Miko Fishing Port - Mikatakaminaka District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miko Fishing Port

住所 :

Miko, Wakasa, Mikatakaminaka District, Fukui 919-1452, Japan

Postal code : 919-1452

Miko, Wakasa, Mikatakaminaka District, Fukui 919-1452, Japan
福田美香 on Google

Every year from March to the beginning of December, the fish landed in the morning of fish on Sundays are divided cheaply. Many anglers of bigfin reef squid can be seen.
tokuo sakamoto on Google

良く釣りに行きます 対象魚は敢えて書きません 場荒れ防止のため。 漁師さんや、旅館の関係者の方もフレンドリーな珍しい漁港です。 日曜日の朝市も魅力的です。 船から降ろした魚をその場で買えるので鮮度は間違い無いですね‼
I often go fishing I do not dare to write the target fish To prevent rough spots. It is a rare fishing port that is friendly to fishermen and those involved in the inn. The Sunday morning market is also attractive. You can buy the fish unloaded from the ship on the spot, so there is no doubt about the freshness!

私が行った日は連休でもあり沢山の釣り客で賑わってました。とても和気あいあいで隣で釣ってる人とも仲良くなり別れ惜しんでの帰宅となりました 遠方から来てる人も多い有名な所らしいです。朝市もあってセリの声も聞こえて行きたいところだったけど釣りの方も朝マヅメの時合で忙しく行けませんでした 魚のサイズは全体的にやや小さめでした。 夜中は野生の猿?かなんかが奇声を発してました。
The day I went was a holiday and was crowded with many anglers. I became very friendly and got along with the people who were fishing next door, and I came home after a goodbye. It seems to be a famous place with many people coming from far away. There was a morning market and I wanted to hear Seri's voice, but the fishing was too busy at the time of morning fishing. The size of the fish was a little small overall. A wild monkey at night? Something shouted.
すーじ on Google

自分的癒やしスポット? 数カ月に一度癒やされに行っております☺️
Self-healing spot ? We go to healing once in a few months カ
福田浩二 on Google

It was easy to fish from the embankment. There is also a parking lot, and if you walk a little, there is also a toilet.
林俊子 on Google

A small hydrangea was messed up. I might be able to catch a little more in November!
MegaKumao on Google

釣りやすく、広い。 餌釣りは、小さいのが良く釣れた。 食べれないサイズだけど・・・
Easy to fish and wide. The bait fishing was good because it was small. It's a size you can't eat, but ...
どこもたろう on Google

グレは居ますが、チヌは見かけません。 フグ、スズメタイ、豆アジ等の餌取りが増えて、 フカセ仕掛けでは、かなり難しいです?
There is Gure, but I don't see Chinu. The feeding of blowfish, horse mackerel, horse mackerel, etc. has increased, It's quite difficult with a fluffy device ?

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