Shin-Kappo SAWADA - Hamamatsu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shin-Kappo SAWADA

住所 :

心割烹さわだ 1101-37 Tomitsukacho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 432-8002
Webサイト :

心割烹さわだ 1101-37 Tomitsukacho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8002, Japan
福井貴典 on Google

A good shop where you can "perform" "taste". Miso soup is a sensitive animal. Although it may seem that the amount is small, it seems that the taste is polite, delicate and deep, and I changed the rice inside of "I'm satisfied" in my mouth. If you have not hit "Tungiko" for a while, it is recommended!
Takehito Arai on Google

The taste is Pikaichi. Honestly what you eat is also delicious. (Sometimes there will be a challenge because the general is challenging.) If you drink katsuji and scum, you will get rid of the cold. It is good that you can enjoy seasonal things like blowfish, ankou and hamo in front of one person. I think the price is reasonable from the content.
小島圭太 on Google

何もかもが全て非常に美味しいです。 今まで回転寿司の茶碗蒸しを食べて以来茶碗蒸しが少し苦手でしたがここのを食べてから好きになりました。 そのくらい美味しいです。 焼き魚も非常に美味しいです。 一度は足を運んでいただきたいくらいオススメです。 当時はお酒の飲めないの年齢だったのでお酒を飲めるようになった今! 今度は熱燗と一緒に楽しみたいなと思います。 値段もリーズナブルだと思います。 駐車場は狭いですがバス停の前にあります。 今度は高校の同窓会とかで使用しようと思います。
Everything is very delicious. I haven't been good at steaming steamed sushi since I ate sushi carrot sushi, but I like it after eating it. It ’s so delicious. Grilled fish is also very delicious. I recommend you to visit once. At that time, I was able to drink because I was old enough to drink! Next time I would like to enjoy it with a hot tub. I think the price is reasonable. The parking lot is small but in front of the bus stop. This time I will use it at a high school reunion.
白うさぎ on Google

整えられた「気」が流れているお店。 接待などに利用すれば商談まとまりそうです。かと言ってお高く留まっている風でもなく、ランチ「姫膳」¥1300で贅沢な時間も頂けます。
A shop where the "ki" is flowing. If you use it for entertainment, business talks are likely to be organized. However, it is not a wind that stays high.
富永三枝子 on Google

I felt that they were seasoned with elegance and did a polite work.
たこふ on Google

子羊のローストは甘く香ばしく?チキンのローストも美味しくて?。 魚だけではありませんよ。
The roasted lamb is sweet and fragrant ? The roasted chicken is also delicious ?. It's not just fish.
szk charlie on Google

味もお店の方の雰囲気も素晴らしいお店です。何を食べても満足することができます。 とても楽しく素敵な時間を過ごすことができます。
The taste and atmosphere of the shop are wonderful. You can be satisfied no matter what you eat. You can have a very fun and wonderful time.

