
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact こころの医療センター五色台

住所 :

Kamocho, Sakaide, 〒762-0023 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887787
Webサイト : https://goshikidai.or.jp/03goshikidai/
街 : Kagawa

Kamocho, Sakaide, 〒762-0023 Kagawa,Japan
mol- 74 on Google

ドライバーの運転が害悪レベル こころは治療するのに身体は傷つけるんですか。 他の方のレビュー見ても評判は悪いみたいですし基礎の部分から見直してみては如何でしょう。
Driver's driving is harmful level Does your body hurt to treat your mind? Even if you look at the reviews of other people, it seems that the reputation is bad, so why not review it from the basic part.
TS美佐枝 on Google

2.3年前に夏祭りに参加させて頂きました。 あんな近くで大きな花火を見れたことに感動しました。 施設内も大変綺麗でスタッフもとても優しかったのでとても良い病院だと思いました。 また先日、知り合いのお婆さんが入院させて頂いた時もとてもスピーディーに対応してもらい家族も喜んでいました。
I participated in the summer festival 2.3 years ago. I was impressed to see a big fireworks display near that place. The inside of the facility was very clean and the staff were very kind, so I thought it was a very good hospital. Also, the other day, when my acquaintance's grandmother was hospitalized, she responded very quickly and my family was happy.
佐々木優子 on Google

通うのやめたら問い合わせからメール送っても完全無視。困ってても関係ないような感じ。最初からどうでもよかったと言うか診なかったらよかったみたいな感じだね。2度と行くとこではない y"a”aさん女の先生はもしかしてあが付く人?
If you stop going, even if you send an email from the inquiry, it will be completely ignored. It doesn't matter if you're in trouble. It feels like I didn't care from the beginning or I shouldn't have seen it. It's not the place to go again y "a" a-san, is the female teacher a person who can get angry?
ねこ on Google

There were many people who kindly responded. However, I wonder if the important teacher was not a specialist ... Thank you very much for your help, but I had the impression that it was not very reliable. I was transferred to another hospital and got better. I was transferred to the hospital and the answer was correct.
えいひれ生真面目 on Google

