キャンピングカー買取り販売専門店 C-LIFE シーライフ

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キャンピングカー買取り販売専門店 C-LIFE シーライフ

住所 :

Kamiokutomi, Sayama, 〒350-1333 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://c-life-jp.com/
街 : Saitama

Kamiokutomi, Sayama, 〒350-1333 Saitama,Japan
山本康二 on Google

こちらでキャンピングカーを買い取って貰いました!他社さんよりはるかに高い金額で買い取って貰えた事と遠方にも関わらずすぐ引き取りに来て頂けてとても助かりました!間違いなく星5のご対応でした!またキャンピングカーを買う機会が有れば真っ先にご連絡します!まだオープンしたてとの事でしたが絶対成功する方だと思いますよ!是非今後も頑張ってください!! 本当にありがとうございました!
I bought a camper here! It was very helpful to be able to buy it at a much higher price than other companies and to come to pick it up immediately despite being far away! It was definitely 5 stars! If you have a chance to buy a camper, we will contact you first! It was said that it was still open, but I think he will definitely succeed! Please do your best in the future! !! I'm really thankful to you!
スカービーチャンネル on Google

色々とキャンピングカーを探していてなかなか自分に合った条件のキャンピングカーに巡り合えずもう諦めようとしていた時にたまたま見つけたキャンピングカーが今回購入した車でした。 ですが、お店の評価も全く無く また出品されている車両も私が見つけたものだけで 高額のものなので初めは少し不安でしたが、お店に伺って直接店長さんとお話しさせて頂いて その不安は、一気に吹き飛びました。 何を質問しても良い事も悪い事も誠実にご説明頂き お店もオープンしたてで清潔感があり また店長さんのお人柄もとても気さくで 車両も自分の条件にほぼ合っていたので 購入を決意するまでにあまり時間を要しませんでした。 まだ新しいお店で店長さんのこれからの意気込みも伝わってきたので 是非頑張っていってもらいたいと思います。 とてもお勧めなお店です。 もし何か気になる車両が有ったら是非一度ご相談されてはどうでしょうか? 恐らく親身になってご相談にのって頂けるかと思いますよ。
I was looking for a variety of campers, and when I was about to give up because I couldn't find a camper with the conditions that suit me, the one I happened to find was the one I bought this time. However, there was no evaluation of the store at all, and the vehicles on display were only the ones I found and were expensive, so I was a little worried at first, but I visited the store and talked directly with the store manager. That anxiety was blown away at once. Sincerely explained what you can ask and what is wrong, the shop has just opened and there is a sense of cleanliness. Also, the manager's personality is very friendly and the vehicle is almost suitable for my conditions, so I bought it. It didn't take long before I decided. The store is still new and the store manager's enthusiasm has been conveyed, so I would like you to do your best. This is a highly recommended shop. If you have a vehicle that you are interested in, why don't you contact us? Perhaps you will be kind enough to consult with us.
荒井裕介 on Google

ネットで、ちょっと気になる車を見つけたので、問い合わせもせずに伺ったのですが、作業中にもかかわらず、気持ち良く対応して下さいました。スタッフの方の、誠実で信頼出来る対応と素敵な店内の雰囲気に、一回で シーライフさんのファンになり、翌週に契約する事となりました。私達の要望にも、最大限対応してくださり、感謝しています! ありがとうございます。とっても、いいお店ですよ!
I found a car that I was a little worried about on the net, so I asked without inquiring, but even though I was working, he responded comfortably. The staff's sincere and reliable response and the wonderful atmosphere of the store at once I became a fan of Sea Life and decided to sign the contract the following week. Thank you for responding to our request as much as possible! Thank you. It's a very nice shop!
Kenta WADA on Google

カフェのようなお洒落なキャンピングカー専門店。 元大手ディーラーの店長を務めていた方らしく、お若いながらも知識は豊富です。 そして何より接客が素晴らしかったです。 初めての訪問にも関わらず丁寧に車両説明をして頂き、その日のうちに契約してしまいました。 YouTubeチャンネルを開設したそうなのでそちらでお店の雰囲気がわかると思います。
A stylish camper specialty store like a cafe. He seems to have been the manager of a former major dealer, and although he is young, he has a wealth of knowledge. And above all, the customer service was wonderful. Even though it was my first visit, I had a polite explanation of the vehicle, and I signed the contract on the same day. It seems that you have opened a YouTube channel, so you can see the atmosphere of the store there.
渡辺栞南 on Google

めちゃくちゃ綺麗でお洒落な販売店です。 飛び込みで行ったんですけどオーナーさんも 従業員さんもめちゃくちゃ優しくて親切で! キャンピングカーを探してる人とかお話し聞いてみたい人にオススメです! 是非行ってみてください!
It is an insanely beautiful and fashionable store. I went by diving, but the owner also The employees are also insanely kind and kind! Recommended for those who are looking for a camper or who want to talk to them! You really ought to go and see!
塙美香 on Google

I bought a light camper. I was able to purchase with confidence because of the kind and polite response. The car was in good condition and I was grateful for the low price.
S S on Google

今回、キャラバンのキャンピングカー を売却しようと査定して頂いた6社の中でC-LIFEさんが1番高い査定額を提示して頂いただけでは無く、とても誠実に親身に接客対応をして頂けた事が決め手となり、最後まで気持ち良く安心して車を売却する事が出来ました。 こちらのお店は売る方、買う方問わず、誰にでも親身に相談に乗ってくれるお店だと思います。 また機会がありましたら是非お願いしたいお店です。この度は本当に有り難うございました。
This time, C-LIFE not only offered the highest valuation amount among the 6 companies that assessed to sell the caravan camper, but also treated the customer very sincerely and kindly. That was the decisive factor, and I was able to sell the car comfortably and with peace of mind until the end. I think this shop is a shop where anyone can consult with us, regardless of who sells or buys it. If you have another chance, I would definitely like to ask you. Thank you very much for this time.
室井凌 on Google

黒のキャンピングカー架装のハイエース購入! キャンピングカーを漠然と欲しいと妻と話しており、見にいく時間ができたので、当日電話し、そのまま訪問! 見るだけのつもりが、妻も私もハイエースの内装と外観に一目惚れ! そのまま帰宅し、考えることもなく購入で一致笑笑 店員さんはとても優しく親身に対応してくださり、ローンについても無理を通してくださいました。内外装これからカスタマイズしたいところはたくさんあるので、これからも引き続きどうぞよろしくお願い致します!!!
Buy Hiace with a black camper van! I was talking to my wife that I vaguely wanted a camper, and I had time to go see it, so I called on the day and visited as it was! I'm just going to see it, but my wife and I fell in love with the interior and exterior of the Hiace at first sight! I went home as it was, and I bought it without thinking. The clerk was very kind and kind, and even forced me to take out a loan. There are many places I would like to customize the interior and exterior, so please continue to support us! !! !!

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