仏教伝来の地 碑 - Sakurai

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Contact 仏教伝来の地 碑

住所 :

Kanaya, Sakurai, 〒633-0002 Nara,Japan

Postal code : 633-0002
街 : Nara

Kanaya, Sakurai, 〒633-0002 Nara,Japan
ミワジョボビッチ(ミワジョボビッチ) on Google

The place where Buddhism was introduced. A place where Buddhism is said to have come along the river. The best course for running.
sky road on Google

Tsubasichi, the gateway to ancient foreign cultures, one of the important remains that the shape of Japan comes from here.
kurashi yamaneno on Google

川向うに欽明天皇磯城嶋金刺宮がある。かつてこの周辺は海柘榴市という東西交通の要衝であり、たくさんの天皇が宮を置いた場所。『日本書紀』によると欽明天皇13年(552)冬、百済の聖明王からの使節・怒悧斯致契(ぬりしちけい)が来朝したことも伝えている。彼は、磯城邑にあった金刺宮で天皇に拝謁すると、聖明王から託された上表文と釈迦仏の金銅像一躯、数本の幡蓋(はたきぬがさ)および数巻の経典を奉った。(ただし、帝説や元興寺縁起では、仏教公伝を欽明天皇7年(538)のこととしている)。 我が国ではこの年を仏教公伝の年とし、海柘榴市があった付近を仏教公伝の地として、馬井手橋の近くの川岸に「仏教伝来の地」と大書した石碑が建っている。
Behind the river is Kinmei Emperor Isojojima Kinashimiya. In the past, this area was the main point of eastern and western transportation, called Kageten City, where many emperors set up their palaces. According to the Nihon Shoki, it is also reported that Emperor Kinmei in the winter of 552 in the winter of 552, the envoy from King Baekje, King Seimei, came to Nurishichikei. He had an audience with the Emperor at Kinsagi-gu in Isogi-eup, and received the upper sentence commissioned by the King Seimei, a bronze statue of Buddha, several hatata nagasa, and several scriptures. Fought. (However, Emperor Kinmei 7 (538) refers to Buddhist public biography in Emperor Theory and Genkoji Enki). In Japan, this year is the year of Buddhism, and the monument to the area where Kagetsure City was located is the place of Buddhism, and a monument engraved as "The Land of Buddhism" is built on the riverbank near Maide Bridge. .
か〜みん2943 on Google

At that time, it was a key point of logistics with Osaka through the Yamato River, and it was very prosperous. It is also here that the Buddhist statues and Buddhist scriptures were first introduced from China. After that, depending on the adoption of Buddhism, Mr. Soga and Mr. Mononobe confront each other in the imperial court, and Mr. Mononobe on the denial side of Buddhism is destroyed. There is no (if) in history, but if Mr. Mononobe had won, I would wonder if Japan would have been without Buddhism. It is located along the mountainside road, a famous hiking route in Nara. There are shrines, burial mounds, and archaeological sites along the road, so it is recommended.
呑気な頼 on Google

桜咲く『仏教伝来地』・・ 仏教伝来地に桜が咲き始めました。ここ泊瀬川(初瀬川)畔一帯は磯城瑞籬宮(しきみずがきのみや)・磯城嶋金刺宮(しきのみつかきのみや)をはじめ最古の交易の市です。海柘榴市(桜井市金屋)などの史跡を残し「しきしまの大和」とよばれる古代大和朝廷の中心地とされ、この付近は難波津(なにはづ)から大和川を上ってきた舟の終着地です。この港は大和朝廷と交渉を持つ国々の使節が発着する都の外港として重要な役割を果たしてきました。欽明天皇十三年(552年)の冬十月に百済の聖明王(セイメイオウ)は西部姫氏達率怒利斯致契等を遣として釋迦佛金銅像(一光三尊阿弥陀如来・百済大仏)・幡蓋若干(はたきぬがさ)・經論(きやうろん)をたてまつると日本書紀に記されています。仏教伝来の百済の使節もこの港に上陸後、直ぐに南方の磯城嶋金刺宮に向かったとされています。
"Buddhist tradition" where cherry blossoms bloom ... Cherry blossoms have begun to bloom in Buddhist traditions. The area along the Tomarisegawa (Hatsusegawa) is the oldest trading city, including the Mizuki Mizuki Shrine (Ishiro Mizugaki Shrine) and the Kinjo Shrine (Ishiroshima Kinsagi Shrine). It is said to be the center of the ancient Yamato dynasty court called "Shikishima no Yamato", leaving historic sites such as Haigarido City (Kaneya, Sakurai City), and the vicinity of this area has risen from the Naniwazu River to the Yamato River. It is the end of the boat. This port has played an important role as an outer port of the capital for the envoys of countries that have negotiations with the Yamato Imperial Court. In the winter of October 552, Emperor Kinmei (Seimeio) of Baekje was sent to the Buddhist statue of Buddha (Ikko Sanson Amitabha Buddha) ) ・ Hatakunagasa ・ Kiyauron is described in the Nihon Shoki. It is said that the ambassador of Baekje, a Buddhist tradition, also landed at this port and then immediately headed to Isojojima Kinsashigu in the south.
Yamazaki Kouji on Google

2019年4月17日(水)pm13:25に訪れました。 近くに寺があるというのではなく。石碑が建ち説明が書かれた案内板がなければ、極めてのどかな川縁。ただここで仏教伝来の出来事があっただろうことを想像するにそれは果てしない時の流れを産み出すことになるわけで、それを考えると真相は別としても物凄いこと
We visited on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 pm 13:25. It does not mean that there is a temple nearby. If the stone monument is built and there is no guide plate on which the explanation is written, the extremely quiet river edge. However, to imagine that there would have been a Buddhist tradition here, it would create an endless stream of time, and considering that it would be a beggar as well as the facts
雲外蒼天123 on Google

It is said that a ship that went up the Yamato River from Osaka Bay came to this point and introduced Buddhism. It is a pleasant place with rows of cherry blossom trees and many benches. To the northeast of the opposite bank is the site of Emperor Kinmei's palace, and there is also a monument called the land of Buddhism. Well, which one is right? By all means, cross the bridge in front of you and walk about 600 meters to the left to see the ruins of Emperor Kinmei Isojojima Kinmeigu.
山本和子 on Google


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