Azabu Sabō Atré Kameido - Koto City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Azabu Sabō Atré Kameido

住所 :

アトレ亀戸 6F 5 Chome-1-1 Kameido, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0071, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 136-0071
Webサイト :

アトレ亀戸 6F 5 Chome-1-1 Kameido, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0071, Japan
ママうさ on Google

A place where I have a tea shop for a long time in this station building. I've used it for the first time in a while, but the sample food looks tastier ?. After all, the policy was to enjoy the atmosphere of the store, not the meal.
haru kawa on Google

I ate ankake yakisoba and matcha zenzai ? Autumn chestnut zenzai is also delicious. I like the atmosphere where I can relax and have been using it several times. Recommended for elderly people
1n05e shin on Google

先日、食事した感想です。 他の方のレビューにもありますが、実際に出てくるモノは、残念な気持ちになり店前のサンプルに騙された気になります。 値段と料理が釣り合ってない、久々にそう感じました。 個人的にはオススメしません。
It is an impression that I ate the other day. Although it is also in the reviews of other people, the things that actually come out make me feel sorry and I feel like I was deceived by the sample in front of the store. It's been a while since I felt that the price and food weren't balanced. I don't personally recommend it.
Yosh R on Google

栗豚とレタスのあんかけ焼きそば 栗豚が甘くておいしかったです。
Ankake fried noodles with chestnut pork and lettuce The chestnut pork was sweet and delicious.
Lu Na on Google

I went to Azabu tea room for about 10 years. It's nostalgic but it has become a big deal. As usual ice cream is good, is not it? Regardless of the season, it was delicious
Reina on Google

若い女性店員の態度が悪かった。スイーツが美味しくてたまに食べに来るが、普段は空いていても、こちらから毎回呼ばないと中から出てこない。でも、こないだ友達と喋りながら食べていた時は、そんなにうるさくしていたわけでもないのに、店員が静かにしろと言わんばかりに会話を遮るように毎回不必要にテーブルに来た。友達が外国人だったのだが、なぜか日本人の私がいるのに無視して、片言の英語で友達にのみ追加の注文がないかなど話しかける。 毎回会話が盛り上がっていた時に遮られ、不愉快だったので、もう行きません。
The attitude of the young female clerk was bad. The sweets are delicious and I come to eat occasionally, but even if they are usually vacant, they will not come out from inside unless I call them every time. However, when I was eating while talking with my friends, I wasn't so noisy, but every time the clerk came to the table unnecessarily to interrupt the conversation as if to be quiet. My friend was a foreigner, but for some reason I'm Japanese, so I ignore it and talk to my friend in plain English if there are any additional orders. I didn't go anymore because it was unpleasant because it was interrupted every time the conversation was lively.
孝子吉澤 on Google

日曜日のランチタイムに利用しました。五目あんかけ焼きそばにサラダをプラスしました。注文してから10分位で出来上がりスタッフさんも丁寧で良かったです。 海鮮の具は沢山入っていましたが、麺が少し柔らかかったのと亀戸と言う場所にしては割高だったかなあと思います。
We used it at lunchtime on Sunday. We added salad to Gome Ankake Yakisoba. The finished staff was polite and good in about 10 minutes after ordering. There were plenty of seafood ingredients, but I think that the noodles were a little soft and it was expensive for a place called Kameido.
custard cream on Google

黒糖寒天の茶房あんみつ (きなこアイスクリーム)を食べたくなると立ち寄ります。食べ応え満点!あっさりした黒糖のざく切り寒天に、黒蜜と小豆。トップはきな粉アイス。栗の甘露煮が付いてますが妙に甘すぎて。酸味のあるフルーツが良いなぁと毎回感じます。
If you want to eat brown sugar agar teahouse anmitsu (kinako ice cream), stop by. Perfect score for eating! Light brown sugar chopped agar, black honey and red beans. The top is kinako ice cream. It comes with sweetened chestnuts, but it's strangely too sweet. I always feel that sour fruits are good.

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