【和食「心割烹さわだ」店主のおまかせでいただく旬素材のミニ会席ランチ】 四季の移ろいと共に美味しさを増す旬の食材を用いて、素材の味を大切に手間隙惜しまずに料理し提供している和食の「心割烹さわだ」にて浜松の不動産業界の生き字引のお二人と一緒に店主おまかせのおもてなしランチ! 場所は、静岡大学工学部からスーパー主婦の店富塚店へ向かう途中の坂を下り、段子川の橋を超えたところの先にあります。メイン通りでもなく、隠れ家的な存在のお店となり、訪れるごとに”ほっ”と心落ち着けるお気に入りの場所となります! 以前、富塚町に住んでいた頃は頻繁に足を運んでいたものの、引っ越しをしてからは足が遠のいてしまい随分と御無沙汰してしまっておりましたが、主人が予約の電話を入れたところ覚えてくださっていたようでホッとしました! 店内はカウンター席3席と半個室のテーブル席4席、個室の小上がりの掘り炬燵席が4席、奥座敷4席となっています。ランチは限定20食の「姫膳」1,300円や「心膳」1,750円などが人気ですが、あらかじめ金額を提示し予約すれば、店主である澤田淳さんのおまかせコースが堪能でき、今回はミニ会席コース(要予約)3,000円で事前予約しております! 今日は個室を用意していただき、小上がりの掘り炬燵席で足を伸ばしてゆったりと食事を楽しませていただきます! 店主の澤田淳さんは、関東、関西のホテルや、浜名湖ロイヤルホテルでの経験を積まれた後に独立され、自宅兼となる店舗を構え、2006年春に開店されており、今年で15周年を迎えられています! 澤田さんのこだわりは”最良の状態で食べていただくために作り置きをしないこと”。 ゆえに、オーダーが入ってから刺身をさばき、揚げ物、焼き物の調理を始められるので、多少、待ち時間に余裕を持ってお出かけしましょう! 私たちは、その待つ時間すらも澤田さんの細やかな配慮のなされた仕事ぶりを見るのが楽しみの一つでもあり、出てくるまでの間は、奥様である女将さんの優しい声がけに応じながら、楽しいひとときを過ごします! 冷たい麦茶をいただきながら、待つこと暫し。二段重ねの千筋籠や小鉢が添えられたお膳が運ばれて参りました! 店主の澤田さんにお願いし、お品書きも書いていただきました!いつもながらに素敵な手書き! 見目麗しく、細やかな手仕事を感じ取れる小鉢たち! 「小鉢」 夏バテ知らずの冷菜としてに欠かせない「うざく」ならぬ「鱧ざく」は、彩りに錦糸卵を添えて、鱧と胡瓜の食感を楽しみながら、さっぱりとした味わいで! 「姫鉢」 茄子と桃にねっとりと濃厚な胡桃ソースを和えた胡桃和え、石川のバイ貝、さざなみ有馬煮の姫鉢三種! 「差(刺身)」 刺身には、「冬の河豚に夏のこち」と言われるほどの高級魚こちが登場!淡白な味わいながらにシコシコとした食感が楽しめるこちの昆布〆に、脂鯵の昆布〆、もっちりとした柔らかさが美味しい赤烏賊の三種盛りです! 「焼物」 店主の実家である福井は日野川で獲れる鮎を焼ひたしで、身はほろっと柔らかく、味がしっかりと滲みて御飯のお供に最適です!こちらは澤田さんのお父様が釣り上げてくれた鮎とのこと!澤田さんがもう56歳になられたわけですから、お父様は若くても70〜80代かと思われますが、元気に鮎釣りをなさるとは流石お若いですね! 「焚合せ」 長芋と南瓜含煮、万願寺、白ダツ、蛸柔煮。味を含ませるようにして弱火でコトコトと時間をかけて煮ることを含煮と言いますが、本当に素材の味わいを活かした上品な味となっており、「やっぱり和食はいいね♪」と思わず顔を見合わせてほっこりしてしまいます! 「油物」 天婦羅は、塩か出汁つゆのどちらかお好みで。私たちはもっぱら塩派です!天使の海老は頭も衣もカラッと揚がっており、香ばしさがたまりません!食感の良い蓮根に、鼻に抜ける爽やかな香りの余韻が楽しめるししとう、とろっとした舌溶けを楽しめる茄子と野菜の天婦羅も絶品です! 「御飯、汁物、香の物」 ゆかりの添えられた御飯はお代わりができ、汁物は赤だしのお味噌汁、香の物は三種と大満足なミニ会席! 「水菓子」 水菓子は、澤田さん御夫妻にも私たちがお勧めする「天使音マスクメロン」を食べていただきたくて、食べ頃の物を持ち込ませていただき、最後に提供していただきました!天使音マスクメロンだからこその芳醇な香りと上品な甘味で締め括る至福のひとときで御座いました! 夜は仕出しの注文が入っていたようで、仕込みでお忙しくされていましたが、元気そうにされているお顔が見れて嬉しく思いました!これからはもう少し豆に足を運びたいと思います!澤田さん、奥様、お身体大事にしてくださいね!
[Mini kaiseki lunch of seasonal ingredients left to the owner of the Japanese restaurant "Shin-Kappo Sawada"] Two people from the real estate industry in Hamamatsu at the Japanese restaurant "Shin-Kappo Sawada", which uses seasonal ingredients that increase in taste as the four seasons change, and carefully cooks and offers the taste of the ingredients. A hospitality lunch that the owner entrusts you with! The place is down the slope on the way from the Faculty of Engineering of Shizuoka University to the supermarket housewife Tomitsuka store, and beyond the bridge of the Danko River. It's not the main street, it's a hideaway shop, and every time you visit, it's a relaxing and favorite place! Before, when I lived in Tomitsuka-cho, I used to go there frequently, but since I moved, I haven't been there for a long time, but my husband made a reservation call. I was relieved that he remembered it when I put it in! There are 3 counter seats, 4 semi-private table seats, 4 private kotatsu digging kotatsu seats, and 4 back tatami mat seats. For lunch, the limited 20 meals "Himezen" for 1,300 yen and "Kokorozen" for 1,750 yen are popular, but if you show the amount in advance and make a reservation, you can enjoy the Omakase course of the owner, Atsushi Sawada. Is a mini-kaiseki course (reservation required) for 3,000 yen in advance! Today, we will prepare a private room, and you can relax and enjoy your meal in the slightly raised digging kotatsu seat! The owner, Atsushi