
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 藤屋総本家鴨江支店

住所 :

Kamoe, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒432-8023 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Shizuoka

Kamoe, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒432-8023 Shizuoka,Japan
哲&愛46号 on Google

ここは、かれこれ40数年まえから食べてたお店で昔はここでわなく少し離れた場所にありました典型的な出前蕎麦屋で安心の美味しさです それとここのお蕎麦は非常にアツアツで基本道理です
This is a restaurant that I've been eating for over 40 years, and it's a typical delivery soba restaurant that used to be a little far away from here. And the soba here is very hot. It's a basic reason
飯田浩央 on Google

I ordered a cutlet soba set. The volume is perfect and the buckwheat is also delicious. It seemed to be crowded at noon on weekdays, but this time it was a good day without having to wait.
hira-p18 on Google

The tables and seats are fairly wide, so you can have a calm meal. Of course, it's delicious.
yoshiaro on Google

The ultimate fast food! I think it's cheap!
今夜はyamada on Google

子ども用のご飯もあります。 ボリュームが意外とすごくて普通に麺類だけでもお腹いっぱいになりました。 味は普通に美味しいです。
There is also rice for children. The volume was surprisingly great and I was full with just the noodles. The taste is usually delicious.
taka mameshiba on Google

駐車場が広くなり、出口も大通りに出来たお陰で出入りが楽になりました。店内の女性は、やや愛想無しかな? 大将とおかみさんはいつも元気で「ありがとうございました❗」と大きな声で送り出してくれます。そば定食お薦めです?
The parking lot has become wider and the exit has become a main street, which makes it easier to get in and out. Is the woman in the store a little unfriendly? The general and mom are always fine and send out a loud voice saying "Thank you ❗". Soba set meal is recommended ?
NYC 212 on Google

昔ながらのお蕎麦屋さん。それでいて古びていない店構えがいい感じ。ランチ時は多くの地元客で賑わうが、活気という感じではなく穏やかな雰囲気。 駐車場は台数豊富。店舗の東側からと北側どちらからでもアクセスでき、つながっている。 麺類のメニュー豊富で、鍋焼きうどんや味噌煮込みうどんなど鍋物が充実。丼物単品やセットものもあるけどカレーライスはない。 注文から提供までとてもスピーディー。大将の手際のよさ、スタッフさんとの連携プレーが光る。 お料理は安心感のある味で、誰もが食べやすく、楽しめる。 キャッシュレス決済には未対応だけど、この店はそれでいいと思う。
An old-fashioned soba restaurant. Still, it feels good to have a store that is not old. It is crowded with many locals at lunch, but it has a calm atmosphere rather than a lively atmosphere. There are plenty of parking lots. It is accessible and connected from both the east and north sides of the store. The menu of noodles is abundant, and there are plenty of hot pot dishes such as nabeyaki udon and miso nikomi udon. There are rice bowls and sets, but there is no curry rice. Very speedy from ordering to delivery. The dexterity of the general and the cooperative play with the staff shines. The food has a reassuring taste and is easy for anyone to eat and enjoy. It doesn't support cashless payments, but I think this store is fine.
Michael sharma on Google

So tasto food and friendly behaviour of staff. Will visit again

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