
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 明洞

住所 :

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Tokyo

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan
ちえ on Google

娘と2人で何度か行かせていただいてます。 お店はアットホームな雰囲気で居心地がいいです。 スンドゥブやセットのおかずもとっても美味しいです♪
I've been with my daughter several times. The shop has a cozy atmosphere and is cozy. Sundubu and set side dishes are also delicious ♪
珈琲詩人789 on Google

In addition to grilled meat, you can enjoy various Korean dishes. Your mother will do better, and it is safe for families with children.
so so on Google

接客の態度がくそでした!^ - ^メニューに書いてあるのを質問したらみてわかんでしょ!!何言ってるかわかんないと怒鳴られて、お水をもらいたくてチャイムを鳴らしても無視され声もかけましたが無視されました。2度と行きません!
The attitude of customer service was shit! ^ --^ If you ask a question that is written on the menu, you don't know! !! I was yelled at when I didn't understand what I was saying, and even if I rang the chime to get water, it was ignored and I called out, but it was ignored. I will never go again!
ninnikumasimasi on Google

The meat is reasonable but the seasoning and service were good
岡本キヨ on Google

通りすがったお店が明洞という焼肉屋だったので寄って見ました。 注文した品物の肉もボリュームがあって、満腹に頂けました。その他にもチヂミやユッケジャンなど味付けや塩加減など最高に美味しかったです。室内の雰囲気も落ち着く感じで気にせずゆっくり食べることができました。亀有にこんなに素敵なお店があるなんて思いもしませんでした。 ぜひまたリピートしたいものです。 ご馳走様でした。
The shop I passed by was a yakiniku restaurant called Myeongdong, so I stopped by. The meat of the ordered item was also voluminous and I was satisfied. Besides, the seasoning and salting of chijimi and yukgaejang were the best. The atmosphere in the room was calm and I was able to eat slowly without worrying about it. I never thought that Kameari had such a nice shop. I definitely want to repeat it again. It was a treat.
中川真理子 on Google

I am very satisfied with the homely Korean food! You will be very satisfied with the side dishes that come out for lunch ♪ Yangnyeom chicken is the best!
デンプシージャンキー on Google

緊急事態宣言明けで、初訪問 室内は換気もばっちしで、テーブルにアルコールもあり感染対策は大丈夫です! 小上がりで座敷に座って食べるのですが、凄く懐かしい気分になり落ち着きます! 料理もボリュームがあり美味しい! トッポギが特に美味しいです! お店のママさんがとても良い方で、気持ちよく帰れました! また来たいお店です!
First visit after the state of emergency The room is well ventilated, and there is alcohol on the table, so infection control is okay! I sit in the tatami room and eat, but I feel very nostalgic and calm down! The food is voluminous and delicious! Toppogi is especially delicious! The mom at the store was a very nice person and I was able to go home comfortably! This is the shop I want to visit again!
is ka on Google

韓国料理を本場の味で食べたかったらここのお店がオススメです! 私はいつもユッケジャンと、チーズトッポギをたべますが、とてもおいしいです。 ここの店を気に入ってくれるお友達は韓国旅行が好きな子がおおいので、韓国の味が恋しい人は足を運んでみることをおすすめします! ランチ復活したみたいで嬉しいです! 周辺の韓国料理屋の前菜ってちょこんとしてるのですが、ここは前菜もしっかりあって、満腹になります!
If you want to eat Korean food with authentic taste, this shop is recommended! I always eat yukgaejang and cheese tteokbokki, which is very delicious. Most of the friends who like this shop are those who like traveling to Korea, so if you miss the taste of Korea, I recommend you to visit! I'm glad that lunch is back! The appetizers of the Korean restaurants in the area are a little bit small, but there are plenty of appetizers here, so I'm full!

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