メガネドラッグ 蒲田本店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メガネドラッグ 蒲田本店

住所 :

Kamata, Ota City, 〒144-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.meganedrug.com/shop/kamata
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 10:30AM–7:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Kamata, Ota City, 〒144-0052 Tokyo,Japan
息子大好きママ大好き on Google

メガネを選ぶさいにどれがいいのか分からなかったので店員さんに聞いて選んでみました 出来上がったメガネを装着するととても見えづらかったのが良く見えてよかったです! 耳のかけるところを丁寧に何度も曲げてくださり落ちないようにしてくれてありがたかったです 今度はメガネが壊れたらまた行きたいと思います
I didn't know which one to use when choosing glasses, so I asked the clerk to choose one. It was nice to see that it was very hard to see when I put on the finished glasses! I'm grateful that you carefully bent the place where you put your ears over and over so that it wouldn't fall off. This time I would like to go again if my glasses break
島田美穂子 on Google

京急蒲田駅近道商店街入口に有り、朝、10時30分~営業してますよ??✨店員さんは、親切にアドバイス等して下さいました。メガネや、サングラス、ルーペ??️の他 くもり止めスプレー等も有りましたです??✨ 周りには、ハンバーガー?屋さんや、「オリンピック」等も有り、京急蒲田近道商店街の中にも、中華料理屋さんや、居酒屋?、ワイン?屋さん、洋服屋さん、ドコモショップ等も有るので、買い物や、食事等も出来て便利かな? JR蒲田駅からは、少し離れてるので、歩きますよ。
It is located at the entrance of the Keikyu Kamata Station shortcut shopping street and is open from 10:30 in the morning ??✨ The clerk kindly gave me some advice. In addition to glasses, sunglasses, and loupes ??️, there were also anti-fog sprays, etc. There are also Chinese restaurants, izakaya ?, wine ? shops, clothes shops, docomo shops, etc., so is it convenient to shop and eat? It's a little far from JR Kamata station, so I'll walk.
なかじー on Google

丁寧で明るく、とても親切な、接客のお手本のような女性に対応いただきました。お昼休みの限られた時間でしたが検眼からレンズ・フレームの選択まで丁寧な説明でしっかり対応いただき、無事に時間内にメガネを注文できました。出来上がりが楽しみです。 入り口での検温とアルコール消毒、検眼装置の拭き取り消毒など、感染対策もしっかりされていました。
The woman was polite, cheerful, very kind, and served as a model for customer service. Although it was a limited time during the lunch break, I was able to order the glasses safely in time, with careful explanations from optometry to lens / frame selection. I'm looking forward to the completion. Infection control measures such as temperature measurement at the entrance, alcohol disinfection, and wiping disinfection of the optometry device were also taken.
Taguchi Hiroshi on Google

いつも購入してますが、高いですよ! 友人に聞きましたが、眼鏡市場など格安眼鏡店の方が安いです。 処方は眼科クリニックで検眼して処方箋持参であれば問題無し。 メガネドラックの検眼は強度傾向にあります。 しつこいと思われますが眼科受診のひと手間が大事です。
I always buy it, but it's expensive! As I asked a friend, cheap eyeglass stores such as the eyeglass market are cheaper. There is no problem if the prescription is examined at an ophthalmology clinic and you bring your prescription. Optometry for spectacle drag tends to be strong. It seems to be persistent, but it is important to take the time and effort of seeing an ophthalmologist.
かめクジラ on Google

I made my 5th pair of glasses at this shop. It's not an extremely cheap shop, but it's never missed. If you buy at a cheap shop where the frame is not strong enough, you should think that you bought it twice at this shop, because you will have 3 times, so it is a good deal.
M on Google

新しく眼鏡を購入しに行きましたが、接客がとても丁寧で、眼の検査もとてもじっくりやって頂きました。レンズ選びも分かりやすい説明で、アドバイスなども余すことなく教えて下さったり、フレーム選びも説明が丁寧で、質問に対してもすぐ丁寧に教えてくれます。 とても満足のいく眼鏡を購入でき、こちらのお店で本当によかったです。
I went to buy new eyeglasses, but the customer service was very polite and the eye examination was done very carefully. The explanation is easy to understand when choosing a lens, and he will give you all the advice, and the explanation when choosing a frame is also polite, and he will immediately and politely tell you any questions. I was really happy to buy glasses that I was very happy with.
Smile Black on Google

以前、とても親身に対応して頂いたので メガネユーザーの事を大切にしてくれるスタッフがきちんと対応してくれます。 頻繁にメガネを購入することはないが、またココで作ります。
Before, I was very kind to you The staff who take good care of the eyeglass users will respond properly. I don't buy glasses often, but I make them here again.
横山祐季 on Google

1週間前メガネの修理のため伺いました。少しのフレームの歪みなのに、メガネドラッグで購入したメガネでなければ受け付けられず、直接メーカーへ相談するよう言われました。そこまでは会社の方針だから仕方ないとは思いながらも、せっかくメガネ屋に来たので試着してたら「掛けるのはいいですが、掛け終わったらこちらに置いてください」と言われました。「掛けるのはいいですが」ってどうゆうこと??私はなんとなく、ここのお店は高齢者層を相手に仕事しており、若い人はどうせ買わないだろうから帰れば?っていう態度にも感じられました。 その後金子眼鏡店に相談したら999.9の取り扱いはありませんでしたが、快く修理いただけましたので、そこで新しいメガネを購入しました。メガネへの思いは、メガネを探しに来たお客さんへの思いとイコールだと思います。多少不器用でも、人間的な接客の方が、メガネ屋らしいと感じました。
I visited you a week ago to repair my glasses. Even though the frame was slightly distorted, it was not accepted unless it was purchased by Megane Drug, and I was told to consult the manufacturer directly. I thought it couldn't be helped because it was the company's policy up to that point, but since I came to the eyeglass shop, I tried it on and was told, "It's okay to hang it, but when you're done, put it here." What do you mean by "it's okay to hang it"? ?? Somehow, the shop here works for the elderly, and young people won't buy it anyway, so why not go home? I also felt that attitude. After that, when I consulted with Kaneko Optician, 999.9 was not available, but I was happy to repair it, so I bought new eyeglasses there. I think that my thoughts on eyeglasses are equal to those of customers who come to look for eyeglasses. Even if it was a little clumsy, I felt that the human service was more like a spectacles shop.

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