
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旬彩ダイニングM

住所 :

Kamiina District, 〒399-4301 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://r.goope.jp/shunsai-m
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:30PM–12AM
Sunday 5:30PM–12AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 5:30PM–12AM
街 : Nagano

Kamiina District, 〒399-4301 Nagano,Japan
阿部義信 on Google

この場所でこのクオリティは、驚きました。 また、時間を作って通いたいですね❗ 片道4時間かけても来る価値はありますね。
This quality was amazing at this place. I also want to make some time It is worth coming over 4 hours each way.
on Google

場所は普通の家にしか見えません(笑) 中は広くてまっすぐ進んだ部屋でコース料理を頂きました?緊張しましたが味も良く詳しく説明もしてくれて満足した時間を過ごせました⤴️
The place only looks like an ordinary house (laugh) I had a course meal in a spacious and straight room inside.I was nervous, but the taste was good and I explained in detail and I was able to spend a satisfying time ⤴️
naa k on Google

宮田村で元一流ホテルのシェフのフレンチのフルコースが食べられます。 ゆったりとした時間に素材の味を生かした最高に美味しいお料理。 お箸でどうぞと言って頂けるのも有り難いです♪
In Miyata Village, you can eat a full course of French chef from a former first-class hotel. The most delicious food that takes advantage of the taste of the ingredients in a relaxing time. Thank you for being able to say with chopsticks ♪
cheer up on Google

なんといってもおもてなししてあげてる感がすごい。 料理は美味しいのかもしれないが、全体的に仕上がりが古い。 予約した村沢牛を出してくれたが、1人1万円超のコースでしたが、焼く前にうやうやしく見せてくれたお肉が焦げ茶色だった… いろいろ飛騨牛とか松阪牛など食べに行きましたが、あんなことは初めてでした。 せっかく田舎にできたお店なので期待して数回足を運びましたが、このあと行くことはないでしょう。。 あんなお肉が出てくると知っていたらみすみす数万円もかけて行かなかったです。 思えば野菜もシャキッとしたものではなく、しなびかけていた。 美味しくステーキが食べたいなら、潜龍をオススメします。 追記 お気に召さなかった… ではなく、客側からの目線がわからないのでしょうね。 厳しい指摘とありますが、事実をほんの少しだけ載せただけのこと。 物にはクーリングオフがありますが、飲食店にはありませんよね。。 1万がお値打ちに思えるかどうかは、お店の対応次第。 客とお店とは立場は違えども対等であって、お互いに敬いあってこそのものかと。 あの時にはこのお店を信用して、他にも人を2人連れていったのに… あのガッカリ感といったら本当に落胆しました… それがわからなければそれまでのこと。 あんな小さな茶色い塊…言われなければお肉ともわからないかもしれないようなもの。 なんとかあなたのために残しておきましたとか言ってましたが、カットも他の客の残り物的な、今迄に見たことがないような端切れで、いわゆるお肉らしい見た目とは程遠いものを出すのはどうなのかと。 あんなの見せられてこれから焼きますから~?って言われましたも。。 もちろん味も美味しくはないですよね。。 テンションだだ下がりですし… それを見て、この人にはこんなものを出しても平気だと思われてると考えたら悲しかったけれども、それが理由で帰りますとも言いにくいとは考えなかったのか… ひどく悲しく連れていった人たちにも申し訳ない気持ちになりながらのお食事に4万円ほど支払いました。 それがあってからは市内にあるお肉やさん(和牛専門店)で、1番高いお肉でも自分で選んで買って食べたほうが気分もよいので、おかげで?その選択肢が増えました(笑) そもそも私がこのお店を選んだのが間違いだったのですよね。 ともかく2度と行きませんのでご安心ください(笑) ちなみにいろんなご当地和牛などを各地(地元でないと味わえないものも多数あるので)に出向いて食べ歩いてますので、味がわからないとか、見る目がないことはないような気がします。 客側としては焼く直前までモノが見れないので、騙された間とまで言っていいのかわかりませんが、詐欺にあった気分とでも申しましょうか。 私の記した事実がお気に召さないという感じにも取れますので…飲食店としての普通のことをするだけのことで、そちら側からすれば、そこを改善したらいいのだと思います。 その気があるようには思えない箇条書きですが。 価格に見合った仕事をするのは当たり前のことですね。
After all, the feeling of hospitality is amazing. The food may be delicious, but overall the finish is old. He served the Murasawa beef that I had reserved, but the course was over 10,000 yen per person, but the meat that looked respectful before baking was dark brown ... I went to eat various Hida beef and Matsusaka beef, but it was the first time for me to do that. It's a shop that was built in the countryside, so I went there several times in anticipation, but I'm sure I won't go there after this. .. If I knew that such meat would come out, I didn't spend tens of thousands of yen. When I think about it, the vegetables weren't crispy, and they were fluttering. If you want to eat delicious steak, we recommend Senryu. Postscript I didn't like it ... Instead, you probably don't know what the customer is looking at. It's a harsh point, but it's just a few facts. Things have a cooling-off period, but restaurants don't. .. Whether 10,000 seems to be a good value depends on the store's response. The customers and the shops are on an equal footing, though they are in different positions, and they respect each other. At that time, I trusted this shop and brought two other people ... I was really disappointed when I said that disappointment ... If you don't know it, that's it. Such a small brown lump ... something that you might not even know about meat unless you tell it. I said that I managed to leave it for you, but the cut is also a remnant of other customers, a piece that I have never seen before, which is far from the so-called meaty appearance How about putting it out? I was shown that and I was told that I'm going to bake it ~ ?. .. Of course, the taste is not good either. .. The tension is falling ... It was sad to see that and think that it would be okay for this person to give something like this, but did you think it was hard to say that he would return for that reason ... I paid about 40,000 yen for a meal that made me feel sorry for those who took me so sadly. After that, it feels better to buy and eat the most expensive meat at a meat shop (Japanese beef specialty store) in the city, so thanks? The choices have increased (laughs) It was a mistake that I chose this shop in the first place. Please be assured that I will never go again (laughs) By the way, I go to various places (because there are many things that can only be tasted locally) and eat around various local Wagyu beef, so I feel that there is nothing I can't understand or see. On the customer side, I can't see things until just before baking, so I don't know if I can say that I was deceived, but let's call it a fraudulent feeling. I can feel that I don't like the facts I wrote ... Just doing the usual things as a restaurant, and from that side, I think it would be better to improve that. It's a bullet point that doesn't seem like that. It's natural to do a job that is worth the price.
mi mi on Google