お世話になっています患者です。 院内はとても綺麗で白い壁紙に木目調の床で清潔に統一されています。個室と相部屋があり拘束はされず、患者はA〜Fの段階で行動が制限されます。特分、著しく暴れる・自傷行為が著しい等で閉鎖病棟に入る場合や、またはランクがFでなければ、患者は携帯などの私物が持ち込み出来(但し洗剤は預けなければいけないのと、スマホは夜間禁止)、自由に院内の廊下を動けて、病室内に病院側が用意して下さる家具や机が使えて、作業療法士さんが毎日運動や読書などのプログラムを用意してくれます。また院内に洗濯機があり洗濯も出来ます 閉鎖やFの方でも拘束はされませんし食事も普通に出ますが野外に出れないのと私物の持ち込み不可、お風呂が3日に1回になり監視制限されます。怪我したり死んでは元も子もないのでこればかりは仕方ないかと Dだと駐車場で伸びをするのみですが、Cになると近隣のコンビニや野外の散歩に出る事が出来ます。A、Bの段階になると許可さえ貰えば市役所等へ自由に行動出来、県内の市役所で手続きを取れば隣接している別個のリハビリ施設にて療養という形にするか退院するか選べます。 食事は毎日3食様々な物が出ます。タンドリーチキンが出たり、鮭のタルタルソースあえが出たり、カレーが出たり、リハビリ施設で誕生日の人が居ればお祝いで赤飯と天ぷらが出たりと多彩で飽きません。アレルギーにも対応しており、リハビリ施設では要請さえすれば減量食に切り替える事も出来ます リハビリ施設では申し訳ない程に尽くして下さいます。野外プログラムなどのプログラムが充実しており皆が皆自由に過ごしております。これまた市役所に要請しますとグループホームという物も有りますので、生活苦の方でも治療に専念出来ます 先生も院長先生ですとよく見てくれますし、今後の方針等が定まりやすく、適正な処置(私が把握しているのは投薬と電気けいれん療法)をして下さいます。ただ薬の変更等で塩梅を決めるのは先生と患者さんの相談になりますので、先生1人1人に手法ややり方が違うので模索する事になると思います 10〜80までの非常に広い範囲で色んな患者さんが居て30代後半〜60代前半の方が多い印象です。断酒会やグループ療法も行っております。 最近リハビリ施設の新館が出来ました。キャパオーバー気味なのでこれから移動するのでしょうか 私個人の感想ですが患者さんに柔軟に合わせてくれる非常に良い病院だと思います。色んな患者さんが居ますので低評価なのでしょうけど、私は県内の別のクリニックに行って失敗しているので成功している此処を高評価にしました。 まだ心が不安定なのでリハビリを終えて早く就労への訓練段階へ移行したいです
I am a patient who is indebted to me. The inside of the hospital is very beautiful and unified with white wallpaper and wood-grain floor. There are private rooms and shared rooms, and they are not restrained, and patients are restricted in their behavior at stages A to F. In particular, if you enter a closed ward due to significant violence or self-harm, or if the rank is not F, patients can bring their own personal belongings such as mobile phones (however, detergent must be left in the smartphone). (Prohibited at night), you can move freely in the corridor of the hospital, you can use the furniture and desks provided by the hospital in the hospital room, and the occupational therapist will prepare programs such as exercise and reading every day. There is also a washing machine in the hospital where you can do the laundry. Even if you are closed or F, you will not be restrained and you will be able to eat normally, but you will not be able to go outdoors and you will not be able to bring your own personal belongings. If I get injured or die, I have no children, so I wonder if this is all I can do. If it is D, it will only grow in the parking lot, but if it is C, you can go for a walk at a nearby convenience store or outdoors. At the A and B stages, if you get permission, you can move freely to the city hall, etc., and if you take the procedure at the city hall in the prefecture, you can choose to take the form of medical treatment at the adjacent separate rehabilitation facility or leave the hospital. There are 3 meals and various foods served every day. Tandoori chicken is served, salmon tartar sauce is served, curry is served, and if there is a birthday person at the rehabilitation facility, red rice and tempura are served as a celebration, so you will not get tired of it. It also supports allergies, and at rehabilitation facilities you can switch to a weight loss diet if requested. Please do your best at the rehabilitation facility. There are many programs such as outdoor programs, and everyone is free to spend their time. If you request the city hall, there is also a group home, so even those who have difficulty living can concentrate on treatment. If the teacher is also the director, he will often see you, and it will be easy to determine future policies, so please take appropriate measures (I understand medication and electroconvulsive therapy). However, it is the consultation between the teacher and the patient to decide on Shioume by changing the medicine etc., so I think that each teacher will have different methods and methods, so I will search for it. There are various patients in a very wide range from 10 to 80, and I get the impression that there are more patients in their late 30s to early 60s. We also hold abstinence parties and group therapy. Recently, a new rehabilitation facility has been opened. I'm a little overcapacity, so will I move from now on? I personally think that it is a very good hospital that can flexibly adapt to patients. I think it's a low rating because there are various patients, but I went to another clinic in the prefecture and failed, so I gave a high rating to this place where I was successful. I'm still unstable, so I want to finish the rehabilitation and move to the training stage for employment as soon as possible.
rn rn on Google

