
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 宝来屋餅店

住所 :

Ote, Matsumoto, 〒390-0874 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Nagano

Ote, Matsumoto, 〒390-0874 Nagano,Japan
Kotaro Horisawa on Google

お餅が美味しい。定期的に食べたくなる。 不定休なので、事前に電話で確認しておくと良い。
The mochi is delicious. I want to eat it regularly. It's an irregular holiday, so it's a good idea to check by phone in advance.
和洋小池 on Google

It is a shop where the holidays are irregular and you do not know when to take a break. When shopping, check the phone and come to the store. Matsumoto is one of the few mochi shops so I want you to do my best.
細萱徳郁 on Google

松本市でいちばん美味しい和菓子屋さん。お祖父さんが作り奥さんが売る。だから休みは不定期。今日は金曜日だったけどお休みだった……_| ̄|○ 桜餅、柏餅は絶品!ここのお餅系の和菓子食べたら開運堂など食べれなくなる!
The most delicious Japanese sweets shop in Matsumoto City. The grandfather makes and sells the wife. So the holidays are irregular. Today was Friday but it was closed ..._ |  ̄ | ○ You can't eat Kaiundo if you eat some Japanese sweets here!
Ma si on Google

餡子が甘すぎず、程よい甘さで美味しい。 どれくらい美味しいかというと、お土産用にと思って、買って行った物が何故かみんなに渡す前に無くなってしまったほどに。 牡丹餅が在るという事で、何回か行ってるのだが、閉まっているか、売り切れており未だに買えてないが、「またこれば良いか」と、思わせてくれる店の雰囲気が良い。
The bean paste is not too sweet, it is moderately sweet and delicious. I thought that it was so good that it was a souvenir and the thing I bought was gone before it was handed out to everyone. I went there several times because of the presence of peony mochi, but it's closed or sold out and I still can't buy it.
Takako Hagiwara on Google

現在は不定休だそうですが、営業するとしても殆ど土日や祝日が多いそうです。 2年振りくらいに伺い、お団子と大福を頂きましたがやはり美味しい!!しかも、価格も良心的。出来るだけ長く続いてくださると嬉しいです。 前回は12時半頃行ったところ既に売り切れておりましたので、早めに行った方が確実かもしれません。 他の方も書いてらっしゃいましたが、縄手通り辺りまでいらした際は、足を伸ばして、是非。
Currently, it is closed irregularly, but even if it is open, there are many Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. I visited for the first time in two years and received dumplings and daifuku, but they are still delicious! !! Moreover, the price is reasonable. I hope you will continue as long as possible. Last time I went around 12:30 and it was already sold out, so it may be better to go early. Others have written it, but when you come to Nawate-dori, please stretch your legs.
Mike SONEHARA on Google

老舗のお餅屋さんです。 お伺いしたのは、土曜日の朝です。鶯餅と大福餅を購入しました。さすが、お餅の専門店、お餅がしっかりとしていて、大満足です。
It is a long-established rice cake shop. I visited on Saturday morning. I bought Uguisu Mochi and Daifuku Mochi. As expected, the mochi specialty store, mochi, is solid and I am very satisfied.
山田慎一 on Google

クチコミみていきました。 2時過ぎに到着。 すでにほとんど売り切れ。 みたらし団子と豆餅だけ残ってたから、これを購入。 みたらし団子1本おまけしていただきました。 美味しかったです。
I went to see the word of mouth. Arrived after 2 o'clock. Almost sold out already. I bought this because only Mitarashi dango and bean cake were left. I got one extra Mitarashi dango. It was delicious.
しぐれ留萌 on Google

純粋にお餅が美味しい!と思いました。中の餡は甘過ぎず、豆大福とてっぽう(と言うもの)を買いましたが、あっという間に食べてしまいました。個人的に好きなお店になりそうです。 2021/4/11 あれから時々覗いては買っています。 そろそろ、草餅のシーズンと思い買ってきました!しつこくない餡の甘さとお餅の歯ごたえ。 やっぱり餅は餅屋だわ(笑)
The mochi is purely delicious! I thought. The bean paste inside wasn't too sweet, so I bought Mame Daifuku and Teppo (what I call), but I ate it in no time. It's going to be my favorite shop. 2021/4/11 I sometimes peek at it from that point on and buy it. I bought it because it was the season for Kusa Mochi! The sweetness of the bean paste and the chewy texture of the mochi. After all, mochi is a mochi shop (laughs)

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