Kaiun Inari Shrine - Yonezawa

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Contact Kaiun Inari Shrine

住所 :

1 Chome-5 Central, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-0045, Japan

Postal code : 992-0045
Webサイト : http://yamagata-jinjyacho.or.jp/wp/blog/archives/jinjya/%25E9%2596%258B%25E9%2581%258B%25E7%25A8%25B2%25E8%258D%25B7%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE

1 Chome-5 Central, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-0045, Japan
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創立は不詳だが、上杉氏の入部に伴って米沢に移動したものと見られ、かつてこの地は米沢城三の丸土手があり鬼門にあたる。そのため、鬼門除けのお稲荷様として祀られたと考えられている。祭神は宇迦御魂神。 大正六年の1度目の米沢大火に巻き込まれ、その際に髙梨源五郎氏などが再建に尽力し、現在の本殿は大正十年、拝殿は昭和十八年に建立された。髙梨源五郎とは米澤義社や兩羽銀行といった銀行業に関与した人物で、近代米沢の財政を支えた人物。彼を顕彰する石碑が『好是懿徳』という篆題で松岬神社の境内に建てられており、来歴が詳しく書かれている。この開運稲荷神社にも氏の顕彰碑が建っている。以下に判読した原文を書き留める。(改行は原文にしたがう。) 「(表) 髙梨翁碑  従三位伯爵上杉憲章公篆額 髙梨源五郎翁資性英果敬神の念最も篤く夙に地方經濟界の 耆宿たり曩に敎育財團興譲館?属の地區に住する者五十餘 戸開運組合を結成し相倶に福祉を圖らんとす翁曰く人の世 に?する宜く信仰の標的なかるへからすと乃ち相議りて開 運稻荷祠を建立せり爾来鄰保相親しみ互に道義を重んして 各家運の隆昌を效せるもの畢竟翁の庇護に賴れるものと謂 ふへし茲に組合會の議に依り碑を立て以て積年の恵澤に酬 いんとす嗚呼翁一代の行藏は小碑の得て悉すへきにあらす 僅に一端を録して感懐を表するのみ冀くは翁の遺徳は吾妻 の嶺の愈髙く松川の水の愈遠く流芳千載に傳はらんことを 昭和六年九月 正六位大乗寺良一撰 正七位佐藤俊太郎書 (裏) 昭和六年九月建之 開運組合」 写真撮影月 令和2年4月 参考文献 『米沢の神社・堂宮5 ー中部地区ー』米沢市教育委員会
The founding is unknown, but it seems that it moved to Yonezawa with the joining of Mr. Uesugi, and this place used to be the demon gate with the round bank of Yonezawa Castle. Therefore, it is believed that it was enshrined as Inari-sama, who excluded the demon gate. The deity is Ukanomitama. He was involved in the first Great Fire of Yonezawa in 1918, and at that time, Mr. Gengoro Takanashi and others worked hard to rebuild the main shrine, and the current main shrine was built in 1918 and the worship hall was built in 1958. Gengoro Takanashi is a person who was involved in the banking business such as Yonezawa Yoshisha and Toba Bank, and supported the finances of modern Yonezawa. A stone monument to honor him is erected in the precincts of Matsugasaki Shrine under the title of "Emperor Itoku", and the history is written in detail. A monument to honor him is also built at this Kaiuninari Shrine. Write down the original text that you read below. (Line breaks follow the original text.) "(table) Takanashi monument, the third-ranked count Uesugi's official amount Gengoro Takanashi The spirit of the god of mercy, the most serious of the local economy Fifty people who live in the genus of Kojokan ? The world of people who form a Tokaiun union and seek welfare in Aikyu ? It ’s a good idea to be the target of faith. The luck cargo shrine was erected, and the morality of each other was respected. What can be said to be effective for the prosperity of each family luck Reciprocated to Ezawa for many years by setting up a monument on the basis of the union's discussion Intosu 嗚 Callo Ichidai's Gyozo is a monument that he gets and mourns. The virtues of the old man are Azuma The ridge of the ridge of the water of Matsukawa September 1945 Sixth Rank Daijoji Ryoichi Seventh Rank Sato Shuntaro (back) September 1945, Tateyuki, Good Luck Association " Photographing month April 2nd year of Reiwa References "Yonezawa Shrine, Domiya 5-Chubu District-" Yonezawa City Board of Education
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紅葉が美しいです。昭和の全盛期「米沢銀座」と呼ばれて賑わった飲み屋街通りの陰に建っている「開運稲荷神社」です。側には400年前に上杉家が築いた外堀が流れています。由緒は不明ですが、元・上杉氏の居城米沢城があった上杉神社の鬼門に位置している土塁に建っているので、もしかしたら直江兼続と直江船による建立かもしれません。 祀られているのは、稲と穀物、商売繁盛の女神様 宇迦之御魂神(ウカノミタマノカミ)です。いわゆる、お稲荷さんの名で親しまれている神様です。 大正の米沢大火で焼失して、今の社は昭和になってから再建されました。 この地の人々らの団結と家運隆昌を願って、再建に尽力した 高梨源五郎翁 を讃えた碑もあります。 再建当時は、周辺で働く人々が訪れて商売繁盛と家内安泰を祈願し続けたのだと思います。その祈りが実ったのか、全盛期には米沢銀座の名に恥じない繁華街を誕生させたのかもしれませんね。 今は、ただただ紅葉が美しく。 名残りのスナックや居酒屋、平成になってから居抜きで入ったラウンジが近隣でちらほらと営業しています。神社の北側には老舗の鰻屋さんもあります。 参拝者が増えて、この地域の商売人達とお客様達が笑顔で戻ってきてくれるといいですね!
The autumn leaves are beautiful. It is "Kaiun Inari Shrine" which is built in the shadow of the bar street which was called "Yonezawa Ginza" in the heyday of the Showa era. On the side is the Sotobori, which was built by the Uesugi family 400 years ago. The history is unknown, but since it is built on the earthworks located at the demon gate of Uesugi Shrine where the former Uesugi's castle, Yonezawa Castle, was located, it may have been built by Kanetsugu Naoe and Naoe Ship. What is enshrined is rice and grain, the goddess of business prosperity, Ukanomitama no Kami. It is a so-called god who is familiar with the name of Inari. It was burnt down by the Great Fire of Yonezawa in the Taisho era, and the current company was rebuilt in the Showa era. There is also a monument praising Gengoro Takanashi, who worked hard to rebuild the area, hoping for the unity of the people of this area and Takamasa Ieun. At the time of the reconstruction, I think that the people working in the area visited and prayed for the prosperity of business and the safety of my wife. Perhaps that prayer has come to fruition, or it may have created a downtown area that lives up to the name of Yonezawa Ginza during its heyday. Now, the autumn leaves are just beautiful. Remnants of snacks, izakaya, and lounges that have been open since the Heisei era are open in the neighborhood. There is also a long-established eel shop on the north side of the shrine. I hope that the number of worshipers will increase and that the business people and customers in this area will come back with a smile!

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