希望 串焼き屋

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 希望 串焼き屋

住所 :

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Tokyo

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan
川村kawamura on Google

焼きとん!激戦区の亀戸に有る、希望さんへ。 駅から7分位離れてますが、そこは味で勝負!人を集めます。 鮮度が良いので、刺身も旨い❗ 狭い店なので、予約してから行った方が良いです。 木曜日、近所の鶴田が定休日だったので、代打で行ったら当たりでした。 失礼。 ホッピーは、4杯呑める、中の量が半端無い❗ホッピー好きには、お勧めですよ。 鶴田か、希望か! 悩む?
Yakiton! To Hope in Kameido, a fierce battlefield. It is about 7 minutes away from the station, but there is a game with taste! Gather people. Because the freshness is good, the sashimi is also delicious. Because it is a small shop, it is better to go after making a reservation. Thursday, nearby Tsuruta was a regular holiday, so it was a hit if I went for it. Rude. Hoppy can drink 4 cups, there is no odd amount inside. It is recommended for hoppie lovers. Tsuruta or hope! Worried
kayo katsune on Google

亀戸で大好きな串焼き屋さん?? 女性1人でも入りやすく、何を食べても美味しいです。 おつまみや一品も美味しくて、何よりマスターの人柄が優しいから居心地最高? お二階はお座敷なので家族でもOK? 大好きなお店です❤️鮮度抜群?
My favorite kushiyaki restaurant in Kameido ?? It's easy for even one woman to enter, and it's delicious no matter what you eat. The snacks and dishes are delicious, and above all, the master's personality is kind, so it's very comfortable ? The second floor is a tatami room, so even families are OK ? This is my favorite shop ❤️ Excellent freshness ?
na on Google

まず飲み物、生レモンサワー、生グレープフルーツサワー大好きで、どこでも飲みますがここはさっぱりかつ、果汁たっぷり!でいつも大満足(^^) 焼き物、モツ系何でも美味しい! ハズレなく、レバーからつくね、初見からリピーター確定となってしまいました( ^∀^) マスターの人柄も良く居心地が良いです!
First of all, I love drinks, fresh lemon sour, and fresh grapefruit sour, and I drink it everywhere, but it's refreshing and full of juice! I'm always very satisfied (^^) Grilled offal and offal are all delicious! Tsukune from the lever without losing, it has been confirmed as a repeater from the first look (^ ∀ ^) The personality of the master is also good and comfortable!
sylvia park (고등어엄마) on Google

꼬치를 꼬치답게 구워주시는 곳. 가격도 좋고 맛있습니다
A place to grill skewers like skewers. The price is good and delicious
ウーパールーパー on Google

何を頼んでも美味しいお店! 特に串焼き、中でもつくねは絶品です 熱々でふわふわのつくねは、他店ではそうそうお目にかかれません? 2階は座敷でまったりできるので家族連れもOK 1階はカウンターと小さなテーブルがあって、常連さんの近くでワイワイ楽しく呑めます 食べ物やお酒が時期によって変わるので、何度訪れても大満足です✨ ついついお酒が進んで長居してしまいますw 満席で忙しそうなときは遠慮してますが、店主さんに話しかけるとその日のオススメを色々教えてくれます!
A delicious restaurant no matter what you ask! Especially Kushiyaki, especially Tsukune is excellent Hot and fluffy meatballs are rarely seen at other stores ? You can relax in the tatami room on the 2nd floor, so families are welcome. There is a counter and a small table on the 1st floor, so you can enjoy drinking near the regulars. Food and alcohol change depending on the season, so I am very satisfied no matter how many times I visit. Alcohol will go on and stay longer w I refrain from doing so when it's full and busy, but if you talk to the owner, he will tell you various recommendations for the day!
joshua w on Google

This yakitori bento was also good value and delicious, it's confirmed to buy Lipi
山崎退 on Google

2月24日?までランチがお休み?みたいです。 夜はやっているみたい。前に夜に食べに来たときは串焼きとかおつまみ系がホントに美味しくていいお店でした。ランチ食べに来てみようと思ったのですがお休みだったのでまた来てみようと思います。
February 24th? Is lunch closed? it seems like. I think I'm doing it at night. When I came to eat at night before, the skewers and snacks were really delicious. I thought I'd come to eat lunch, but it was a holiday so I'll come again.
Franklin Morris on Google


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