
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蒲入水産(有)

住所 :

Kamanyu, Ine, Yoza District, 〒626-0401 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://kamanyu-suisan.co.jp/meshi.html
街 : Kyoto

Kamanyu, Ine, Yoza District, 〒626-0401 Kyoto,Japan
オオルリ on Google

伊根の舟屋を見てから、ドライブしていて辿り着きました。予約してなかったけど入れて助かりました。周りはほとんどお店がなかったので。 お刺身が新鮮で、イカもピンっとしていました。天ぷらの量がすごくて食べきるのが大変でした。どれも美味しく頂きました。白ごはんとへしこの組み合わせ最高!
After seeing Ine's Funaya, I drove and arrived. We did not make a reservation, but we were saved and were saved. There were almost no shops around. The sashimi was fresh, and the squid was also sharp. The amount of tempura was so great that it was hard to eat. Everything was delicious. The best combination of white rice and hesh!
北野雅之(まさやん88) on Google

There was a climb along the way, and I visited without a reservation, but I asked the uncle at the reception to let me know if the timing was right. I was full with boiled fish, tempura, sashimi, and grilled turban shells.
荒屋匠 on Google

本当に美味しかったです。 金目鯛の刺身が最高でした!
It was really delicious. The sashimi of Kinmedai was the best!
土橋智美 on Google

とにかくボリューム満点? 美味しくいただきました? 早く行かないと、売り切れ御免?のようです❗️ご注意を・・・ 予約も出来るようでした❗️
Anyway, the volume is perfect ? It was delicious ? If you don't go early, it looks like it's sold out ? ❗️ Please note ... It seemed that I could make a reservation ❗️
田中聡 on Google

釣りを兼ねて、気になっていた漁港めしを食べに行ってきました。 海を眺めながらの漁港めし、貴重な体験をさせて頂きました(^-^) 刺身、煮付け、天ぷら、その他…とにかく中々のボリューム感です。 食べに行かれる方はしっかりお腹を空かせて食べに行って下さいヽ(*´∀`)ノ あと! 基本的に事前予約制なので、予約してから行って下さい。 ちなみに海はめっちゃキレイですよ・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+
I went to eat the fishing port rice that I was interested in for fishing. I had a valuable experience at the fishing port while looking at the sea (^-^) Sashimi, simmered, tempura, etc ... Anyway, it's a medium volume. If you are going to eat, please be hungry and go to eat ヽ (* ´∀ `) ノ Also! Basically, it is a reservation system, so please make a reservation before you go. By the way, the sea is really beautiful ・: * +. ((° ω °)) /.:+
RURU on Google

漁港めし¥2200のみ。予約必修。12時に行くと何人も帰ってました、満車。感想は期待したけど正直普通。冷えてました。 景色もそこまでw。1度で充分かとおもいますが、行ったことない方は1度位は行ってみては?
Fishing port rice ¥ 2200 only. Reservation required. When I went to 12 o'clock, many people were back, it was full. I expected the impression, but honestly it is normal. It was cold. The scenery is up to that point. I think that once is enough, but if you have never been there, try going once ?
Kazuya Shouji on Google

予約だけで一杯になる【漁港めし】。 食事場所は海の前のロケーションOK! 料理は腹一杯になるよ。
It will be full just by making a reservation [Fishing port rice]. The dining place is OK in front of the sea! The food will be full.
Kilo November on Google

Hidden spot for craving some very fresh seafood. Eat at the dock by the sea, cheap and fresh.

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