葛飾区 総合教育センター

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 葛飾区 総合教育センター

住所 :

Kamakura, Katsushika City, 〒125-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.city.katsushika.lg.jp/institution/1000099/1006932.html
街 : Tokyo

Kamakura, Katsushika City, 〒125-0053 Tokyo,Japan
鶴田早苗 on Google

Arata Hasebe on Google

風戸諒 on Google

Kohei Toyokawa on Google

タイワイム on Google

mash0201 on Google

Far from the station
릴리 on Google

I'm attending now. The good thing is that even if I couldn't go to school, going to this school reduced the number of times my mom told me to go to school. On the downside, I want to study a little more, so I also want a 4-hour class.
黒糖 on Google

私は今高校2年生です。 ここに通っていたおかげで高校にも受かりましたし、新しい友達も増えました。 先生は御年寄の方ばかりだったけど優しい先生も厳しい先生も面白い先生も居て、楽しかった思い出しかありません。
I am a second year high school student. I went to high school because I was here, and I have new friends. The teachers were only elderly people, but there were gentle teachers, strict teachers, and interesting teachers, so I only had fun memories.

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