Shorenji - Sakaide

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shorenji

住所 :

1048 Kamocho, Sakaide, Kagawa 762-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887789
Postal code : 762-0023

1048 Kamocho, Sakaide, Kagawa 762-0023, Japan
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お盆の頃にお寺でクラシックコンサートなどを開催しています。 菩提寺として尊敬しています。
Classic concerts are held at temples during the Bon Festival. I respect it as Bodoji Temple.
linsan808 on Google

正蓮寺 真宗興正派 ●平成30年11月に坂出市加茂町の正蓮寺境内の本堂や山門など5件は文化庁より『国の登録有形文化財(建造物)』に新たに答申された。(以下は答申に述べられた特徴の概要を示す一部を写したものです) 坂出市の五色台西麓にある真宗(しんしゅう)寺院。本堂は南正面の入母屋造り本瓦葺きで、向拝(*1)は木鼻(*2)に龍や獏を彫刻し、虹梁(こうりよう)(*3)には波に鯉の躍動的な文様をあしらうなど装飾豊かに仕上げる。讃岐地方の江戸後期真宗本堂の好例を示す。 本堂の東側には入母屋造り妻入りの大玄関と両下造(りょうさげづくり)(*4)の小玄関が接続し、本堂とともに境内中枢部の重厚な景観を形成している。 境内正面の山門西脇に入母屋造り本瓦葺きの鐘楼、東脇に六角形平面本瓦葺きの経蔵が参道を挟んで並び建ち、境内の表構えを整える。山門は切妻造り本瓦葺きの薬医門(*5)で、親柱に大断面の五平材(ごひらざい)(*6)を用い、控柱も木丸い角材に絵模様の虹梁を渡すなど量感あるつくりとする。境内の江戸中期の建築形式を伝える貴重な建物である。 (*1) 参拝者が本殿に向かって礼拝するところ (*2)  肘木(ひじき)・虹梁(こうりょう)などの端が柱の外に突き出した部分 (*3) 寺社建築における梁の一種で、虹のように弓なりに曲がっているもの (*4)  切妻造の妻がないような形式 (*5)  2本の本柱の背後だけに控え柱を立て、切妻屋根をかけた門。 (*6) 長方形の断面の木材 【登録有形文化財の建設年代(現在のもの)と有形文化財種別】 ・本堂:文政8年(1825)-建築物 ・大玄関及び小玄関:弘化2年(1845年)-建築物 ・鐘楼:明治43年-工作物 ・経蔵:明治12年-建築物 ・山門:江戸中期-工作物 ●讃岐の地と真宗寺院(平成30年12月に同寺で開催された登録有形文化財(建造物)報告会の配布資料より) 讃岐と阿波に真宗寺院を建立したと伝えられるのは、京都市下京区にある浄土真宗寺院興正寺(真宗興正派の本山。開祖は親鸞上人)の第七世了源上人(1295〜1336)の教えに共感した和泉国大鳥城主生駒右京太夫の子、秀善(兄)と浄泉(弟)。兄秀善は阿波に安楽寺を弟浄泉は讃岐に常光寺を創建した。その後、讃岐の各地に15世紀後半から16世紀末に真宗寺院が続々と建立された。正蓮寺もこの常光寺の末寺に当たる。 ●正蓮寺由来(平成30年12月に同寺で開催された登録有形文化財(建造物)報告会の配布資料より) 正蓮寺は崇徳上皇が讃岐の地に配流された時、松山の津に迎え、私邸の「雲井の館」でお世話された在庁野太夫・綾高遠の末孫・常清(寺に残る古文書「正蓮寺記」に崇徳上皇当国に左遷の御時度々鳳輦(ほうれん)(*7)をとどめ、丸の内に一もと菊の御紋(*8)まで賜わりし在庁野太夫高遠が裔とある)が上京した際に実如上人(室町時代中期から戦国時代にかけての浄土真宗の僧)に真宗を故郷でも広めるように命じられて開基したと伝えられている(「正蓮寺記」の記録から1505〜1534にかけて堂宇の建立・整備が行われたと推測されている)。 正蓮寺は創建当時から今日まで同じ場所にあり、その理由として、この地を含む綾川の流れを汲む綾北地区が綾高遠一族と後裔の居住地であったこと、更に正蓮寺の山号「綾坤山(りょうこんざん)」が綾一族の居住地に在って、崇徳上皇の御陵を北東に仰ぐ寺と解されているとのことです。(坤は方角で北東を指し、鬼門(北東)を崇徳上皇の御陵に護って頂くという願いが込められていると解かれている) (*7) 天皇の乗り物 (*8) 「一本菊」(ひともとぎく)の御紋。本堂の正面の唐戸に彫刻の紋章があります。更に鬼瓦の先端の一部にも見られます。
Shorenji Temple Shinshu Kosho School ● In November 2018, the Agency for Cultural Affairs newly reported five cases, including the main hall and the mountain gate in the precincts of Shorenji Temple in Kamo-cho, Sakaide City, to "National Registered Tangible Cultural Properties (Buildings)". (The following is a copy of a part that outlines the features stated in the report) Shinshu Temple at the western foot of Goshokudai in Sakaide City. The main hall is a gabled roof with a gabled roof on the south front, and the worship (* 1) is carved with dragons and baku on the nose (* 2), and the rainbow beam (* 3) is dynamic with carp on the waves. It is richly decorated with various patterns. Here is a good example of the Shinshu main hall in the late Edo period in the Sanuki region. On the east side of the main hall, a large entrance with a wife and a small entrance of Ryosage-zukuri (* 4) are connected, forming a profound landscape of the central part of the precincts together with the main hall. On the west side of the mountain gate in front of the precincts, there is a bell tower with a main tile roof, and on the east side, a hexagonal flat book tile-roofed storehouse is lined up across the approach to prepare the front of the precincts. The mountain gate is a gable-built, tiled-roofed Yakui-mon (* 5). Make it with a sense of volume. It is a valuable building that conveys the architectural style of the mid-Edo period in the precincts. (* 1) Where worshipers worship toward the main shrine (* 2) The part where the ends of the hijiki, rainbow beam, etc. protrude outside the pillar (* 3) A type of beam in temple and shrine architecture that bends like a rainbow. (* 4) A format that does not have a gabled wife (* 5) A gate with a gable roof with a backing pillar only behind the two main pillars. (* 6) Wood with a rectangular cross section [Construction date (current) and tangible cultural property type of registered tangible cultural property] ・ Main hall: Bunsei 8 (1825) -Building ・ Large entrance and small entrance: Koka 2nd year (1845) -Building ・ Bell Tower: Meiji 43-Workpiece ・ Keizo: Meiji 12-Building ・ Yamamon: Mid-Edo period-geographical objects ● Sanuki no Chi and Shinshu Temple (from the handouts of the registered tangible cultural property (building) briefing session held at the temple in December 2018) It is said that the Shinshu temple was built in Sanuki and Awa by the 7th generation Ryogenjojin (1295) of the Jodo Shinshu temple Koshoji Temple (the head temple of the Shinshu Koshoji school. The founder was Shinshu Shonin) in Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City. ~ 1336), Hideyoshi (brother) and Jodo (younger brother), the sons of Kyotayu Ikoma, the lord of Otori Castle in Izumi Province. His older brother Hideyoshi founded Anrakuji in Awa, and his younger brother Jyosen founded Jokoji in Sanuki. After that, Shinshu temples were erected one after another in various parts of Sanuki from the latter half of the 15th century to the end of the 16th century. Shorenji is also the last temple of this Jokoji. ● Derived from Shorenji Temple (from the handouts of the registered tangible cultural property (building) briefing session held at the temple in December 2018) When Emperor Sutoku was distributed to the land of Sanuki, Shorenji was greeted by Matsuyama Tsu and was taken care of by the private residence "Kumoi no Yakata". In "Shorenji-ki", the Emperor Sutoku often stayed in the Horen (* 7), and even the crest of the chrysanthemum (* 8) was given to him in the Marunouchi period. ) Was ordered to spread the Shinshu sect in his hometown by a priest (a monk of the Jodo Shinshu sect from the middle of the Muromachi period to the Warring States period) when he came to Tokyo. It is estimated that Dou was erected and maintained from 1534). Shorenji Temple has been in the same place from the time of its foundation to the present day, because the Ayagawa district, which follows the flow of the Ayagawa River, including this area, was the residence of the Ayakaen clan and its descendants. It is said that "Ryokonzan" is located in the residence of the Ayagawa clan and is understood as a temple that looks up to the royal tomb of Emperor Sutoku to the northeast. (The gon points to the northeast in the direction, and it is understood that the wish to protect the demon gate (northeast) by the tomb of Emperor Sutoku is included.) (* 7) Emperor's vehicle (* 8) The crest of "Ippongiku" (Hitomotogiku). There is a sculptural coat of arms on the Karato in front of the main hall. It can also be seen on a part of the tip of the onigawara.
池内敏樹 on Google

