K'S Cycle - Edogawa City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact K'S Cycle

住所 :

8 Chome-14-17 Minamikoiwa, Edogawa City, Tokyo 133-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 133-0056
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/ksbycycle
Description : Classic neighborhood shop offering city, electric, sports, kids & family bikes, accessory & service.

8 Chome-14-17 Minamikoiwa, Edogawa City, Tokyo 133-0056, Japan
カンヒェソン on Google

I purchased on the Internet, but is it possible to register for a bicycle?
御嶽博彦 on Google

It was a shop I moved to and searched online, but it feels good and I look forward to your continued support!
鬼才の画家KATSU on Google

I bought a bicycle. A clever staff member has used it several times.
ウエユク on Google

修理で預けましたが、指定時間経っても修理が放置され、まだかかると言われました。 余程時間が余ってない限り他店を利用した方が無難です。
I left it for repair, but it was said that the repair was left unattended even after the specified time and it would still take. Unless you have a lot of time left, it is safer to use another store.
rei p on Google

子供乗せができる自転車を探していたところとても私の理想の自転車に巡り合わせて頂けました! 子供乗せ自転車の種類ごとのメリットデメリットを簡潔に教えて頂き、パンフレットも頂き、予約後の電話対応やお店に行った時の対応もとても良かったです!!! とても親切で丁寧な対応をありがとうございます!
I was looking for a bicycle that could carry children, so I was able to visit my ideal bicycle! The merits and demerits of each type of bicycle for children were briefly explained, pamphlets were received, the telephone correspondence after reservation and the correspondence when going to the store were also very good! ! ! Thank you for your very kind and polite response!
san A on Google

先日タイヤ交換お願いしました。 30分程で修理していただき全体的にメンテナンスもして頂いた様でギアもブレーキも快調になりました。 やはりプロに任せると安心ですね。 ありがとうございました。
I asked for a tire change the other day. The gears and brakes were in good condition as they were repaired in about 30 minutes and maintained as a whole. After all it is safe to leave it to a professional. Thank you very much.
midori yu-ko on Google

他店で購入した自転車のパンク修理をお願いしました。とてもお手軽なお値段で、メンテナンス方法もしっかりと教えて頂き、今後は自転車のトラブルはこちらにお願いしようと思います。 翌日の朝、空気が完全に漏れて乗れない状態になっていました。もう、利用しません。
I asked for a flat tire repair on a bicycle purchased at another store. It's a very reasonable price, and I'd like you to teach me how to maintain it, and I'd like to ask you for any bicycle troubles in the future. The next morning, the air leaked completely and I couldn't ride. I will not use it anymore.
大野泰彦 on Google

コチラで折りたたみ自転車を購入しました。 家に持ち帰ってからペダル交換をしようとしましたが、固くてどうにもならず、お店に持ち込んで対処していただきました。おひとりで経営なさっているようですが、作業を待っている間もお客さんが次々にやってきて、地元で愛されているお店のようですね。バナナの差し入れを持ってきたお客様もいました。とても親切ですので何かあったらまたお願いしたいと思います。
I bought a folding bike here. I tried to change the pedals after I took it home, but it was so hard that I couldn't help it, so I brought it to the store to deal with it. It seems that they are run by themselves, but while they are waiting for work, customers come in one after another, and it looks like a store that is loved by the locals. Some customers brought banana inserts. I am very kind, so I would like to ask again if anything happens.

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