting time, and the examination is momentarily … No matter what you talk about, it ends with a word of "maintaining reality". Average consultation time 1 minute I feel sicker after two years ② The attitude changes as soon as you tell that you want to transfer to another hospital ③ Break the promise to prepare a medical certificate by the next time and let the receptionist write it ...The receptionist was written while turning over the chart with an unfamiliar hand. ④ The receptionist had to wait 45 minutes to write, and no apologies. ⑤ There is no introduction of the independence support medical system, and the director is unwilling to explain. ...I decided to spend the time without knowing the existence, and to hear what I happened to hear in another place. The answer is "don't ask me, ask me at the public office." ⑥ Teachers other than the director are also useless …A certain drug prescribed by the director was “almost ineffective, because it is like a placebo.” I was exposed to a placebo and the drug stopped working. ⑦ The receptionist has a bad attitude … As you can see in the reviews, the attitude is not very good. One of the two most common women always seems to be overwhelmed, and the other one is very harassed by the fact that they are on the phone Immediately after being transferred to another hospital, the symptoms I had bothered for two years had improved significantly. Immediately recommend another hospital
M A on Google

A child psychiatric veteran teacher who is indebted to a child. Professor Yamada is a psychiatric teacher who is warm and kind, and is a recommended psychiatric teacher who can speak anything to Frank. The psychiatric department felt that the threshold was high, and he hesitated to take it, but you can feel free to consult here if anything. I think that the teacher is not a white coat, but he is accepting medical treatment until 21:00, so I think it is a very good clinic. I thought that it was also very conscientious not to recommend the medicine by force.
miinii mini on Google

嫌でした。今でも院長先生に言われて、納得いかなかったことが頭をよぎり腹が立ちます。 特定されても嫌なので詳細は伏せますが、歩けないと言ったら走ろうと言われたような、「それを出来たらこの相談をしないよ」というものでした。 また、数年前診査を受けたときは「ほぼ確実に(とある発達障害)なので望めば診断を下ろす」と言っていたのに、別件で数年後訪れてからしばらくして発達障害などの診断もおろしていただこうとしたらその病名が含まれていないのはどういうことだったのでしょうか… 発達障害は先天的なもので、自然治癒もしないはずなのですが…その場で了承していたら、実際にはない病名を背負うことになっていたのでしょうか… でも、多々遅れてしまうことがあったのにも関わらず診察を受けさせていただけたなどの融通がきくことはあったので、☆2です。
I didn't like it. Even now, the director-sensei told me that I wasn't convinced, and I got angry over my head. I don't want to be identified, so I won't go into details, but when I said I couldn't walk, I was told to run. Also, when I was examined a few years ago, I said, "It's almost certain (a certain developmental disorder), so I'll give you a diagnosis if you want." What did it mean that the name of the disease was not included when trying to get the diagnosis down? Developmental disabilities are congenital and should not heal spontaneously ... If I had agreed on the spot, would I have to bear the name of the disease that I didn't actually have ... However, despite the fact that I was often delayed, I was given the flexibility to receive a medical examination, so it is ☆ 2.
tai i on Google

