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Contact キッチンカー・移動販売の製作のフードトラックカンパニー

住所 :

Kamimeguro, Meguro City, 〒153-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : https://foodtruck.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kamimeguro, Meguro City, 〒153-0051 Tokyo,Japan
ねぎとろ巻 on Google

いい会社様なのはわかりました。 ただご案内にも書かれている通り子供の同伴をお断りなのにもかかわらず、首がやっと座ったくらいの子供を連れてる迷惑夫婦を見て見ぬ振りはどうかと思います。自社規定に書いている以上注意もしないのはおかしいです。 子供は泣くものです。それは理解しています。が、会も会なので真剣に聞きたかったのに残念でした。そういうルールも守れない方々が目指されている。運営されているという点も含めて。
I understand that it is a good company. However, as stated in the guide, even though we refuse to bring children, I think it's a good idea not to see an annoying couple with a child whose neck is barely seated. It is strange not to pay attention as long as it is written in the company regulations. Children cry. I understand that. However, it was a pity that I wanted to hear it seriously because the meeting is also a meeting. People who cannot follow such rules are aimed at. Including the point that it is operated.
YUKKE N on Google

先日、開業セミナーに参加しました。 内容は「〜みたい」「〜したそうで」「〜の話では」と驚くほどにふわっとした話が多く、本当に実例なの??と思ってしまいました。 見せていただいたフードトラックも内装が安っぽく割高感が強かったです。 無料だったのでアレですが、営業メールがすごく煩わしい。
The other day, I participated in the opening seminar. There are many surprisingly fluffy stories such as "like", "it seems to be", and "in the story of", is it really an example? ?? I thought. The interior of the food truck you showed me was cheap and expensive. It was free, so it's a shame, but the sales email is very annoying.
高井智久 on Google

株式会社フードトラックカンパニーではキッチンカー(移動販売車)の展示を行っています。 中目黒駅より徒歩7分で到着しますので、キッチンカー(移動販売車)に興味をお持ちの方は、ぜひお越しいただければと思います。 主なキッチンカー(移動販売車)は、軽トラックと1.5tトラックのサイズになります。 継続的に売上を上げ続けるキッチンカー(移動販売車)を、過剰なコストをかけずに作りたい方は、ぜひ、ご連絡いただければと思います。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Food Truck Company, Ltd. is exhibiting kitchen cars (mobile sales vehicles). It will arrive in 7 minutes from Nakameguro station, so if you are interested in a kitchen car (mobile sales vehicle), we would like you to come. The main kitchen cars (mobile sales cars) are light trucks and 1.5t trucks. If you want to make a kitchen car (mobile sales car) that keeps increasing sales without incurring excessive costs, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.
Aoi Kato on Google

無料セミナーに参加しましたが、実際に車内を見れる点・車内を見せてくれた方達の感じが良かった・試食フード提供があったので星2です。 セミナーの内容としては、キッチンカーってなに?って方には良いかもしれませんが購入とコンサルタントはおすすめしません。感染症対策、セミナー環境、担当者の話や対応は普通以下です。
I participated in the free seminar, but it was a star 2 because I could actually see the inside of the car, the people who showed me the inside of the car felt good, and there was a tasting food provided. What is a kitchen car as the content of the seminar? It may be good for you, but I don't recommend purchasing and consulting. Infectious disease control, seminar environment, talks and responses of the person in charge are below normal.
小泉翔太 on Google

キッチンカーの知識が全くなくても親身になって相談に乗ってくれます! 値段は他の場所より高いかもしれませんが、アフターフォローやサービスの質を考えると納得がいきます。 また、キッチンカーの仲間や先輩方も優しくアドバイスしてくれるのでとても参考になります!
Even if you don't have any knowledge about kitchen cars, they will be friendly and willing to consult you! The price may be higher than elsewhere, but it makes sense given the after-sales follow-up and quality of service. Also, my friends and seniors in the kitchen car will give me kind advice, which will be very helpful!
Toshi Seki on Google

