
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浜松甲羅本店

住所 :

Kamoe, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒432-8023 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://kora-hamamatsu.owst.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Kamoe, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒432-8023 Shizuoka,Japan
おのっちまん on Google

What is the attitude of the only elderly male clerk at the reception, hall, and accounting? I don't think it's the store manager. I intend to give a gentle review. The special meal ... Tohoho.
Etsuyo on Google

蟹せいろを食べました。蟹が沢山入っていて美味しかったです。 煮物などのおかずがもう一品でも入ってるとなお良いと思います。
I ate a crab steamer. It was delicious with lots of crabs in it. I think it would be even better if there was another side dish such as simmered food.
中井将貴 on Google

かにしゃぶ、松葉蟹、かに酒等々注文 カニしゃぶは美味しい、特にご飯は美味しかった。 松葉蟹は1匹を捌いてくれていろいろな料理で提供してくれた。 やはり良いものはうまい! また食べたい。 かに酒、ふぐひれ酒を頼んだけど、ひれ酒の方が個人的には好きだった。
Order Crab Shabu, Matsuba Coffee, Crab Sake, etc. Crab shabu was delicious, especially the rice was delicious. Matsuba mushrooms gave me a variety of dishes. After all good thing is good! I want to eat again. I ordered crab liquor and fugu fin sake, but I liked fin sake personally.
4160 Basser on Google

先日久しぶりに行きました。 ふと生簀をみたら私の目から判断して 確実に美味しい毛蟹2杯頼んでみて 正解でした。脱皮したてではなく しっかりとしていて注文後 食してみたら頬が落ちるくらい美味しかったです。
I went there the other day for the first time in a while. When I suddenly saw the cage, I judged it from my eyes Make sure to order two delicious horsehair crabs It was the correct answer. Not just molted Firm and after ordering When I tried it, it was so delicious that my cheeks fell off.
yakochan na on Google

以前に比べて、いろいろとランクダウンな感じがしました。 ちょっと残念。
Compared to before, I felt that the rank was down in various ways. A little disappointing.
あぃすくりぃむ on Google

ー料理ー誕生日の日にお祝いで連れて行ってもらいました!行った時に丁度キャンペーン期間中で約40%オフになっていたかにしゃぶと松茸三昧みたいなのを注文させていただきました(*^^*)すくい豆腐、カニのお刺身(甘くてトロットロ)、松茸の土瓶蒸し(香り豊かで素材の味を生かした薄い味付け、ほっこりです)ゆで蟹(ちゃんと切り込みありの蟹の脚とカニ味噌、ほぐして混ぜて食べたら絶品でした)蟹のしゃぶしゃぶ(花開く蟹の身口に入れたら広がる甘み最高です)最後に幅広のきしめん(…少し幅が広すぎて啜りにくかったです笑でも味がしみてツルツルでした)すごく良い誕生日になりました(*^^*)ありがとうございます!また行く機会がありましたら伺いたいと思いますd('∀'*) ー店員ー 昔ながらの着物姿の店員さんで、物腰が柔らかく話し方も丁寧でした。一つ一つをちゃんと説明してくださったので、食べ方ややり方も間違えずに食事が出来ました。ありがとうございます。
-Cooking-I was taken to a celebration on my birthday! When I went there, I ordered something like shabu-shabu and pine mushrooms, which was about 40% off during the campaign period (* ^^ *) Scoop tofu, crab sashimi (sweet and torotoro), pine mushrooms Steamed in a clay bottle (lightly seasoned with a rich fragrance and the taste of the ingredients, it is warm) Boiled crab (Crab legs and crab miso with a proper cut, it was excellent when loosened and mixed) The sweetness that spreads when you put it in your mouth is the best) Finally, the wide crab (... it was a little too wide and it was hard to slurp) )Thank you! I would like to ask if I have a chance to go again d ('∀' *) -Clerk- He was a clerk in an old-fashioned kimono, and he was soft and polite in speaking. He explained each one properly, so I was able to eat without making any mistakes in how to eat and how to eat. Thank you very much.
Kazunori Matsushita on Google

There are lots of vegetables and too few mains. But it's expensive. The photo was about 9,000 yen for two people. Is other all-you-can-eat enough?
3DAyS channel on Google

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