院長先生に約1年掛かっています。鬱で休職中です。 悪評が目立ちますが、確かに人を選ぶ先生だと思います。 不信感から一度他のより評価の良い病院に掛かりましたが、傷病手当の手続きや、経緯をすでに理解されていることなど総合的に判断し、結 局こちらに通い続けてます。 投薬に対して慎重な先生です。むやみに多量に出したりは決してしません。(これは、上記病院の先生や知人の薬剤師も仰ってました) カウンセリングでも同じですが、時間をかけて初めて分かってくることがあります。 言いたいことは予めメモに、要点をしっかりまとめて、しっかり伝える必要があります。 多分院長先生はここが肝です。 本当に辛いときは時間を割いて聞いてくれますし、診療間隔も短くなります。 決して話を聞いてくれない先生ではありません。 患者側にコツを求められる先生です。 諦めではありませんが、毎回この人はこういう人なんだな、と思って診察を受けています。 私が通い続けるのは、よく考えると言ってることはまともであること、他の同じような境遇の人たちも同じことを医者に言われているからです。 時間をかけて、信頼関係を構築する必要があります。 そういう意味では、万人向けではなく、あなたが求める「心療内科の医者像」とは違うかもしれません。 でも、私は今では至ってまともな医者だ思います。 受付の方はたしかに事務的で冷たいですし、精神疾患持ちに対する理解は浅い気がします。 でも「普通に」やり取りできれば問題ありません。 ただ、それが出来ない病気の人もいる事は理解してほしいですね。1Fの薬局の方がよっぽど温かいです。 ちょっと私も悪評が多すぎるな、と思ったので書きました。 この病院を完璧ではないものの、良く捉えている人もいる、という認識で掛かってみてください。
It took about a year for the director. I am on leave due to depression. Notoriety is noticeable, but I think he is a teacher who chooses people. Due to my distrust, I went to another hospital with a better evaluation, but after comprehensively judging the procedure for injury and illness allowance and the fact that I already understand the circumstances, I continue to go to this hospital. A teacher who is careful about medication. I will never put out a large amount unnecessarily. (This was also mentioned by a doctor at the above hospital and a pharmacist I knew) The same is true for counseling, but it can only be understood over time. What you want to say is that you need to write down the points in advance and convey them firmly. Perhaps the director is here. When it's really hard, they will take time to listen and the consultation interval will be shorter. I'm not a teacher who never listens to me. It is a teacher who is asked for tips on the patient side. I haven't given up, but every time I get a medical examination, I think this person is like this. I keep going because it's decent to say that I think twice, and the doctor tells me the same for other people in similar circumstances. You need to take the time to build a relationship of trust. In that sense, it may not be for everyone and may be different from the "psycho-medical doctor image" you seek. But I think I'm a very decent doctor now. The receptionist is certainly clerical and cold, and I feel that he has little understanding of having a mental illness. But if you can communicate "normally", there is no problem. However, I want you to understand that some people are ill and cannot do that. The pharmacy on the 1st floor is much warmer. I wrote it because I thought it was too bad. Recognize that some people think this hospital isn't perfect, but it's a good idea.
山のきのこ on Google

