とりとり亭 勝川駅前店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とりとり亭 勝川駅前店

住所 :

Kachigawacho, Kasugai, 〒486-0945 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://nbpn100.gorp.jp/
街 : 区画 Aichi

Kachigawacho, Kasugai, 〒486-0945 Aichi,Japan
チキンライス on Google

飲み放題付きコース¥4320で利用しました 美味しい料理はありませんがボリュームがあり鶏はしっかり使われていました 男性店員で目付きと感じが悪い店員がいてサービスはあまり良くない印象でした
All-you-can-drink with course ¥ 4320 There was no delicious food, but there was a large volume and chickens were used firmly There was a clerk with a bad look and feeling in the male clerk and the service was not so good impression
ドラえもん on Google

I went there for the first time, but it was very delicious. I told you that the first beer was a little warm and had a conscientious response, and the clerk was also good.
スマコーラス人 on Google

6 か月前 状況判断に乏しいのか、店員が雑な店でした。 子供(小中学生)が机に上がったり手すりに上がったりの状況でも親も含め子供が飽きるまで注意なし。 マナーもモラルも無いですね。 春日井市はなんでこんな感じの人が多いんでしょうか? 他人を意識しろとは言いませんが、しつけもできない方々は自宅でやってくださいな。 同じ愛知県民として悲しいです。
6 months ago The store clerk was a messy store whether it was poor in the situation judgment. Even in situations where children (primary and secondary students) go up to the desk or go up to the handrail, no attention is given until the child gets bored, including the parents. There are no manners or morals. How many people are like this in Kasugai City? I do not say to be conscious of others, but please do it at home if you can not discipline. I am sad as the same Aichi people.
Jin Gen on Google

全体的にどれもうまい。 けっこう「これ、サービスです」ってメニューを追加してくれる。 今日も、食後のデザートにカタラーナをサービスしてもらいました。 カタラーナって初めて食べたけどうまかった!
Overall good. It will add a menu that says "This is a service". I had Catalana serve for dessert after meals today. I ate Catalana for the first time
和昭(一樹) on Google

ドリンクも食べ物も出てくるのに10分以上かかり催促しても確認しますのまま。 入店しても催促しないとおしぼりも出てこない、コース料理なのにドリンクの1杯目から最初の料理(枝豆でしたが)まで30分かかりました。 出てくるドリンクも薄い…各種炭酸割りなんて微炭酸以下の水割りです。 予約時間も30分間違えてるし、2度目は無いですね…
It will take more than 10 minutes for drinks and food to come out, and you will be prompted to confirm. It took 30 minutes from the first drink to the first dish (although it was edamame) though it was a course dish, even if you did not prompt me even if you entered the shop. The drinks that come out are also thin. The reservation time is different for 30 minutes and there is no second time ...
Due Calamita on Google

I went there in December, but despite this time, the clerk did not wear a mask, and the private language between the clerk was amazing. The taste is normal so I don't think I'll ever go there again.
碇惣一郎 on Google

The order is not accurate, corona measures are not taken, and it is expensive. It was disappointing. It is difficult to order skewers because the explanation is difficult to understand and there is no assortment amount. The menu does not show the total amount. The knowledge of the clerk is not good enough. The famous chicken nanban is also not very delicious, so I can't recommend it.
曲山明広 on Google


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