セミナーに参加し購入を決めました。ローンは組まず現金の支払い。前金の半額を支払ってから振り込み確認メールが届くまで約2ヶ月。その間連絡なし。振り込み後すぐに確認したとは言っていましたが、じゃあなぜその時連絡してこないのか。 その後納車し、車体に不備が発覚。修理を求めたがレスポンス遅い。電話でのやり取りを求めたが、やり取りの履歴を残さなきゃいけない方針とかでメールでのみの対応。そもそも不備だという認識が薄いのかこちらと先方での問題に対しての熱量に差がある。結局一度応急処置をして後日工場に車体を輸送し修理することに。戻ってきた車体を確認したら、「応急処置」のはずだった処置はそのままに、追加でちょろっと処置が施されただけ。わざわざ工場に運んでやるような内容の処置ではなく、そもそも根本の部分は解決してない。朝に担当からメールが来てたのですぐに電話をしたが、土日は受け付けてないとかで電話は繋がらず。←今ココ 結論、ここの会社に頼んで後悔。対応が悪すぎるし、細かいところに目をやると非常に雑でチープな造り。
I attended the seminar and decided to purchase. Don't make a loan and pay cash. It takes about 2 months from the payment of half of the deposit to the receipt of the transfer confirmation email. No contact during that time. You said that you confirmed it immediately after the transfer, but why didn't you contact me at that time? After that, the car was delivered and a defect was discovered in the car body. I asked for repair, but the response was slow. I asked for an exchange over the phone, but I only responded by e-mail because of the policy that I have to keep a history of the exchange. There is a difference in the amount of heat for the problem between this and the other party, perhaps because there is little recognition that it is inadequate in the first place. After all, I decided to take first aid and transport the car body to the factory for repair at a later date. When I checked the car body that came back, the treatment that was supposed to be "first aid" was left as it was, but a little additional treatment was given. It is not a procedure that would be taken to the factory, and the fundamental part has not been solved in the first place. I received an email from the person in charge in the morning, so I called immediately, but I couldn't connect because I didn't accept it on Saturdays and Sundays. ← Now here In conclusion, I regret asking the company here. Correspondence is too bad, and if you look at the details, it is very rough and cheap.
猪狩正人 on Google

自社工場を謳っているが車の仕上がりは素人レベルだった。 戸棚、窓の採寸が正確ではないのか隙間が空く。 扉はおもちゃみたいな鍵で数ヶ月使用ですでに閉まりづらく、持ち上げないと閉まらない。 要所要所でバリが出っぱなしで何度手を切ったか分かりません。 まだまだ気になる箇所多数。 このレベルだったら自社工場を謳わない方がいいのでは?
Although it claims to be its own factory, the finish of the car was at the amateur level. There is a gap because the measurement of the cupboard and window is not accurate. The door is a toy-like key that is difficult to close after several months of use, and will not close unless you lift it. I don't know how many times I cut my hand because the burr was left at the important point. There are still many places to be worried about. Isn't it better not to sing our own factory at this level?
渡邊貴志 on Google

本日納車を迎えました。 購入車両は200ℓタンクを搭載したキャリートラックですが、電装系のコンセントの数や配置、設備に関して非常に満足です。車内仕込が出来るモデルなので仕込場所の別途用意が不必要なので多少車内が狭くてもメリットが大きいです。 安全の為モニタ色のパックミラーを付けましたがこれは視野角が広くオススメします。 スタッフの対応は長年接客業をやっている観点から見ても非常に好印象でした。 出店場所、ガスの契約、保健所申請のサポートの他新規参入する人にとっては一から調べると手間と時間がかかるのでこういったサポートやアドバイスは他では受けられないと思います。 キッチンカーを買うだけなら他を探せば色々あるけどフードトラックカンパニーさんはキッチンカーを始めるにあたってぶつかる問題解決やアドバイスまで込みで車体を販売してるので先駆者の意見というお金では買えない付加価値込みだと値段相応以上の良い買い物をさせて貰えました。
We have delivered the car today. The vehicle I purchased is a carry truck equipped with a 200ℓ tank, but I am very satisfied with the number and arrangement of electrical outlets and equipment. Since it is a model that can be prepared in the car, it is not necessary to prepare a separate preparation place, so even if the inside of the car is a little small, there is a big merit. For safety, I attached a monitor-colored pack mirror, but this is recommended because it has a wide viewing angle. The staff's response was very impressive from the perspective of having been in the hospitality business for many years. In addition to support for store openings, gas contracts, and health center applications, it takes time and effort for new entrants to look up from scratch, so I don't think we can receive such support or advice anywhere else. If you just buy a kitchen car, there are various things to look for, but the food truck company sells the car body including problem solving and advice when starting a kitchen car, so it includes added value that can not be bought with the money of the pioneer's opinion. I was allowed to make a good purchase that was more than the price.

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