I used it several times. It is a rare shop where you can get French with a table and chairs on tatami in a house. Since the chef is explaining the menu, I can imagine the taste and the stomach is pekopeco. The wife and the chef were friendly, and I was able to enjoy the meal without feeling stiff. The children were also welcome. I was very happy to have a work party here. The budget was about the same as having all you can drink in a pub. Great satisfaction! !
sou katagiri on Google

数回訪れました。シェフの略歴に惹かれて行きました その名に恥じないくらい美味しく、美しい料理。 また、店内でlineお友達登録をすると 「シェフの料理レシピ」が頂けます。 これが製本してあり、非常に豪華な出来です 料理、サービス、監修本全て◎でした
I visited several times. I was attracted to the chef's biography Delicious and beautiful food that is not ashamed of its name. Also, if you register as a line friend in the store You can get "Chef's cooking recipe". This is bound and very luxurious Cooking, service, supervised books were all ◎
Hisamitsu Kita (ゴンカズ) on Google

First visit to ? Christmas dinner ?. It was a full-course meal of Chef Osawa, who inherited the genealogy of the late Masakichi Ono, who supported the French cuisine of Okura. The time-consuming items were filled with the kindness of the chef's heart. A feeling of hospitality from the bottom of my heart that is not fake, and the joy of being able to spend a very fulfilling time with my husband and wife. I was also impressed with the local love of Chef Osawa and his wife. I definitely want to visit again.
Hirony・ Hanson on Google

ランチコースを頂きました。 ホテルオークラ東京の厨房を何十年も支えてこられたシェフの実績が 味に 盛り付けに おもてなし全てに裏付けされておりました。宮田村で これほどの一流フレンチに…と言うより 「宮田村の超一流フレンチに出掛けたい❣️」と表現した方が的確だと思います。
I had a lunch course. The achievements of the chef who has supported the kitchen of Hotel Okura Tokyo for decades are backed up by all the hospitality in the taste. I think it's more accurate to say "I want to go to Miyada-mura's super-class French ❣️" rather than saying "I want to go to Miyada-mura's super-class French".

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