(株)竹風堂 松本開智店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)竹風堂 松本開智店

住所 :

Kaichi, Matsumoto, 〒390-0876 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://chikufudo.com/shop/shop06
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Kaichi, Matsumoto, 〒390-0876 Nagano,Japan
高野豊 on Google

It is difficult to enter at the corner of the traffic light, and there are only two parking lots.
清水美奈子 on Google

初めて松本市に観光をしました。 知り合いのおすすめで行ってみて、栗ようかんが入ったセットを買いました。 お家に帰って食べたらとっても美味しくて! お取寄せしようかと思っています。
I visited Matsumoto City for the first time. I went to the recommendation of an acquaintance and bought a set with chestnut yokan. It ’s really delicious when I get home and eat! I want to order it.
antaba an on Google

Good. It is convenient to buy souvenirs here when you go to Matsumoto Castle or Former Kaichi School.
まつ on Google

Chikufudo made me realize once again that yokan is delicious. My favorite product is chestnut dorayaki. The good price is because delicious chestnuts are chopped and put in bean paste. Chestnuts do not regret the souvenirs. The hidden favorite is the grape-flavored Orbusse. I'm lucky at one point, so if you find one, I recommend picking it up.
ちゃんねる信州 on Google

定員さんの丁寧な接客に好印象を受けました。老舗の伝統と長野内外問わず愛されてきた歴史と文化を体現した一流のお菓子はどれも絶品です。 中でもとりわけ言及したいのが栗のどら焼きで、選び抜かれた栗を餡に刻み丁寧に練り込まれた逸品はお土産にももってこいです。 くりの羊羹もオススメで、甘いものがそんなに得意でない方も不思議と手が伸びてしまう上品なスイーツ。 総じて、松本或いは長野観光で手土産に迷ったらまず候補に挙げて良いお店かと思います。松本城散策の際に是非立ち寄ってみてください。
I was impressed by the polite customer service of the capacity. All of the first-class sweets that embody the long-established tradition and the history and culture that have been loved both inside and outside Nagano are exquisite. Of these, the chestnut dorayaki is the one I would like to mention, and the gem that is carefully kneaded with carefully selected chestnuts is a perfect souvenir. Chestnut yokan is also recommended, and it is an elegant dessert that even those who are not so good at sweets can stretch their hands. As a general rule, if you are uncertain about souvenirs when sightseeing in Matsumoto or Nagano, I think it is a good place to list first. Please stop by when you take a walk around Matsumoto Castle.
値段と量は、第六の味覚【信州グルメ】 on Google

【食べてほしいもの・おすすめ】 ・栗おこわ 864円 ・どら焼山 216円 松本市開智にお店があります。 高級国産栗の名産地である小布施に本店を構える老舗栗菓子店で、松本市内ではイートインのある中町店もあります。 毎年秋季の新栗の時期になると栗おこわをいただきます。 松本には栗を扱う和菓子屋は多くありますが、栗おこわを炊いて売られているお店はここだけだと思います。 国産の栗は栗本来の甘さが強く、芋のようなホロホロ感があります。 砂糖などもぎりぎりの量しか使わず炊かれているようです。 おこわも固めでモチモチ甘めのご飯は優しい味で栗の香りが移っています。 栗の和菓子も多く扱っており、どら焼きは甘さ控えめで栗の味が前面に出ている商品でよく使い物にします。 栗おこわは年中いただけるようですが、気分的にも是非、新栗の時期に行かれることをおすすめします。
[What you want to eat / recommended] ・ Chestnut Okowa 864 yen ・ Dorayakiyama 216 yen There is a store in Kaichi, Matsumoto City. It is a long-established chestnut confectionery store with its main store in Obuse, which is a famous production area for high-class domestic chestnuts, and there is also a Nakamachi store with an eat-in in Matsumoto city. Chestnuts are served every year during the new chestnut season in autumn. There are many Japanese sweets shops that sell chestnuts in Matsumoto, but I think this is the only shop that cooks and sells chestnut okowa. Domestic chestnuts have a strong original sweetness of chestnuts and have a fluffy feeling like potatoes. It seems that sugar is cooked using only the last minute amount. The rice is firm and chewy and has a gentle taste and the aroma of chestnuts. We also handle a lot of Japanese sweets of chestnuts, and dorayaki is a product with a modest sweetness and the taste of chestnuts on the front, so it is often used. It seems that you can enjoy chestnut okowa all year round, but it is recommended that you go during the new chestnut season.
Sira Tama on Google

小布施の栗羊羹の中で、竹風堂さんは通年国産の栗(産地は小布施に限らない)を使っているので、素材を気にする人へのお土産にも安心です。 味も竹風堂さんが好みです。 長野に引越した当初は、よく栗羊羹の各サイズや、かのこをお土産にしていて、年代問わず高評でした。妹が気に入って、毎回のように持って行った気がします。 近所のツルヤで、自分用にもよく購入していました。(今はダイエットの為、控えています) 栗おこわは、ちょっと乾燥していた印象がありますが、高評価の口コミがあるので、テイクアウトや時間帯など、良いタイミングがあるのでしょうか…夕方以後に出歩くことが多いのですが、お勧めがあれば知りたいです。 今でも小布施の栗羊羹なら、竹風堂さんです。味がシンプルで好きです。
Among the Obuse chestnut yokan, Chikufudo uses domestically produced chestnuts throughout the year (the production area is not limited to Obuse), so it is a safe souvenir for those who care about the material. I also like the taste of Chikufudo. When I first moved to Nagano, I often used chestnut yokan sizes and kanoko as souvenirs, which were very popular regardless of age. I like my sister and I feel like I took it with me every time. I often bought it for myself at Tsuruya in my neighborhood. (I'm refraining from dieting now) I have the impression that chestnut okowa was a little dry, but since there are highly rated reviews, I wonder if there is a good timing such as takeout or time zone ... I often go out after the evening, but I recommend it. I would like to know if there is one. Even now, if it's Obuse's chestnut yokan, it's Chikufudo. I like the simple taste.
小林けるべろす on Google

I went to buy a souvenir from Matsumoto. It was an early departure, so I'm glad there was an open store. I love Dorayaki Mountain, so I could buy a lot for myself and for souvenirs. Also, I was surprised at the deliciousness of the chestnut okowa that I bought for the first time, and I will definitely buy it next time! I also want Chikufudo in my city.

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