ASTすだ気功院 仙台分院

4.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact ASTすだ気功院 仙台分院

住所 :

Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0014 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–7:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–7:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0014 Miyagi,Japan
Chie K on Google

牡丹姫 on Google

My husband became a serious sickness and a day after my discharge he was still sick, but since I received treatment I became easier and spiritually relieved.
栗原よし子 on Google

整形外科で、膝の水を抜く処置のミスで、ばい菌が入り両足がパンパンに腫れてどうしようもなくなった時、この治療で治りました。 それから、腰痛、帯状疱疹などへの治療を受けて普通の生活を送っています。 大変助かってます。今後もお世話になります。
In orthopedic surgery, mistake of treatment to pull out the water of the knee, I am cured by this treatment when bacteria enter and entangled with both feet swollen with bangs. After that, I am receiving medical treatment for lumbago, shingles, etc. and living a normal life. I am very saved. I am indebted for the future.
大木やす子 on Google

I have been taking treatment for more than three years. Initially it was a lumbago slipler said to be unable to recover at the hospital, but painful pain was lost in about six months. Currently, we are improving ups and downs every time.
M T on Google

再検査→精密検査→また別の精密検査となって、気が重くなるばかり。悪いほうにばかり考える悪循環に陥り、「病は気から」なのに、このままではいけないと思い、以前から興味のあった気功へ。 通い始めたばかりですが、「手当て」をしていただいている感覚は他にはないもので、精神的にもとても助かっています。
Re-inspection-> detailed inspection-> another detailed inspection, which just makes me feel uncomfortable. I fell into a vicious circle of thinking only about the bad side, and even though I was "sick", I thought that I shouldn't stay like this, so I went to Qigong, which I had been interested in for a long time. I've just started going to school, but I don't feel like I'm being treated, and it's been very helpful mentally.
on Google

5回のもらい事故で整体、鍼灸、カイロ、整骨院など10年以上通っても首、腰の痛みや吐き気にめまいで不調が増すばかり。 須田気功院に月に2~3回のペースで通い1年経つ頃には台風がきてもへっちゃらに。また乳ガン検診で左右に12ミリのしこりが見つかりガン化しないように予防をしていただいていたら次の検診で左のしこりが消えていました。 そんなとき、足のくるぶしの靭帯を痛め、車の運転ができず、気功を休んで近くの整骨院に3ヶ月通いました。しかしとにかく痛いので再び須田気功院へ。治療を再開しついでに足も治療していただいて2回で良くなりました。休んだこと、すご~く後悔しました。 今度は首と拍動性耳鳴りと顎関節症を治療してもらいま~す。 ひどいときは遠隔にたよっています。
Even with passing through more than 10 years, such as accommodation, acupuncture and moxibustion, cairo, osteopathy, etc., it has only been getting sick with neck, back pain and nausea due to dizziness. I have been going to Suda Qigo in 2 to 3 times a month at a pace one year later even when a typhoon arrives, I feel a bit lazy. In addition, if breast cancer screening found that a lump of 12 mm was found on the left and right and prevented it from cancering, the left lump was gone in the next examination. In such a case, I hurt the ligaments of my legs, I could not drive a car, I took a rest for Qigong and went to a nearby osteopathic clinic for 3 months. But it hurts anyway so I went to Suda Qigo again. I resumed treatment and treated my legs at the same time and I got better with 2 times. I regretted having been absent. This time I will treat my neck and pulsatile tinnitus and TMJ. When I get bad, I keep watching remotely.

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