え、ここに入院して通院したけど 最終的にここのせいで悪化しました。 院長含めて本性やばいね。そう感じました。 なに言うとんこいつってなんか綺麗なことばっかり書いて貼られとる紙を吐きそうになりながら写メ撮ったくらい悲惨な対応でした。 数日後 救急搬送、拒否。 でしょうね!!わたしも五色台だけはやめてって言ってたら長くなりましたね運ばれるの。笑 担当医は糞だったのかな?怒りで最後のあんま内容覚えてないわ名前は伏せます。 受付の美人さんだけ最後まで 優しかったかな。 あとはさすがこころも不細工センターて感じで 優しい人も居るのは居るので、全部が悪い!ってわたしは言えませんけど。 でもやばい医者と看護師と受付いるのは確実なので。 みんなたくさん 傷ついてきて、辛いから来てんのにまたここでも傷つくことになるから。 気をつけたほうがいいです。
Well, I was hospitalized here and went to the hospital Eventually it got worse because of here. The nature is bad, including the director. I felt that way. It was such a tragic response that I took a photo while I was about to spit out the paper that was pasted on it with all the beautiful things written on it. A few days later, emergency transportation was refused. I suppose! !! It's been a long time since I told him to stop using only the five-color stand, isn't it? Lol Was the doctor in charge a dung? I don't remember the last thing because of my anger. I wonder if only the beautiful lady at the reception was kind until the end. After that, it feels like a ugly center There are some kind people, so everything is bad! I can't say that. But I'm sure I'm accepting doctors and nurses. Everyone got hurt a lot, and even though they came because it was painful, they would get hurt again here. You should be careful.
y “a” a on Google

I went to the hospital because of depression. I was seen by a female doctor, but I couldn't see the attitude of being close to the patient. When I was tired and said, "I don't think medicine will improve it ...", he said, "Depression can be cured with medicine." Certainly medicine may be important, but I wanted it to be closer to the patient's heart. If you're a psychiatrist, maybe because it's okay, it's especially important to be close to you. The teacher was frustrated when I was suffering and my story became long. I'm sure there were a lot of patients behind me that I still had to see. It may be smart, but I wondered if my heart was a person. The mental health worker listened to me kindly. After all, humanity is important. My illness has already healed, but I don't want that female doctor to see me if I feel sick in the future.
yu on Google