駅近くで利便性が良いから、利用している人が多いのは確かですね。 また、仕事をしている人にとっては夜間診療も助かりますし、薬の処方箋を出して貰えるために利用している人も多いと思います。 しかしそれは良いクリニックであるとか、本当の意味で人気があるという意味合いとは少し異なると思います。 それに患者が営業妨害って言葉も使いますか? 医療機関は公益性のある機関であり、保険診療なのだから立派に国民全員の血税も大きく投入されています。 クリニックの従業員の賃金も全て診療報酬から出ていますからね。 ですから医師も受付も、きちんとした礼節が必要なのに患者を見下している感は否めません。 また医師は診療を早く切り上げたいからと、診察時間に制限をかけて勝手に決まり事とするのにも本当に驚きました。 都合の良い患者でなければ、平気で暴言や脅迫までしてきます。 たまたまアルバイト医師にあたり、優しい?と勘違いする人もいるようですが、真剣に個別の悩みを深く考えてはくれないですよ。 あと、世間話程度の悩み人には良いのかもしれませが、そもそも医療費を使っての世間話程度のお喋りや悩み事での受診は止めて欲しいです。 医療費には多額の税金が投入されています。 窓口負担が少ないからと勘違いしないでください。数分であんなに診療報酬が受け取れるのです。だから精神科はインチキと言われてしまいます。3分~10分診療なんて完璧診療報酬搾取ですよ。悩みが深刻であれば普通に時間が掛かります。 それでも処方箋を貰いに行くだけ、と割りきって受診される方には便利なクリニックです。優しいとか、何とかでコメントをしておられる人がいますが、皆さんそれぞれここで受けた本当に嫌な思いをした事を載せているだけにすぎません。 それを営業妨害とかと患者側が言ってくる?それには違和感を覚えました。 また割りきって通え!嫌なら他へ行け! 院長はそういう考えのお方ですよ。 ここのクリニックはそういうクリニックなのです。 悩み事が深く家族にも恵まれない重症の患者さんには不向きですね。更に死にたくなりますから。 しかし悩み事が軽い方や、アルバイト医師が滞在しており夜間診療も設けているので、お仕事帰りのサラリーマンには本当に利便性が良いと思います。 ただ診療は公費なので、使い方は間違えないでください。必死で働き仕事で病んでしまい、通院治療を要している患者もいます。税金や社会保険料も納め、なおかつ窓口負担のある患者もいます。 世間話程度のお喋りをして、優しい医師だとか勘違いをして、受診をされる患者さんには憤りを感じてしまいます。 回転率が高いからこそ、新患さん受け入れオッケーなのですから。 クリニックとして丁寧な対応を求めているからこそ、皆さんの正直なコメントの数々だと思います。 決して、営業妨害なんかじゃありませんよ! 私は本気でそう思います 医療費=税金 患者もよく考えて受診するべきです。
It's convenient near the station, so it's true that many people use it. Also, for those who work, night-time medical care is helpful, and I think that many people use it to get prescriptions for medicines. But I think it's a little different from being a good clinic or being really popular. And do you use the word that the patient interferes with business? Medical institutions are institutions with public interest, and since they are covered by insurance, the blood tax of all the people is well paid. All the wages of clinic employees come from medical fees. Therefore, it is undeniable that both doctors and receptionists look down on patients even though they need proper courtesy. I was also really surprised that doctors wanted to finish their medical examinations as soon as possible, so they decided to limit the consultation time and make it a rule. If you are not a convenient patient, you will be willing to rant or intimidate. Do you happen to be a part-time doctor and are kind? Some people may misunderstand that, but they don't seriously think about their individual concerns. Also, it may be good for people who are worried about small talk, but in the first place, I would like you to stop talking about small talk and consulting for worries using medical expenses. A large amount of tax is put on medical expenses. Please do not misunderstand that the burden on the counter is small. You can receive such medical fees in a few minutes. That's why psychiatry is called bogus. 3 to 10 minutes of medical treatment is a perfect medical fee exploitation. If your worries are serious, it usually takes time. Even so, it is a convenient clinic for those who just go to get a prescription and get a medical examination. There are some people who are kind and somehow comment, but they are just posting the really disgusting feelings they received here. Does the patient say that it is a business disruption? It made me feel uncomfortable. Split again and go! If you don't like it, go elsewhere! The director is such an idea. The clinic here is such a clinic. It is not suitable for seriously ill patients who have deep concerns and are not blessed with their families. I want to die even more. However, I think that it is really convenient for office workers who are returning from work because there are people who have less troubles and part-time doctors are staying and providing night medical care. However, medical treatment is a public expense, so please do not make a mistake in using it. Some patients are desperate to work and get sick at work and need outpatient treatment. Some patients pay taxes and social insurance premiums, and also have to pay the window. Patients who go to see a doctor feel angry because they talk about small talk and misunderstand that they are kind doctors. It is okay to accept new patients because the turnover rate is high. I think that it is a lot of honest comments from everyone because we are asking for a polite response as a clinic. It's not a business disruption! I really think so Medical expenses = taxes Patients should also think carefully before going to the clinic.
和泉聖治 on Google

Recently, I went to this clinic because of ups and downs and anxiety. The elevator was old, but the clinic itself was very beautiful. The receptionist said that it was clerical and cold, but on my own [Friday] When I said it, the friendliness and correspondence were good. I had a female teacher look at me and talked about myself because it was my first visit. was.

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