おたからや マルエツ茅ヶ崎店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おたからや マルエツ茅ヶ崎店

住所 :

Kagawa, Chigasaki, 〒253-0082 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : http://maruetsu-chigasaki.otakaraya.net/index.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kagawa, Chigasaki, 〒253-0082 Kanagawa,Japan
福岡ヒカル on Google

I stopped by outside of business hours, but I got a gold ticket for me with a very quick and polite response. thank you.
椿夏代 on Google

はじめて利用させていただきました。 担当してもらった方も親切で、 スムーズに取り引きさせてもらいました。 また、機会があれば利用させていただきます。
I used it for the first time. The person in charge is also kind, I was able to make a smooth transaction. In addition, we will use it if there is an opportunity.
塚田佳子 on Google

It felt good and responded politely. It's very convenient because it's close to my house and I can stop by while shopping. I would like to ask again.
10975 Sae on Google

こちらのマルエツ茅ヶ崎店のオタカラヤさん、急に電話したにも関わらず、丁寧に親切に迅速に対応して頂きました。 その日は、元々直営店の方に家に来て査定してもらうはずだったのに、直営店側の都合で、無しに。約束の5分前に電話かかってきて、、、。え。涙 オタカラヤマルエツ茅ヶ崎店さんは、終始感じもよくて、満足でした。状況も説明したら理解して下さって、労ってくれました。家のすぐそばで、助かるし、これからも利用させて頂こうと思います。
Mr. Otakaraya from this Maruetsu Chigasaki store, despite the sudden call, he kindly and promptly responded. On that day, I was supposed to have a directly managed store come to my house to make an assessment, but due to the circumstances of the directly managed store, I didn't have one. I got a call 5 minutes before my appointment ... Huh. tears Otakarayama Maruetsu Chigasaki store felt good from beginning to end and was satisfied. After explaining the situation, he understood it and worked hard. It's right next to my house, and I'm grateful for it, and I'll continue to use it.
雄輔 on Google

I had you buy a silver ingot. When I asked for the purchase on the day by phone, he prepared the money during the day and responded very conscientiously and promptly. If you have a chance in the future, I would like to ask you.
12 jam_ on Google

BVLGARI DIAGONOを持ち込みました。 皮のバンドが切れていたので、値段が気になりましたが、 想像していた額より高く買い取ってもらえ、満足! スタッフの方も親切で、安心できました。 他にも腕時計があるので、考えてます。 ありがとうございました。
I brought in BVLGARI DIAGONO. I was worried about the price because the leather band was cut, but Satisfied with the purchase price higher than I had imagined! The staff was also kind and I was relieved. I have other watches, so I'm thinking about it. Thank you very much.
yukaるる on Google

30年近くずっと持っていたブランドの バック3点をコチラのお店で 自分の思ってた以上に高値で 買取りしていただきました。 以前住んでいた九州で他店に持ち込んだのですが 『シリアルナンバーが無いです。』と言われ(いやいや、直営店で購入してますけど!)と言っても買取してもらえなくて 結局自宅保管…。 コチラでスタッフの方にシリアルナンバーを確認してもらい、説明も受け とても丁寧に対応してくれて 本当にありがとうございました( ^∀^) 自宅からも直ぐなので、また伺います♪
The brand I've had for almost 30 years Click here for 3 backs At a higher price than I expected I had you purchase it. I brought it to another store in Kyushu where I used to live. "I don't have a serial number. (No, I bought it at a directly managed store!), But I couldn't get it. After all, keep it at home ... Ask the staff to confirm the serial number here and receive an explanation They responded very politely Thank you very much (^ ∀ ^) It's right from home, so I'll come back again ♪
ナチュラルサロンしいの木sachiko on Google

I tried using it for the first time. It was very kind and polite and I was able to use it with confidence. I'm glad that the waiting time for the assessment is also in the supermarket, so I can finish it while shopping. There are a wide variety of items to be assessed, so I took the items that came out after cleaning up and cleaned up the closet. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.

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