Kanazawa-bunko Hospital - Yokohama

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanazawa-bunko Hospital

住所 :

金沢文庫病院(愛友会) 2 Chome-6-22 Kamariyahigashi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 236-0042
Webサイト : http://www.kanabun-hp.jp/

金沢文庫病院(愛友会) 2 Chome-6-22 Kamariyahigashi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0042, Japan
y take on Google

The pediatrics teacher will explain it properly and the coping method is also accurate. It is also safe to be able to perform various inspections in case of emergency.
高原順子 on Google

ダメでした。 待合室は狭い、汚い、ここは病院だよね?って疑いたくなる所でした。 わざわざ足が痛くて、主人に文庫病院まで送って貰ったのに『入院していた病院で詳しく検査して貰って!』だって。 行けるんだったら入院していた病院に行ってるハズだし、もう死んでも行かない!
It was bad. The waiting room is small and dirty, isn't this a hospital? It was a place that made me wonder. I had a pain in my leg, so I had my husband send me to the Bunko Hospital, but he said, "Please have a detailed examination at the hospital where you were hospitalized! 』Because. If I could go, I would have gone to the hospital where I was hospitalized, and even if I died, I wouldn't go!
green forest on Google

看護師(女)のマナーが悪い。 病院前の歩道を3人で並んで歩き、塞いできます。一切避ける気もなく突っ込んでくるので避けてるが、不快。(だいたい17時半に出てくる)
The manners of the nurse (female) are bad. Three people can walk side by side on the sidewalk in front of the hospital and block it. I'm avoiding it because I'm rushing into it without any intention of avoiding it, but it's unpleasant. (It comes out at about 17:30)
樋口和歌子 on Google

When my family was urgently hospitalized, he kindly spoke to me. thank you very much!
Ma ri on Google

Internal medicine is not recommended. It's a shame that the other departments are great.
スイフトスポーツスズキ on Google

過去に熱が出て2回行きましたが対応が雑でした。 特に2回目はコロナの影響もあったとは思いますが真夏に冷房の無い別室に入れられ約2時間放置でした。(その間は水分補給すら出来ませんでした) たまに来ても扉から少し覗き込むように「まだ時間掛かるから待っててくださいね。」って言いたいこと言ったら直ぐに居なくなりこちらの体調は無視する始末 お陰で様で熱中症になりましたよ(笑) 翌日に別の病院で診て頂いて助かりましたが、熱中症はかなり深刻だったらしいです。 正直、病院に行って殺されそうになるとは思いませんでした。 もう行くことはありませんし、家族も行かせません。 ただ、人によっては丁寧な対応しているみたいなので全てを否定するつもりはござません。 あくまでも個人的な意見として捉えてください。 長々と失礼しました。
I had a fever in the past and went twice, but the correspondence was rough. Especially the second time, I think it was influenced by the corona, but in the middle of summer I was put in a separate room without air conditioning and left for about 2 hours. (During that time, I couldn't even rehydrate) Even if I come occasionally, I just look through the door and say, "It will take some time, so please wait." Thanks to you, I got heat stroke (laughs) I was saved by seeing him at another hospital the next day, but it seems that the heat stroke was quite serious. To be honest, I didn't think I would go to the hospital and be killed. I won't go anymore, and I won't let my family go. However, some people seem to be polite, so I'm not going to deny everything. Please take it as a personal opinion. Excuse me for a long time.
Kirara Ashita on Google

父が骨折し救急車で搬送され入院。 不安はよぎったが、全く問題はなし。衛生面、コロナ対策等も徹底されているし、看護師さんやリハビリ担当の方たちも本当に良くやってくれて不満はなし。そりゃ食事は美味しくないかもしれないが、病院食ですもの、どこも同じじゃないでしょうか。回復するまで楽しく過ごしてましたよ。働いてる方皆一生懸命で良い病院だと思います。
My father broke his bone and was transported by ambulance and hospitalized. I was worried, but there was no problem at all. Hygiene and corona measures are thoroughly implemented, and the nurses and rehabilitation staff are doing really well, so I have no complaints. The food may not be delicious, but the hospital food is the same everywhere. I had a good time until I recovered. I think that all the working people are working hard and it is a good hospital.
480 yo_c on Google

I had a fever and I called Kanazawa Bunko Hospital with an introduction from the Yokohama City Infectious Disease Call Center, but I couldn't get a medical examination because it was outside the reception hours. When I called another hospital the next day, I couldn't accept the fever outpatient because it was a reservation system. When I called Kanazawa Bunko Hospital, a man kindly guided me to the reception time and I was able to see the doctor safely. It would have been better if there was a stove in the waiting area outside.

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