ラーメン食堂 泰

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラーメン食堂 泰

住所 :

Kakuganji, Tsuruoka, 〒997-0052 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://ramensyokudoutai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Yamagata

Kakuganji, Tsuruoka, 〒997-0052 Yamagata,Japan
ナリタタム on Google

麺が半分えのきとコンニャクになっているヘルシー志向のエノコンラーメンがある。 スープがとても美味しいけど、麺がかなり柔らかめ。 カレーも美味しかった。
There is a healthy-oriented enokitake ramen with half-enoki and konnyaku noodles. The soup is very delicious, but the noodles are quite soft. The curry was also delicious.
takahashi on Google

ラーメン食堂なんだが、小洒落た食道ですね。 メニューを開くと単価高いですね。 単価に見合った内容だが、設定が高く、町の食堂より、レストランですね。 ラーメンにも興味を持ったが、ヒレカツカレーを注文。 ヒレが3切れ、ルーはカツの表面にもにサラッと掛かってます。 もう少しルーはほしい感じです。 肉は柔らかく、ルーも後でピリッと来る感じで美味しかったです。 ランチセットはボリュームが良さそうでしたが、1000円はくだらないのですが、お腹ペコペコの時に良さそうです。
It's a ramen restaurant, but it's a stylish esophagus. The unit price is high when you open the menu. The content is worth the unit price, but the setting is high, and it's a restaurant rather than a cafeteria in the town. I was also interested in ramen, but ordered a pork cutlet curry. Three fins are cut, and the roux hangs smoothly on the surface of the cutlet. I want a little more roux. The meat was tender and the roux was delicious with a tingling sensation later. The lunch set seemed to have a good volume, but 1000 yen is crap, but it looks good when I'm hungry.
守谷宏雅 on Google

出張帰りに何度か食べに行く店☺️ 昼はラーメン&カレーメインで、夜は呑みもやってる感じの店? 今回は昼の来店で(昼しか来店したことないけど)、Lロースカツカレー辛口食べた~? 脂身が少なくて美味しかった✨ なぜか、名古屋で食べたようなソースも着いてきた⁉️でも、ロースカツにあったから許せる(笑)
A store that goes to eat several times on the way home from a business trip ☺️ A shop that mainly serves ramen and curry during the day and drinks at night ? This time I visited the store at noon (I've only visited the store at noon) and ate L loin cutlet curry dry ~ ? It was delicious with less fat ✨ For some reason, I got the sauce that I ate in Nagoya ⁉️, but I can forgive it because it was in the loin cutlet (laugh)
はなまさ on Google

背脂ラーメン大盛を頼んだら意外にも大量のチャーシューが。 そしてこれが旨い。ライス欲しくなります。 麺は確かに柔めだけど個人的には好きです。 座敷も広くキッズメニューも充実しているので、子連れでも安心して行けるお店です。
If you ask for a large serving of backfat ramen, you will find a surprisingly large amount of char siu. And this is delicious. I want rice. The noodles are certainly soft, but I personally like them. The tatami room is large and the kids' menu is extensive, so it is a shop where you can go with children without any worries.
鶴岡TV on Google

カレーが美味しいと評判なのでロースカツカレーをオーダー 美味しいからペロリと食べてしまった。トンカツは意外と小さい、全体のボリュームが足らなかった。 値段は高目。味は良。
I ordered the loin cutlet curry because the curry has a good reputation. I ate it because it was delicious. The pork cutlet was surprisingly small, and the overall volume was not enough. The price is high. The taste is good.
jun k on Google

I visited for the first time ❗️ I got curry and mini ramen ❗️ Katsu curry came with curry on it ❗️ The crispy feeling of Katsu was lost ⤵️. Mottainai ❗️ Next, I would like to order without curry. For ramen, the noodles were a little soft ❗️ It was better if it was a little harder ❗️ It was a feast ❗️
YASUS0318 on Google

21.11.5 初来店 お客さんも少なく隠れ家的存在。 店内BGMもひと昔の喫茶店みたいで雰囲気がいいですね。 さて今日はお得そうなランチAを注文。 サラダ、ミニ醤油ラーメン、ミニカレーです。 量は少ないですがバランスはいいと思います。 ラーメンはあっさりした素朴な醤油ラーメンです。物足りなかったのでホワイトペッパーを入れパンチのあるラーメンに味変して食べたら最高に美味しくなりました。 カレーは口コミの評判がいいだけに最高にうまいです!ただただうまいだけです。 一つ言わせてもらえばカレーの量が少ないだけ。ミニカレーだからしょうがないか... ドリンクバーが付いているのもいい!食後の挽きたてコーヒー最高です! また是非来店したいと思います。
21.11.5 First visit There are few customers and it is a hideaway. The in-store BGM is like an old coffee shop, and the atmosphere is nice. By the way, I ordered lunch A, which seems to be a good deal today. Salad, mini soy sauce ramen, mini curry. The amount is small, but I think the balance is good. Ramen is a simple and simple soy sauce ramen. I wasn't satisfied with it, so I added white pepper and changed the taste to a punchy ramen, which made it the most delicious. Curry is the best because it has a good reputation! It's just good. One thing to say is that the amount of curry is small. It's a mini curry, so it can't be helped ... It's nice to have a drink bar! Freshly ground coffee after a meal is the best! I would definitely like to visit the store again.
Daniel Meyer on Google

いつもチーズカツカレーを頼んでます。自家製のサラダドレッシングもとても美味しい! I always get the cheese chicken cutlet curry. The homemade dressing here is also very good. Not the healthiest, but definitely can hit the spot for some comfort food now and again.

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