Sawada, became independent after gaining experience at hotels in the Kanto and Kansai regions and the Hamanako Royal Hotel, and set up a store that doubles as a home.It opened in the spring of 2006, and this year marks the 15th anniversary. We are greeted! Mr. Sawada's commitment is "do not make it in order to have it eaten in the best condition". Therefore, you can start cooking sashimi, fried food, and grilled food after the order is placed, so let's go out with some time to wait! We are also looking forward to seeing Mr. Sawada's delicate work even during the waiting time, and until he comes out, he responds to the gentle voice of his wife, the landlady. While having a good time! Wait for a while while having cold barley tea. A set with a two-tiered basket and a small bowl has been brought in! I asked Mr. Sawada, the owner of the shop, to write the item description! Nice handwriting as usual! Small bowls that look beautiful and you can feel the delicate handiwork! "small bowl" "Uzaku", which is indispensable as a cold dish without knowing summer heat, is a refreshing taste while enjoying the texture of conger and cucumber with brocade eggs added to the color! "Himebachi" Eggplant and peach with walnut sauce mixed with rich walnut sauce, Ishikawa baby shellfish, and three kinds of princess bowls boiled in Arima! "Difference (sashimi)" For sashimi, high-class fish here that is said to be "winter blowfish and summer here" has appeared! There are three types of kelp, which you can enjoy a chewy texture while having a light taste, kelp with fat horse mackerel, and red squid with a delicious softness! "pottery" Fukui, the owner's parents' house, is made by grilling sweetfish caught in the Hino River. This is the sweetfish that Sawada's father caught! Since Mr. Sawada is already 56 years old, it seems that his father is in his 70s and 80s at the youngest, but it is quite young to do sweetfish fishing well! "Burning" Boiled long potatoes and pumpkin, Manganji, white needlefish, simmered octopus. Boiled over low heat for a long time to add flavor is called simmered, but it is an elegant taste that really makes the best use of the taste of the ingredients, and I do not think "Japanese food is good ♪" I will look at each other and feel at home! "Oil" For tempura, you can choose either salt or soup stock. We are exclusively salt sect! The angel's shrimp has a crisp head and clothes, and the fragrance is irresistible! You can enjoy the refreshing scent of lotus root that goes through your nose, and the eggplant and vegetable tempura that you can enjoy the melt of your tongue. "Rice, soup, pickles" You can replace the rice with the connection, the soup is red miso soup, and the pickles are three kinds, which is a very satisfying mini kaiseki meal! "Water confectionery" As for the water confectionery, I wanted Mr. and Mrs. Sawada to eat the "Angel Sound Melon" that we recommend, so I brought in something that was ready to eat and provided it at the end! It was a blissful time to conclude with a mellow scent and elegant sweetness because it is an angel sound melon! It seemed that there was an order for catering at night, and I was busy with the preparation, but I was happy to see the face that seemed to be energetic! From now on, I would like to visit beans a little more! Mr. Sawada, wife, please take good care of yourself!

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