Kaburaki Fishing Port - Nanjo District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaburaki Fishing Port

住所 :

7-33-1 Kaburaki, Minamiechizen, Nanjo District, Fukui 915-1113, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877878
Postal code : 915-1113
Webサイト : http://www.town.minamiechizen.lg.jp/index.html

7-33-1 Kaburaki, Minamiechizen, Nanjo District, Fukui 915-1113, Japan
hiroshi suzuki on Google

The beach of Kaburaki Castle is a peaceful place as usual without any closure due to corona.
Takayuki His on Google

釣りで行きました。魚影濃くターゲット魚はしっかり釣ることが出来ました。 駐車場は船揚場と隣接公園の間に15~20台、またはちょっと離れたトイレや遊具のあるところに20~30台ぐらいのスペース有り。R305に面した駐車場は近隣住民の月極めのモノ。決して止めてはいけない。 灯台のある先端部にははしごを登ったりして行き着きます。その代わり帰りは高いはしごを降りることになり、高所恐怖の人はヤバイんじゃないかって感じです。
I went fishing. I could catch the target fish firmly. There are 15 to 20 parking lots between the landing site and the adjacent park, or 20 to 30 parking lots where there are toilets and playground equipment a little away. The parking lot facing R305 is a monthly item for neighboring residents. Never stop. You reach the tip of the lighthouse by climbing a ladder. Instead, I will get off the high ladder on my way home, and I'm afraid that people who are afraid of heights are dangerous.
おっさん on Google

The entrance to the embankment was blocked, making it impossible to fish. As of August 2021.
kaz kaz on Google

アオリ狙いで向かったら堤防入口には立入禁止の巨大フェンスが建っていて入れなかった(・o・) 皆さん何処から入ったんですかね!?テトラから入った……!? ゴミを放置して帰る釣人がいるんですかね!?自分のゴミぐらいは持ち帰らないと……(╯︵╰,)
When I headed for the tilt, a huge fence was built at the entrance of the embankment and I could not enter (・ o ・) Where did you all come from !? Entered from Tetra ...!? Is there a fisherman who leaves the trash and goes home !? I have to bring back my own trash ... (╯︵╰,)
Shota Ueda on Google

堤防がエギングの聖地と聞いて訪ねてみましたが封鎖されてました。 どこの漁港でもありがちですが、ここも例にもれずゴミを海や堤防に捨てて帰るなど釣り人のマナーが悪かったんでしょう。 どうしてこうも自分たちの首を絞めるような行為をしてしまうのか、同じ釣り人として理解に苦しみます。
I heard that the embankment was a sacred place for Egging, but it was closed. It tends to be in any fishing port, but as usual, the manners of anglers were bad, such as throwing garbage into the sea or embankment and returning home. As the same angler, it is difficult to understand why they act like strangling themselves.
まっさん on Google

The fence has stood up. I'm sure there was a garbage problem, the locals, and some crap. disappointing.
朱羅玉藻 on Google

To get to the tip by fishing, you need some equipment (such as a backpack and rope), but the fish shadows are dark and nice.
桃色チコリータ on Google

鯵とアオリは、内海でも外海でもとてもよく釣れるらしいのですが、横着な岐阜の釣り人と漁師さんが、喧嘩をして、「お前らもう入れちゃらん!!」と怒って、封鎖されたそうですね。 地元の人だけでも、入れてくれないかなぁ。。。 漁師さんお願いします!!
It seems that horse mackerel and horse mackerel can be caught very well in both the inland sea and the open sea, but the angler and fisherman in Gifu, who are in a horizontal position, quarreled and were angry and blocked, saying, "You can't put it in anymore!" I agree. I wonder if even the locals can get in. .. .. Fisherman, please! !!

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