株式会社 湘南塗創 - Chigasaki

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 湘南塗創

住所 :

Amanuma, Chigasaki, 〒253-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 253-0004
Webサイト : http://shonantosou.com/
街 : Kanagawa

Amanuma, Chigasaki, 〒253-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
Kotaro Kimura on Google

湘南レナ on Google

長谷川優希 on Google

Ohtou Jinrei on Google

A very polite and kind paint shop!

The president, who is a strong craftsman, can make a request with confidence. When I requested it only for painting the outer wall, it found the damaged part such as the roof and the balcony and suggested repair. The price was reasonable and it was good to ask.
神山雅行 on Google

梅雨前にとの計画で外壁・屋根塗装&バルコニー防水の数社見積りを取り、好条件の湘南塗創さんで施工してもらいました。 事前の工程表(4/30~5/17)通り本日(5/17)完了しました。 施工に際しては毎日作業終了時に『作業日報報告書』を頂くので、各部位の進捗状況が判りやすく、施工後の工事写真帳には高圧洗浄前後、鉄部錆止め/下塗(プライマー)/コーキング/中塗/上塗(トップコート)と細かく記録されており、しっかり工程を踏んでいることが解りました。 今回はベテラン職人さんで一元管理して頂き、とても丁寧な工事をして頂いたので大満足です。 又10年後位にお願いしようと思います。
Before the rainy season, we made estimates for several companies for exterior wall / roof painting and balcony waterproofing, and asked Shonan Nuriso to do the work under favorable conditions. It was completed today (5/17) according to the schedule (4 / 30-5 / 17) in advance. At the time of construction, we receive a "daily work report" at the end of each work, so it is easy to understand the progress of each part, and the construction photo book after construction includes before and after high-pressure washing, iron part rust prevention / primer / coating / intermediate coating. / It is recorded in detail as a top coat, and it is clear that the process is being carried out firmly. This time, a veteran craftsman centrally managed it, and I was very satisfied with the very careful construction work. I would like to ask you again 10 years later.
まめおまめお on Google

築30年になり、2回目の外壁塗装でした。 一度目はハウスメーカーの言われるがままだったのですが、今回は他社数社と相見積を取り検討しました。 コスト的には一番安いわけではなかったのですが、信頼できそうだったのでこちらにお願いしました。 結果とすると、出来上がりも非常にきれいで湘南塗装に頼んでよかったです。
It was 30 years old and it was the second painting of the outer wall. At the first time, it was said that the house maker was still there, but this time we made a quotation with several other companies and examined it. It wasn't the cheapest in terms of cost, but it seemed to be reliable, so I asked for it. As a result, the finished product was very beautiful and I'm glad I asked Shonan Paint.
土井祥康 on Google

湘南塗創さん、足場屋さん、大工さんなど職人さん含めて皆信頼出来る良い業者です。 相見積もりも最安ではありませんが、臨機応変の対応、連絡の取り易さなど、金額では見えない部分を含めるとコストパフォーマンスはエクセレントでは。 私の家はほぼ天然木で出来ていて、「経年変化した味わいを慎重にしてもらえる工法で」が1番重点的な要望なので、その点も満足です。 元は屋上の天然木張替えだけでも良いかと思っていたスタートでしたが、家全体塗装、天然木貼り替え工事、デッキ塗装、屋根塗替えと終わってみれば、屋外全体リフォームになりました。 その気になって大掛かりなリフォームになりましたが(決して押売りされた訳ではありませんよ!)、とても良い結果となり満足しています。良き相談相手になりました。 是非、今後もクライアントのために頑張って下さい。
Shonan Nuriso, scaffolding shop, carpenter and other craftsmen are all reliable and good vendors. The phase estimate is not the cheapest, but the cost performance is excellent if you include the parts that can not be seen in the amount of money, such as flexible response and ease of contact. My house is mostly made of natural wood, and I am satisfied with the fact that the most important request is "a construction method that allows you to be careful about the taste that has changed over time." Originally, I was thinking that it would be okay to just repaint the rooftop with natural wood, but when I finished painting the entire house, repainting the natural wood, painting the deck, and repainting the roof, it became an entire outdoor renovation. It was a big renovation because of that (it was never sold out!), But I am satisfied with the very good result. I became a good consultant. Please do your best for our clients in the future.

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