This temple is a temple of the Jodo Shinshu Kosho school. It is said that it was erected and possessed a statue of Shinran Jojin and a license from Honganji Temple.
宮本康弘 on Google

山号院号寺号 綾坤山常教院正蓮寺 宗派 浄土真宗興正寺派 本尊 阿弥陀如来 林田村在、庁野太夫の者は崇徳上皇を助けた綾高遠の末孫で常清が上京した際に実如上人(室町中期〜戦国時代1458〜1525年)に浄土真宗を故郷でも広めるように命じられ開基しました。 開基した年代などの詳細は不明です。 なお、2019年3月29日に本堂を初めとする建造物が国の登録有形文化財(建造物)江戸時代中期の建築形式を伝える貴重な建物群として登録と成りました。 また年末に本堂を使いクラッシックコンサートが行われたりしています。 境内の庭木は綺麗に剪定が行われ履き清められて実に気持ちの良いお詣りが出来ました。
Yamagoin Temple No. Ayakoyama Jokyoin Shorenji Temple Sect Jodo Shinshu Koshoji sect Honzon Amida Nyorai Hayashida-mura, Tayu Kanno is the descendant of Aya Takato who helped Emperor Sutoku, and when Tsunekiyo came to Tokyo, he wanted to spread Jodo Shinshu to his hometown (mid-Muromachi to 1458 to 1525). I was ordered to open the base. Details such as the date of opening are unknown. In addition, on March 29, 2019, the main hall and other buildings were registered as a nationally registered tangible cultural property (building) as a valuable building group that conveys the architectural style of the middle Edo period. Also, at the end of the year, a classic concert is held in the main hall. The garden trees in the precincts were pruned cleanly and cleansed, and I was able to make a really pleasant prayer.

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