
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 仙台おひさま整体

住所 :

Kakyoin, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0013 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://ohisamaseitai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Kakyoin, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0013 Miyagi,Japan
Yukie on Google

慣れない包丁の使い過ぎで、包丁を使うたびに親指周辺に痛みが発生していたので、クチコミの良いこちらに決めました。 30分のコースにしましたが、整えていただいた後はからだがとても楽になりました。 翌日にもみ返しも全くなく、親指周辺にあった痛みがなくなりました。 また、家で出来る運動やツボ押しなども教えていただいて、さっそく試しています。 とても上手に整えて下さいますよ。
I wasn't used to using knives too much, and every time I used the knives, I had pain around my thumb, so I decided on this one with good reviews. I made it a 30-minute course, but after it was prepared, my body became much easier. The next day, there was no backlash and the pain around my thumb disappeared. Also, I was taught about exercises that can be done at home and pressing points, and I am trying it out immediately. Please arrange it very well.
Sayaka on Google

The treatment centered on the lower back not only reduced the pain, but also made me feel that my legs came out more smoothly when I walked on my way home. It was just the right amount of force, so I didn't rub it back and woke up the next day.
みゆき on Google

I have a lot of computer work at work, and my neck and shoulders are very stiff, but after a little massage, it became much easier! There was no pain, and after the treatment, it became lighter and the headache disappeared. Thank you!
鳴海友美 on Google

慢性的な疲労で診てもらいました。 問診も丁寧で、施術中はリラックスし過ぎて眠くなってしまったほど。また伺います。
I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue. The interviews were also polite, and I was so relaxed and sleepy during the procedure. I will visit you again.
牛タン四郎 on Google

腰痛に悩んでおり、整体院を探してました。 仙台駅から徒歩7分程度と近く、口コミ評判も良かったので初訪問しました。 先生はすごく優しく誠実な方でした。 腰の痛みもとれ、満足してます。 またお邪魔したいと思える腕良し、丁寧、親切な大変良い”おひさま整体”です。 私はおすすめします。
I was suffering from back pain and was looking for a manipulative clinic. It's about a 7-minute walk from Sendai station, and the word-of-mouth reputation was good, so I visited for the first time. The teacher was very kind and sincere. I am satisfied with the pain in my lower back. In addition, it is a very good "Ohisama manipulative" that is good, polite, and kind that you want to bother. I recommend it.
琉晟 on Google

横浜からの出張できました。 Google検索で評判が良かったので訪問させていただきました。 症状を親身に聞いてくださり、的確にマッサージしていただきました。 施術後は、体がスッキリ楽になり大変満足です。 また仙台出張の際はぜひ寄らせていただきます。
I was able to make a business trip from Yokohama. I visited because it was well received by Google search. He listened to the symptoms and massaged them properly. After the treatment, my body feels refreshed and I am very satisfied. In addition, we will definitely drop by when you are on a business trip to Sendai.
K on Google

Although it is outside the prefecture, I visited for the first time! Thanks to you, my stiff shoulders and other problems have alleviated incredibly. It was a relaxing treatment without getting tired. Also, I would like to take care of you.
橋上自宅 on Google

慢性的な腰痛で悩まされており、腰痛の専門家を調べ初めてお伺いしました! 施術後には体が楽になり、心も体もリフレッシュできました♪ またその瞬間だけではなく、数時間経った後でも効果が持続しており体も柔らかくなったと思います! 院長もフレンドリーな方で、初心者の私でも安心できました! また体のメンテンスに行きたいと思います! 仙台駅から近いので通院に便利ですね♪
I am suffering from chronic low back pain, so I visited a low back pain specialist for the first time! After the treatment, my body became easier and my mind and body were refreshed ♪ Also, I think that the effect lasted not only at that moment but also after several hours, and my body became softer! The director is also friendly, and even I, a beginner, was relieved! I would like to go to body maintenance again! It's close to Sendai station, so it's convenient for going to the hospital ♪

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