近場ということで入院したものの、看護師のレベルが低すぎました。 投薬管理と称し、朝晩2回薬が配られるのですが、3回連続で他の患者の薬が一緒に出されたのには驚きましたね。 普通に事故じゃないですか。そういう認識が足りていないから何度も繰り返したんでしょうけど。 3回とも自分で気付いたから良かったものの、認知症患者ならまず気付かないだろうし、これなら自分で投薬管理した方がよほどマシというものです。 もちろん、そのつど看護師に報告したものの、一向に改善されず4回目でやっと改善されたのにも呆れました。ヒヤリハット報告とか報連相とかどうなってるんですかね?事故は見て見ぬふり、そういう方針ですか?仮にこれで亡くなってたらどうしたんでしょうね。 3回目までは返事ばかりでまともに取り合わない看護師に当たったため、対応が誠実だと感じた別の看護師に訴えたところすぐ改善されたので、看護師によっても対応に大幅に差があるようです。 担当医も担当医で普段飲んでいる薬が多過ぎるとの独断で、いきなり半減され体調が悪化したものの、不調だから戻してほしいと看護師に訴えたところ、これも「伝えておく」の場当たり的な返事ばかりで一向に事態は改善されませんでした(診察は週1なので直接主治医に訴える機会がほぼない) ふだん通院している別の病院の主治医と相談して体調に合うように量を微調整していたのに、患者に相談も断りもなくいきなり半量にまで減らすのは有り得ないと感じました。 もちろん、担当医によっても方針は異なるでしょうが私が当たった担当医はこのような対応でした。 なお、こちらは看護師に訴えても退院まで改善されませんでした。 お陰で入院前よりも体調が悪化した状態で退院日を迎える結果となりました。 あと、個室にカギが無いので入浴などで個室を空けている時に認知症患者に侵入され私物が破壊されていました。隣室の患者も、同様の被害を訴えていたので、こういったトラブルを野放しにしていることも大きな問題だと思います。 事故を未然に防ぐための対策等も取られていませんし。 更には、男女混合病棟で深夜はナースステーションも無人の時があり、即座に助けを呼べない環境下で(別件で試しにナースコールを鳴らしてもなかなか来なかった)、睡眠時などに個室に侵入され暴力や性被害に遭う可能性も否めないと感じました。 他にも寝ようとしても深夜の3時頃に廊下で高齢の患者同士がお喋りし始めたりと、全く気が休まらなかったので、わざわざお金を払ってここへ入院することはお勧めできません。 そうそう、他の口コミに患者を責める医者がいると書かれていますが、実際そうでしたね。 環境が悪すぎる、合わないので退院したいというと「あなたは思い込みが激しすぎる、自分の殻にこもっている」等と、環境面の悪さを棚に上げ、患者の性格の話にすり替えて退院させない方向で話を進めようとしてきたのも悪質だと感じました。 対応の悪さや上記のようなトラブルの発生は病院側の手落ち、管理不足だと思いますけどね。医者から言わせると患者の性格のせいらしいですよ。どんな理屈ですか? ちなみにそんなことは、普段通っている病院の主治医にもソーシャルワーカーにも言われたことはありません。発達障害検査にも引っかからなかったので、それこそ逆に医者の思い込み、詭弁でしかないでしょう。 私は統合失調症ではないので、幻覚や妄想の症状も一切ありません。 色々と問題の多い病院だと感じました。
Although I was hospitalized because it was nearby, the level of nurses was too low. It's called medication management, and the medicine is distributed twice in the morning and evening, but I was surprised that the medicines of other patients were given together three times in a row. Isn't it an accident normally? I think I repeated it many times because I didn't have enough recognition. I'm glad I noticed it all three times, but if you're a dementia patient, you probably won't notice it, and in this case it's better to manage your medication yourself. Of course, I reported to the nurse each time, but I was surprised that it did not improve at all and finally improved in the 4th time. What's going on with the Hiyari Hat Report and Ho-Ren-So? Pretending not to see the accident, is that the policy? What if I died from this? Until the third time, I hit a nurse who did not respond properly, so when I appealed to another nurse who felt that the response was sincere, it improved immediately, so it seems that there is a big difference in response depending on the nurse. is. The doctor in charge also decided that he was taking too much medicine, and suddenly he was halved and his physical condition deteriorated. The situation did not improve at all with only positive responses (the consultation is once a week, so there is almost no opportunity to appeal directly to the attending physician). I consulted with the doctor in charge of another hospital that I usually go to and fine-tuned the amount to suit my physical condition, but I felt that it was impossible to suddenly reduce the amount to half without consulting with the patient. Of course, the policy will differ depending on the doctor in charge, but the doctor in charge I hit was such a response. Even if I appealed to the nurse, it did not improve until I was discharged from the hospital. Thanks to this, I was discharged from the hospital in a state where I was feeling worse than before I was hospitalized. Also, since there is no key in the private room, when I was vacating the private room for bathing etc., I was invaded by a dementia patient and my personal belongings were destroyed. The patient in the next room also complained of similar damage, so I think it is a big problem to let such troubles go unchecked. No measures have been taken to prevent accidents. Furthermore, in the mixed gender ward, the nurse station may be unmanned at midnight, and in an environment where it is not possible to call for help immediately (even if I tried to ring the nurse call in another case, it did not come easily), I went to a private room when sleeping. I felt that there was a possibility of being invaded and suffering violence and sexual damage. Even if I tried to go to bed, I couldn't relax at all because elderly patients started talking to each other in the corridor around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, so I don't recommend paying to be hospitalized here. Oh yeah, other reviews say there are doctors who blame the patient, but that was the case. If you want to leave the hospital because the environment is too bad or it doesn't suit you, you say, "You have too much belief, you are stuck in your own shell." I also felt that it was malicious to try to proceed in a direction that would not let me go. I think that poor response and the occurrence of the above troubles are oversights on the hospital side and lack of management. According to the doctor, it's because of the patient's personality. What is the reason? By the way, such a thing has never been said to the doctor in charge of the hospital I usually go to or to a social worker. I didn't get a developmental disability test, so it's just a doctor's belief and sophistry. I'm not schizophrenia, so I don't have any hallucinations or delusions. I felt that it was a hospital with many problems.

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