Ogawa Fishing Port - Mikatakaminaka District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ogawa Fishing Port

住所 :

Ogawa, Wakasa, Mikatakaminaka District, Fukui 919-1453, Japan

Postal code : 919-1453

Ogawa, Wakasa, Mikatakaminaka District, Fukui 919-1453, Japan
高木かんな on Google

プライベートビーチみたいで、波もなく小さい子供でも遊べます。 バーベキューも出来ます。
It's like a private beach, where little kids can play without waves. You can also have a barbecue.
Volis Cordly on Google

The manners of some anglers are worse than before. It's outrageous to throw a cigarette into the sea, right in front of a child. Shall I throw you into the sea?
森戸裕貴 on Google

The tip of the embankment is tidal. Since there is a rope from the embankment to the open sea, it is not suitable for lure systems.
山田浩靖 on Google

Good enough for bathing for infants and children. Private beach feeling is good. 3 minutes from gravel beach and public toilet beach, free parking. It's OK with a small beach.
ヒロヤマ on Google

久しぶりに訪れました。穏やかなところは以前と変わらず。景観にも十分癒されました。が、トイレの利用マナーが劣悪。公衆トイレの管理って 地元の方がして下さってるのに なんであんなに汚なくできるの?
Visited after a long time. The calm place is the same as before. The landscape was well healed. However, the manner of using the toilet is poor. What can you do so cleanly even though the local toilet is managing the public toilet?
hiroki takamatsu on Google

I was caught in a family course
中尾慎吾 on Google

釣り目的で訪れました、無料駐車場があり自動販売機もトイレもあります、岸壁まで車で行けるのも◎。 また釣堀もあるので家族連れにもいいかも、フルセットレンタルできるので手ぶらでもok。
I visited for fishing, there is a free parking lot, there are vending machines and toilets, and it is also possible to drive to the quay. There is also a fishing pond, so it may be good for families, or you can rent a full set, so you can rent it empty-handed.
Sei Sin on Google

穏やかな天候の日に行けば綺麗な景色と澄みきった日本海が望める場所 道中の道の駅で食べたイカ丼美味しかった! 海釣りを楽しむも良し、近くの釣り堀で楽しむも良し ドライブor釣り目的だとしても食料など、半島に入る前に購入しておく事をお勧めします
A place where you can see beautiful scenery and the clear Sea of ​​Japan if you go on a day with mild weather The squid bowl I ate at the roadside station along the way was delicious! You can enjoy sea fishing or you can enjoy it at a nearby fishing pond. Even if it is for driving or fishing, it is recommended to purchase food etc. before entering the peninsula

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